WATCH: Byron Donalds Has yet Another Mic Drop Moment As He Dismantles CNBC Host's 'Trump Is a Nazi' Lie

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Byron Donalds is a joy to behold as he tears his way from one interview to the next, dropping truth bomb after truth bomb. He's like a political George S. Patton as he deftly maneuvers his way through the minefields of corporate media, leaving shell-shocked interviewers in his wake. He's a lot like his fellow Republican, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, in the way he dismantles the left's mythical narratives using a cool demeanor and fact-filled responses. 


Rep. Donalds (R-FL) appeared Monday on CNBC's "Squawk Box" to recount his experience attending Donald Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden. You know, the one that Democrats and their water carriers in the media are claiming was just like a Nazi rally held there back in 1939. Well, Donalds had a different take, saying he had been there for the entire rally and hadn't seen anything that came even close to racism. The fault, he argued, lies with a media that prioritizes "fearmongering" over "actually talking about the facts and the substance."

The topic then turned to a joke made by a comedian at the rally many hours before Trump took the stage. "Squawk Box" co-host Andrew Sorkin showed Donalds some of the newspaper headlines that accused Trump and other rally speakers of being "racist, sexist and crass," then made the outrageous claim that Kamala Harris' rallies don't contain "that kind of vitriol."

SORKIN: Here's a question for you. To the extent that there are folks who, by the way, may believe in the policies of Trump but don't want to vote for Trump – you know some of those people. The reason that they don't want to vote for Trump because they see, either in his character or the people who seem to support him, [they] seem to be engaged in that or willing to engage in that. What you don't see – you don't go to rallies for Harris or see in a Harris rally that kind of vitriol.

DONALDS: You don't?

SORKIN: I don't think you do.


To his credit, Donalds listened patiently before tearing into Sorkin for making such a ludicrous allegation. Kamala, as Donald points out, has nothing but the "Trump is a Nazi" trope, a drum that the Democrats are beating relentlessly as they watch their fortunes wane the closer we get to Election Day.

DONALDS: Kamala Harris spends half her time talking about her rival as Hitler. After there have been attempts on his life, not once, but twice. She's doing it right now. Every Democrat official at these rallies refers to him as Adolph Hitler. You've got Hillary Clinton running around out there hawking her book – that nobody wants to buy, frankly – and she's talking about how this is akin to 1939? 

Are you out of your mind?

Yes. Yes, they are. They are out of their minds with fear of losing the White House to Donald Trump. They'll do or say anything. But, voters are far more worried about the issues than they are of the tired attempts by the left to paint Trump as a dictator-in-waiting. 

DONALDS: You want to talk about rhetoric? Let's compare, but let me go back. We are talking about the comments of a comedian, and everyone is going to forget it in 48 hours. The real joke in America is the terrible policy of Kamala Harris. Let's talk specifically about Puerto Ricans in America today. Puerto Ricans have had to live in the same inflation unleashed by Kamala Harris, and that's not a joke. But they've got to live with it. Puerto Ricans are living under the same terrible border policies that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris unleashed.


As always, Donalds is worth a watch:

Two things are becoming abundantly clear as the clock winds down on the 2024 presidential election. First, the Democrats will not let up on the Nazi nonsense; it's all they've got. Secondly, the left should be very scared about the Republican Party's extremely deep bench, which includes powerhouses like Byron Donalds and JD Vance.


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