Steve Bannon Attacks, Calls Media The "Opposition Party"

Image by Don Irvine, via Flickr Creative Commons

Everybody knows Trump’s chief strategist and Breitbart CEO, Steve Bannon is a nasty guy.

Some have even characterized him as one of the worst human beings alive.


With that in mind, it’s not only not shocking that the Trump administration is out to discredit a free media (that has already shot itself in the foot, time and again), but that Bannon is probably behind it.

Speaking with the New York Times on Thursday, Bannon went hard at the media.

“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for awhile,” Stephen Bannon said in the interview with the Times published on Thursday.

Bannon said the media still fails to understand how Trump rose to victory.

“I want you to quote this,” Bannon told the newspaper, “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.”

Can it get any clearer that they intend to keep the media on the outside, rather than an active part of a relationship that ultimately works for the best interest of the people?

Bannon actually called the press conference, presumably to defend White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, but more specifically, to attack the press.

Asked by the Times if Spicer lost credibility with the press, Bannon shot back: “Are you kidding me? … We think that’s a badge of honor. ‘Questioning his integrity’ — are you kidding me? The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence, and no hard work.”

“You’re the opposition party,” Bannon reiterated, “Not the Democratic Party. You’re the opposition party. The media’s the opposition party.”

“The paper of record for our beloved republic, The New York Times, should be absolutely ashamed and humiliated. … They got it 100 percent wrong,” he said.


Actually, a lot of people, across the board were wrong about so much that went on in this election.

I have said this before, and I will continue to say this, until that time that they prove me wrong or I see the public get wise to the game: For all their flaws, we do not put the media on the outside. We hold them accountable, but when you have an administration that incorporates into their foundation an exclusion of a free press, while they subtly suggest they will be the sole arbiters of truth, people need to worry.



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