Whoa. This is interesting.
As the House Intel hearings kicked off yesterday, part of what was confirmed was that, indeed, U.S. intelligence agencies were investigating if there was some link between Russia and Trump’s campaign during the election.
Today, The Washington Examiner has a story originally from McClatchy that suggests that Breitbart News is also part of the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s alleged attempts to influence the 2016 election.
The report, by McClatchy, said the FBI is looking at whether Breitbart and other “far-right news operations took any actions to assist Russia’s operatives.”
Breitbart was formerly run by President Trump’s White House strategic adviser Steve Bannon, who left the site to chair Trump’s campaign in the fall.
McClatchy’s report, published Monday evening, said Russian government operatives used “bots” to swarm social media with links to news stories, many of which were fake, that were favorable to Trump’s campaign during times that the candidate was on the defensive.
Anyone who spent any amount of time on Twitter during the election season knows exactly who these “bots” are. They’re easy to spot.
These are the egg people I’ve mentioned before.
They generally have ridiculously low follower numbers, anywhere from 5 to 100, and are following just as few.
Their Twitter addresses are usually followed by a nonsensical series of numbers and/or letters. For example: @Trumpgirl292y91844.
And of course, their profile picture is just an egg (hence the term: egg people), because bots don’t have time to put together full profiles. They’re not there to socialize, and they only seem to pop up when triggered by some discussion, usually involving Trump.
I’ve definitely had more than my fair share of egg swarms. They’re super-annoying and the English is broken, or at least, very clipped.
Knowing how these bots operate, it actually makes sense that in a probe of election meddling, the FBI are checking the connection between how these bots may have coordinated with some of the more blatant propaganda sites out there.
Breitbart hasn’t been Breitbart for quite some time.
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