OUTRAGE: Illinois VA Hospital Left Veterans to Rot in Their Facility

This is the most disgusting, enraging, and depressing bit of news I’ve read all week, and it should be enough to cause outrage with every good citizen in this nation. We can’t go on like this.


A veterans hospital in Hines, Illinois has been so neglectful of our veterans that they would leave the bodies of vets who had passed in their morgues to rot like garbage.

A whistleblower told Fox News that staff members at the embattled VA hospital had the resources available to secure speedy and proper burials for veterans who died at the clinic, but VA employees neglected the bodies anyway.

“Some veteran’s remains have been left in our hospital morgue for 45 days or more until they are stacked to capacity at times,” the whistleblower said.

This is the same facility that earlier was reported to have a cockroach infestation, and was plagued with long wait times.

Sen. Mark Kirk’s office said that, at least once, “a body had liquefied and the bag burst when staff had attempted to move it.”

The policy for that particular county states that bodies are to be embalmed and frozen, until family members can be located. There are apparently no embalmers working for that facility, however, so the bodies just stack up.


The facility denies the charges, but given what we know about the conditions with our nation’s VA hospitals, it’s not a far leap to believe that any of it is true.

This is where I urge anyone reading this to get actively involved in supporting one of the many veterans organizations out there. Our government has done a horrible job of taking care of those who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms. This is truly one of those situations where we should be willing to take matters into our own hands.

Here are a few places to get started:





You may know more, and I encourage you to spread the word.

Our vets deserve better.


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