Unhinged Claire McCaskill: 'Trump More Dangerous Than Hitler, Mussolini.'

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

While only minutes ago, I wrote about what Donald Trump is doing right (and wrong) in the 2024 campaign, it's also interesting to look at what Trump's detractors are doing — especially the more unhinged ones. On Tuesday, Missouri's own former Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) came unglued on MSNBC (mind you, if you're a leftist and coming unglued, you're sure to find a warm reception at MSNBC.) 


Mrs. McCaskill, you see, asserts that Donald Trump is more dangerous than Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini. Yes, really.

The next time a liberal journalist, academic, or family member tries to insist fear-mongering is a “right-wing media” phenomenon, show them a segment like this from MSNBC’s Deadline: White House. On Tuesday, former Senator-turned-bitter pundit and MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill (D-MO) seethed with hatred that former President Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini because at least they had “philosoph[ies]” they believed in whereas Trump only cared about himself.

The segment that came (sic) off like something produced by the Babylon Bee. Comparing Trump to Hitler has become more than a cottage industry, so McCaskill found a way to up the ante, saying she had “a very dangerous thread to” bring up between Trump, Mussolini, and, yes, Hitler.

Here's the video, if you can stomach it:

Yes, indeed, Claire McCaskill is upping the ante; whatever you think of Donald Trump, a clear head can only look at this and realize that this is Trump Derangement Syndrome gone mad, with emphasis on the "derangement" part. She's clearly having some perspective and proportionality problems.

“A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler and the use of the terminology like vermin and the – the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship,” McCaskill screeched.

She then made the pivot to Trump, arguing he’s “even more dangerous” because “he has no philosophy he believes in”, “is not trying to expand the boundaries in the United States of America”, and “not going for a grandiose scheme of international dominance.”


Now, hang on just one damn minute; if Trump has no "philosophy he believes in" (like, say, National Socialism) and he is not "trying to expand the boundaries in (sic) the United States of America (like, say, seeking lebensraum) and "not going for a grandiose scheme of international dominance" (like, say, invading Poland, Belgium, France, the Soviet Union and so forth) wouldn't that make him quite a bit less dangerous than Adolf Hitler? Because Nazi Germany under Hitler did those things. Even Mussolini, something of the weak link in the Axis, managed to invade Ethiopia. And let's not forget Japan invading Manchuria, Burma, the Philippines, and lots of other places. Trump has not done any of these things and is not offering to. He certainly isn't proposing setting up industrial-scale murder factories; that seems to be a goal of the international Leftsince October 7th, at any rate; I'm not aware of anyone on the Right advocating for pogroms.

Say what you will about Donald Trump; he sure sets the Left running about like their hair is on fire. Not even George W. Bush set them off to this level, and if you ask me, Claire McCaskill and her ilk have it coming — every day and twice on Sunday. Watching them fly about with these accusations is just about the most fun you can have while staring at the computer screen.


See more RedState pieces on unhinged politicians and leftist support of actual fascists at these links:


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