Ben Shapiro Makes the Obvious Point About Trump's 'Nazi' MSG Rally, Puts Shameless UVA Prof in His Place

Leah Hogsten/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP, Pool

They certainly don't make political science professors like they used to, judging by the nonsensical ravings of the University of Virginia's Larry Sabato. 

Back in the day, Sabato was a somewhat sane voice who relied on the data to explain what was happening in the world of politics. He's, sadly, been reduced to a partisan hack who's been so incredibly broken by Donald Trump that he now sounds exactly like the rage-filled, pink-haired, Che Guevara T-shirt-wearing teenagers that inhabit his college's campus. For partisan hacks who've been broken by Trump, see also: Jake Tapper


In a display of breathtaking irony, Sabato fell into line with his fellow leftists in parroting the "Trump is a Nazi" trope that is demanded of their side as polls continue to show Kamala Harris is one loser of a candidate. Like any good Democrat foot soldier, Sabato goose-stepped his way into this inane observation of Trump's Sunday rally at Madison Square Gardens (MSG):

I love historical documentaries. Iโ€™m currently watching one about the 1939 pro-Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. Oh wait, itโ€™s a live Trump rally! My bad.

It's sad to see that Sabato has been brought so low that he's willing to sully what's left of his reputation by blindly repeating the party line. So scared of Donald Trump are these so-called "intellectuals" that they debase themselves like this in an attempt to score a cheap political point.

And their debasement was on full display Sunday, as the humorless media went insane over the MSG rally, dissecting every word uttered by the speakers and declaring the event was "racist, sexist and crass." Yadda, yadda, yadda. The one unifying theme from the left, and one in which Larry Sabato heartily participated, was the idea that the rally was essentially the recreation of a Nazi rally held nine decades prior. 

The Democrat Party's own vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, positioned himself firmly in the gutter with this fallacy:

"Donald Trump's got this big rally going at Madison Square Garden," Walz said Sunday at a canvas kickoff event in Las Vegas. "There's a direct parallel to a big rally that happened in the mid 1930s at Madison Square Garden. And don't think that he doesn't know for one second exactly what they're doing there. So, look, we said we're all running like everything's on the line because it is." 


The Nazi thing is the closing argument that Democrats are determined to run with, despite the fact that it's a loser with voters, so they ramped up the messaging Sunday with the farcical idea that Trump was holding a Nazi rally.

Except for one thing: The event was demonstrably nothing of the sort. As RedState's Jeff Charles noted, "Folks on the left claimed Trump chose that venue supposedly to reenact a Nazi rally that was held at the arena in 1939. But, as usual, thereโ€™s a problem: A large number of Jewish people showed up at the event to support the former president."

The irony was not lost on Ben Shapiro:

As usual, Ben comes along and points out the absurdity of the left with just a simple observation. 

And he's got a point. It's highly unlikely that this would happen at a Nazi rally:

Or this: 

And, of course, this:

Let's not let the chattering of the left yesterday deflect from the fact that it's the Democrat Party that is full of seething, raging anti-semites:


It's shockingly easy to disprove the lies of the Democrat Party, but that won't stop them from making the next eight days one long, impotent tirade about Donald Trump being the next coming of Adolf Hitler. The only way to stop them is to get out and vote.


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