We are now in the official countdown mode of the 2020 election. In two weeks the Iowa caucuses will be held and one week after that the first primary in New Hamshire, which all leads to Jan 20th, 2021 where Donald J. Trump will be sworn in again as the 45ht President or someone else will be sworn in as the 46th.
There are no other options.
The Democrats since the loss of Hillary in 2016 have been trying to throw as many roadblocks up to stop the Trump administration. The two and a half year-long Russia investigation which has now spun into a Senate impeachment trial over a phone call is clear evidence of this. Most likely the President will not be removed from office but how damage will do this do to his re-election campaign.
If your automatic response is it won’t do anything than the logical follow up is how do you know?
Belonging to a Facebook group that supports the President is not evidence of that or enough to help any candidate get elected. Hanging out with just like-minded people is not advancing the cause. What are you willing to do to help get out the vote on Tuesday, November 3rd later this year so the picture you see above on January 20, 2021, is repeated.
The reason I am asking is that I receive a fair bit of interaction with the readers here at Red State. Most of it is very interesting and a lot of it is following a trend that I find both fascinating and disturbing. Lots of Donald Trump supporters think that he will be EASILY re-elected. This is almost a foregone conclusion.
Hillary becoming the 45th President was also a shoo-in
Three states helped put Trump over the top in 2016.
Those three states went to the President with a combined total of fewer than 80,000 votes. That is the size of a mid-sized town in Anywhere U.S.A.
Here in Michigan, it was just over 10K. You cant even call that razor-thin being it was so close. The democrats who have owned those three states since the early ’90s will not be willing to allow that to happen again.
They have thrown Russian collusion and impeachment and who knows what else is in store after the Senate trial is up. Once the democrats have a nominee than the real scrum will begin but in the meantime, the clock is officially running.
The nominee for the Dems will be picked soon. The President is getting his campaign ready to face off against any of the nominees. The wheels are in motion and in just one year America will once again watch as a President of the United States is sworn into office for a four-year term.
Will it be Donald J. Trump or someone else?
How you work on this for the next 365 days will determine who is standing up the platform.
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