Just in Time for Christmas: A Heartwarming Puppy Dog Tail -- Err...Tale

Screenshot from https://twitter.com/JJFromTheBronx/status/1205920692060991488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1205920692060991488&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redstate.com%2F%3Fp%3D749993


We regularly bemoan the cesspool of social media. Twitter, in particular, lends itself to boorish behavior and the unholy reign of the outrage mob.

Every so often, though, the softer, sweeter side of humanity shines through on the platform. And rarely moreso than when puppies are involved.


Over the weekend, that very thing happened when “JJFromTheBronx” shared a wondrous story.

Saturday morning, he and his wife awoke to find a puppy in their house.  After a bit of investigation, JJ determined that he’d inadvertently left their door open.

And not only had the puppy found its way in, but a kind passerby had seen the open door and closed it for them.

JJ and his wife made the puppy comfortable and determined she needed veterinary care – she was flea infested and severely malnourished.

It didn’t take long for them to decide to give the poor girl, who they’ve named “Suzy” (after Yankees color commentator Suzyn Waldman), a forever home. Suzy is a 9-year-old dog who’s in need of some TLC. It sounds like she found just the place to receive it!


To make the story even sweeter, the Good Samaritan who kindly closed their door has also been identified and they have plans to meet up today.

As JJ rightly notes, Suzy has become an internet sensation.  (She even has an Instagram!)

To fund the veterinary care she’ll need, JJ has opened his VenMo to accept donations, promising that even if no one donates, they’ll make sure she gets that care — and if they receive more than they need, they’ll find a worthy cause to donate it to.

He’s promising some updates but here’s a video with the initial installment of Suzy’s story:

Now that’s a Christmas tale we can all appreciate!


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