'Do You Hear Yourself?': JD Vance Absolutely Torches ABC's Martha Raddatz Over Illegal Gang Invasion

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

As the cool kids like to say when seeing someone getting totally owned by another person, "911, I'd like to report a murder."

The "murder" in this case was Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance putting Democrat Party apparatchik Martha Raddatz in her place over her absurd characterization of the invasion in our country of gangs of illegals. 


Vance appeared via satellite Sunday morning on ABC News' "This Week," and the topic of illegal gangs taking over parts of American cities came up. This problem has escalated under Kamala Harris' watch, with gang members streaming over the border and taking over entire apartment complexes, putting American citizens in danger. This has led to an explosion in sex trafficking in at least eight states.

This is no big deal for ABC's Martha Raddatz, who tried to do a little PR triage on Kamala's behalf. 

Raddatz: "The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes. And the mayor has said 'Our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns.' A handful of problems!"

JD Vance: "Martha, do you hear yourself? 'Only a handful of apartment complexes in American were taken over by Venezuelan gangs and Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris' open border?"

That's just the opening salvo; it just gets better and better. Vance schools Ms. Raddatz on the consequences of her preferred party's atrocious policies:

"Americans are so fed up of what's going on, and they have every right to be. And I really find this exchange, Martha, really interesting because you seem to be more focused on nitpicking everything Donald Trump has said rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken by violent gangs.

I worry so much more about that problem than anything else here. We've got to get American communities in a safe space again. And, unfortunately, when you let people in by the millions, most of whom are unvetted, most of whom you don't know who they really are, you're going to have problems like this. 

Kamala Harris — ninety-four Executive Orders that undid Donald Trump's successful border policies — we knew this stuff would happen, they bragged opening the border, and now we have the consequences and we're living with it."


It's a glorious watch:

It's truly appalling that this is what passes for journalism these days. Illegal gang activity is a real problem for many Americans, with many young girls falling prey to the violence. As RedState's Ward Clark reported

The gangs in question are brazen; many suspected gang members were part of a huge rush on the southern border that overwhelmed Border Patrol agents, and the Ten de Aragua gang has already been implicated in running two brothels in New York City across the street from two elementary schools.

Yet Martha Raddatz dismisses it as a problem for local police to handle, instead of holding Kamala Harris responsible for creating this nightmare. It's another sign that the left is growing increasingly desperate as Kamala tanks in the polls and blunders her way from one softball interview to another.

JD Vance once again gives a masterclass on how Republicans must handle the hostile media: with scorn, derision, and a command of the facts. Vance does it spectacularly and leaves hacks like Martha Raddatz stumbling to respond.



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