COVID Vaccination Program in Disarray as CDC and FDA Order a Halt to Using the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

(AP Photo/John Bompengo)

Earlier today, the Food and Drug Administration, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, announced that they were temporarily halting the use of the one-and-done Johnson & Johnson vaccine for the dreaded Wuhan virus.


The official announcement claims this suspension from use was the result of 6 blood clots out of nearly 7 million doses, but this explanation comes after several states had suspended the use of that vaccine over unspecified adverse events.

A coronavirus vaccine site in Georgia became the fourth US location this week to pause its administration of the Johnson & Johnson jab after concerns over possible adverse reactions, a report said.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was also halted in the past week at sites in Colorado, North Carolina and Iowa.



You may recall that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial was also briefly suspended due to adverse events.

No matter the reasoning, this is the last thing that a vaccination program that was already meeting substantial public resistance needs.


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