While not a complete reversal of the contentious rhetoric that was often the focus of his last few weeks in the race, Florida Senator Marco Rubio is ready to lend his support to the New York liberal, Donald Trump.
Rubio has been mostly silent about the race since ending his bid in March. While he has chosen not to endorse anyone in the race at this time, he spoke positively about Ted Cruz while on Mark Levin’s radio program last week, saying the GOP needed to offer up a conservative and that Cruz was the only one left.
At least he acknowledges that Trump is no conservative.
From the Washington Examiner:
“I’ve always said I’m going to support the Republican nominee, and that’s especially true now that it’s apparent that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic candidate,” Rubio said.
“My differences with Donald Trump are well documented, and obviously we had 12 months to talk about those,” Rubio said. “I’m not saying he’s going to be the nominee. We don’t know that yet … but Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for America. She really would. I think she’s got a lot of ethical questions surrounding her campaign. I think she was not a very good secretary of state, and, quite frankly, she’s a candidate that looks backwards. America needs to turn the page and move towards the future.”
Unfortunately, Senator, Trump is just as backwards, if not more so, than Clinton. And just as ethically-challenged.
For the #NeverTrump forces this is likely a disappointing turn. For the #OnlyMarco crowd, should the contested convention win they’re hoping for not transpire and they find themselves faced with a Trump candidacy, they’ll have to make a decision as to where they stand and what they’re willing to do.
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