Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Hazmat Situation at White House Leads to Discovery of a Bag of Cocaine They Want You to Believe Is Something Else — by Brittany Sheehan
Since the reports coming from the White House don’t seem to indicate a lot of nasal spray was found, well before prepared into a solution, the substance comes in its solid form, and under those circumstances, cocaine hydrochloride is the technical name for… cocaine. In less formal settings, this may be called “a bag of coke.”
Even if the “medical product” story didn’t have the glaring issue that powdered cocaine doesn’t actually have FDA approval, the legal drugs available on the market are rarely used. The Drug Enforcement Administration published a fact sheet in 2020 stating that the FDA approved drugs are less effective than other products on the market and rarely used:

#2 – Joe Biden Disowning His Granddaughter Goes Much Deeper Than Originally Thought — by Bonchie
I’d ask how the Bidens could possibly get away with such a directive, but then I remember they are Democrats and how that means that nothing matters. Still, what a brazen move. Not only are they disowning their granddaughter for no reason other than disgusting spite (and through no fault of the child), but they are designing an entire messaging strategy around that disowning, making sure White House aides are on the same page.
It’d be one thing if Hunter Biden were just a terrible human being going rogue. In that case, Joe and Jill Biden would be expected to back away from him and his transgressions while still seeking to be part of their granddaughter’s life. That’s exactly how my parents would respond if I put them in a similar position. They wouldn’t cease to love me, but certainly, they’d hold me to account for my behavior before disowning an innocent grandchild in support of me.

#3 – Karine Jean-Pierre Was Asked if Joe Biden Acknowledges His Granddaughter, and the Answer Chilled Me to the Core — by Bonchie
I’m not only struck by how petty the White House’s strategy is but how pointless it is as well. What is gained by not publicly acknowledging one’s own granddaughter? Why would anyone want to continue to humiliate and harm a child in any context, much less this context? Even if the Bidens desire no relationship with their granddaughter, a disgusting revelation in and of itself, why pretend she doesn’t exist at all? Why order your press secretary to pretend it’s some grand mystery how many grandchildren you have?
I don’t get it, and perhaps I’m not meant to get it. Perhaps, though flawed as I may be, I’m simply not capable of understanding the level of evil that takes, and maybe I should be thankful for that. Still, I can’t help but wonder what in the world is going on. I can’t help but wonder, as Jill Biden parades herself around as a caring mother, deeply concerned for America’s children, how someone could be so stone-hearted. Certainly, I can’t listen to Joe Biden rattle on about the well-being of American children while his own press secretary dodges a question on whether he acknowledges his granddaughter.

#4 – Story of Cocaine at the White House Takes a Sudden Turn, Left-Wingers Float Insane Theory in Response — by Bonchie
For starters, the last tour happened at 12:30 PM on Saturday. The cocaine was found Sunday afternoon. Are we to believe it just sat there on a table or similar, unnoticed by the cleaning crews and security sweeps for over 24 hours? That seems highly unlikely. Further, the current White House tour does not actually include entering the library. Rather, you look at the library through a hallway door before going up the stairs to the left of the room. Am I to believe a tourist high-heated a baggie of cocaine into a secret hiding spot in the library somehow while not actually entering it? Again, that seems highly unlikely.
There is one logical explanation, though. Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is a notorious drug addict who was made infamous for filming himself doing crack and coke. So let’s do the math. The Secret Service found a baggie of cocaine hidden inside the White House in a place normal people can’t go. Hunter Biden lives at the White House and reportedly uses the library often.

#5 – White House Cocaine Story Takes Another Bizarre Twist as It Changes Again — by Nick Arama
So if top aides or guests of Joe Biden or his staff stash their stuff there, then the question is: Who put it there? This probably kills the “some random person from a tour brought it in” theory if it was found in that work area location. One would have to imagine that there are cameras and security all over the building. Who is bringing cocaine to the White House? Where are the cameras and the logs of the people who it could have been?
As we reported earlier, the left was pushing a ridiculous talking point that it could be Donald Trump Jr. who hasn’t been there in two and a half years. So that just didn’t make a lot of sense. Of course, they did that because they wanted to skip over any more logical conclusions: that someone connected to Joe Biden brought it in.
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