Tomorrow night, RedState will host a live blog of the Democrat debate in Las Vegas. It promises to be interesting for a change. Warren is swirling down the crapper and Joe Biden’s poll numbers are dropping faster than a prom dress. So they have no interested in playing nice with each other or with Bernie Sanders. But the big change will be the addition of one of our own American oligarchs, Michael Bloomberg
This brings me to the opportunity.
For the first time in site history, we’re opening participation in the live blog to the RedState community. If you have a RedState account you can participate with RedState contributors in turning the Las Vegas debate into an Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-worthy event. Here’ how it works. Contact me at the email in my author profile
- using the email under which you registered for RedState
- and giving me your user name.
If you have a solid comment history here (this is a judgement call I’ll make), I’ll make sure that you are able to participate in the live blog. If supply exceed demand, final decision on who participates will be mine.
Join the conversation as a VIP Member