Mitch McConnell has just announced that there will be a vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh this week. There are some reax below but the top tweet is the bottom line.
BREAKING: Top Senate Republican says chamber will vote this week on Kavanaugh, says "endless delays and obstruction" will end.
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 1, 2018
.@senatemajldr: "Did our colleague alert the chairman so the Committee could do due diligence in a confidential way, consistent with Dr. Ford's wishes? No, she did not."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 1, 2018
Another breathtaking statement from the man (@SenateMajLdr) who held Scalia's #SCOTUS seat open for a year: Democrats "are committed to delaying, obstructing, and resisting this nominee with everything they’ve got. They just want to delay this matter until after the election."
— The Leadership Conference (@civilrightsorg) October 1, 2018
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing: “It’s almost as if Dr. Ford didn’t want a Washington, D.C. based media circus but others with whom she was in contact on whom she was relying wanted exactly that”
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) October 1, 2018
Except for the tip to the Washington Post, the $700,000 in GoFundMe money and the inevitable book deal and Lifetime mini-series, she certainly wanted to remain in the background.
McConnell predicts that Democrats will say the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh was “insufficient” after its completion: “If you listen carefully Mr. President, you can practically hear the sounds of the Democrats moving the goalpost”
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) October 1, 2018
McConnell: “If you confide in Senate Democrats on highly sensitive, personal matters no request for confidentiality will keep you from becoming a household name”
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) October 1, 2018
Forgive me, but I couldn’t help myself in including this:
Announcement just now by @senatemajldr that #JudgeKavanaugh vote will occur this week confirms he is best Congressional Leader @GOP has had in my lifetime. He knows a large portion of the country is outraged at sliming of Judge, and he doubts @FBI will find anything. Presses on.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) October 1, 2018
Here is what a timeline will probably look like:
Prospective timetable for Kavanaugh 1: DAY ONE: McConnell files cloture to end debate on the nomination. This step is necessary to break a filibuster.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 1, 2018
Prospective timetable for Kavanaugh 2: DAY TWO: By rule, a “cloture petition,” the parliamentary mechanism to end debate in the Senate, must lay over untouched for an entire day before it “ripens” and is ready for a procedural vote. DAY TWO serves as the layover day.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 1, 2018
Prospective timetable for Kavanaugh 3: DAY THREE: By rule, the cloture petition to halt debate “ripens” 1 hr after Senate meets. Requires 51 votes. If the Senate votes to “invoke cloture” or limit debate, opponents of the nomination then get 30 hrs to run out the string.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 1, 2018
Prospective timetable for Kavanaugh 4: Under “Nuclear Option II,” McConnell established a new “precedent” in the Senate to end filibusters on Supreme Court nominees last year. McConnell lowered the bar to break a filibuster on a Supreme court nominee from 60 to 51.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 1, 2018
Prospective timetable for Kavanuagh 5: DAY FOUR: The 30 hours of “post-cloture” time expires on the nomination. Opponents can no longer pull rabbits out of hats. The Senate takes a confirmation vote on the nominee. Confirmation requires a simple majority.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 1, 2018
By next Monday, Kavanaugh should be on the Supreme Court and we can sip the cool nectar that is the tears of the anti-Kavanaugh nutters.
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