
When Will the Fat Lady Sing?

(Max Ortiz/Detroit News via AP)

The following timely election commentary is provided courtesy of physicist and Mensa John Droz, Jr., at the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (

Let’s say that on December 14, 2020, that the majority of Electoral College votes are for Joe Biden to be President. Does that mean it’s over? I’m not an attorney, but it appears that the answer is No.

Yes that would be another check-off part of the normal election process — but the verdict is No as the current election situation is anything but normal. For example:

1 – Analyses have been done by independent statistical experts of 2020 Presidential election results in some swing states.  Their conclusions are that hundreds of thousands of votes in those key states are highly suspect (e.g., see here and here).

2 – Multiple sworn affidavits from cyber security experts have been filed asserting computer manipulations of the 2020 Presidential election. These adjustments could also be affecting hundreds of thousands of votes (e.g., see here and here).

3 – Many hundreds of sworn affidavits from citizens have been filed testifying to 2020 Presidential election irregularities, likewise possibly affecting hundreds of thousands of votes (e.g., see here and here).

4 – Only a few US counties have done a basic recount (e.g., here). It’s important to understand that a basic recount is little more than a rudimentary check of the math. For counties that have been identified as statistically suspect (e.g., see #1 above), a basic recount is a start, but it’s not sufficient, as a forensic recount is warranted.

5 – ZERO counties in the US have done a forensic (or audited) recount of the 2020 presidential election. That type of recount verifies that every vote came from a legitimate citizen — and that there was only one vote counted per citizen. (Independent studies like this give an indication of widespread inaccuracies. One small Michigan precinct is doing a partial forensic audit, but result are withheld.)

6 – Certification of voting results by state legislatures is based on the assumptions that: a) the math is right, plus b) the results from all precincts are only votes cast by legitimate citizens, and only one vote per citizen. The critically important “b” assumption has not been verified (via even a sample forensic audit) in ANY state.

7 – There is a difference between what citizens consider as evidence and what courts will consider as legal evidence. Here is an extensive crowd-sourced list of citizen submitted evidence of 2020 election malfeasance. Here’s another.

8 – To my knowledge, all the 2020 election court cases to date been have been dismissed on legal technicalities (e.g., whether the petitioner has legal standing, whether evidence is admissible, whether filing time constraints have been met, etc.).  Despite incessant media claims that judges have rejected claims of fraud, etc., the courts have not yet ruled on the merits of any of the 2020 election cases.

9 – There are ZERO 2020 election court cases where a judge has mandated even an investigation into any type of fraud (voting machine algorithms, duplicate votes from the same person, votes from deceased parties, illegally corrected votes, etc.).

10 – In an extremely rare case where a judge actually did look at some 2020 election results for a single district, he ruled that election officials violated the law in nine (9) different ways! And that was in a run-of-the-mill district not known to have been compromised. (He also did not mandate any fraud investigation.)

So, if audited recounts are ever done, and if those end up proving that the results are materially different from what’s been reported (and “certified” by state legislatures), then there might be legal grounds for: a) state legislatures to un-certify their prior results, and/or b) Congress to over-rule certain states Electoral College submissions.

Hopefully some audited recounts — or even statistically sampled audited recounts — will be done between now and January 6th (another key point in the process).

If these aren’t conducted until after that time — and the Electoral College majority vote turns out to be wrong — than that will open a Pandora’s Box of complications.

This is NOT a partisan issue, as Americans of ALL political persuasion should want to ensure the integrity of our election process. If the voting results are honest and accurate, then prove that there is no fire where there’s smoke.

Let’s all do what we can to get this right the first time, so that the pleasingly pinguid lady can sing prior to Inauguration Day.

The end.


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