Thursday Morning Minute

Joe Biden - Donald Trump. (Credit: AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall; AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



WATCH: Tucker Carlson Delivers an Absolute Masterclass in How to Deal With a Dishonest Reporter

Don't accept their faulty premises, and make them explain their own logical inconsistencies.

Trump Shares Hilarious Mock Ad: 'If You're Having Trouble Sleeping, Ask Your Doctor About BIDENICA….'

Sometimes, though, humor is the best way to reveal the truth. To quote 1984 author George Orwell: “Every joke is a tiny revolution."

CNN Cuts Off Independent Media From the Presidential Debate and Demos How the Mic Muting System Works

Personally, I am stocking up on the popcorn and the adult beverages, because whether anything substantive about the economy or the Southern border actually gets discussed, if nothing else, we'll be entertained on a number of levels. 


Today on Capitol Hill...

Another semi-busy day on the Hill Thursday. Some of the meetings/hearings of note: 

  • House Homeland Security — “Beyond the Border: Terrorism and Homeland Security Consequences of Illegal Immigration”
  • House Financial Services — The Role of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank of the United States Amid Intensifying Economic Competition with China
  • House Oversight and Accountability — “Standing up for the Rule of Law: Ending Illegal Racial Discrimination and Protecting Men and Women in U.S. Employment Practices”
  • House Veterans' Affairs — Exploring the Use of Data-Driven Methods and Community Collaboration to Reduce Veteran Homelessness
  • House Homeland Security — “Sector Down: Ensuring Critical Infrastructure Resilience”
  • House Foreign Affairs — The Curse of Socialism in Central America and the Caribbean

The House Energy and Commerce Committee will also be doing its full committee markup on H.R.8449 (the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act).

House Energy & Commerce Committee Should Save AM Radio and Taxpayer’s Money

White House What's Up

It's Joe! He's up! No doubt, President Joe Biden is up and ready and rarin' to go after a full week of debate prep. He'll be departing Camp Juice Him Up David and heading to Atlanta late morning ahead of Thursday evening's big event. 

Full Court Press...

Another SCOTUS day. Wednesday ended up being a bit of a letdown, between there only being two opinions issued and the disappointing decision in Murthy v. Missouri. There are 10 decisions left to go (technically more, but a couple of them are consolidated cases). 

BREAKING: Supreme Court Deals First Amendment Blow in Murthy v. Missouri


Today is a BIG day. BIG, BIG day. We've got more SCOTUS decisions on the way (and there will undoubtedly be at least one, if not several, of note). It's Debate Day (we'll be live blogging that tonight, of course). Borrowing from a point Bob Hoge made in his highlighted article above about the hilarious Bidenica ad, I hope fun Trump shows up — just goes out there, hits the highlights, smiles, and has a blast — that's when he's at his best, in my opinion. 

Advertisement's my handsome beau's birthday, so on a point of personal privilege: Happy Birthday, David!


Cool photo? Or Ghostbusters redux? 


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