Ivanka Trump Remembering Ivana on 2 Year Anniversary of Her Death: 'I Believe She Was Watching Over Dad'

AP Photo/Max Nash, File

It's been a wild ride the past 48 hours in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. After the initial shock wore off, several of Trump's family members weighed in on the horrific incident.


His two elder sons, Don Jr. and Eric, both echoed the sentiment that their father is a fighter, one who won't give up on America. His daughter, Ivanka, expressed her gratitude for the prayers for her father and the other victims and for the quick reactions of law enforcement, and expressing her love for her father. His wife, Melania, penned a powerful letter reminding Americans that "Every single politician is a man or woman with a loving family." 

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As much as the significance of Saturday's attempt shook me, I can only imagine how the former president's family members — the people who know him as a husband or father, not just a larger-than-life real estate mogul or television star or politician — must have been feeling when it became clear just how close a call it was. 

That's why I was struck when I ran across another Instagram post by Ivanka remembering her mother, Ivana, on the two-year anniversary of her passing:


Two years ago today, my mom passed away. I believe she was watching over Dad last night during the attempt on his life. I miss her every day and pray for the safety of the family and friends she left behind. 

Trump himself has expressed the belief that there was some divine intervention at play in sparing him on Saturday. 

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Perhaps he had an added angel on his shoulder Saturday afternoon. 


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