The origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign and its relationship with Russia will be on everyone’s lips within the beltway, likely for the remainder of the summer. Some are already calling the investigations into how the Russia Collusion hoax started a scam — and those investigations now include separate inquiries led by Attorney General William Barr, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Attorney John Durham (picking up where Utah Special Prosecutor John Huber leaves off), and a called-for investigation by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)).
However, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who served under President George W. Bush, appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo and questioned the veracity of Mueller’s report where it deals with when the investigation started.
BARTIROMO: Do you think we’re going to see accountability?
I mean, when you look at, like, the informants and the wiretapping and the abuse for the FISA court, it just seems so bad. Do you think we’re actually going to see accountability?
MUKASEY: Absolutely.
MUKASEY: Yes, because of who’s been appointed and who is ultimately responsible, which is William Barr, an attorney general who has fidelity to only one thing, and that is finding out what happened and finding it out under the law.
BARTIROMO: But they’re trying to take him down.
I don’t understand why both sides of the aisle would not agree that you don’t want a person in power putting their finger on the scale, like Peter Strzok did in 2016.
MUKASEY: Because there are a lot of nervous people in Washington.
When he decided that he was going to investigate how this all got started, I think a lot of people got very nervous. I will tell you that the Mueller report, the first line…
MUKASEY: … says that they opened the file in — I forget — in 2016, after Papadopoulos had this conversation in the bar.
MUKASEY: That’s not what started the investigation.
MUKASEY: So, the first line of the Mueller report.
What’s interesting about this exchange is that the music had begun playing and Mukasey was cut off. But he clearly seems to be implying that the investigation into the Trump campaign started before 2016, which runs counter to the accepted narrative. And, more importantly, that the Mueller report might not be accurate, at least as it relates to that part of the timeline.
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