In 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot and killed in the Arizona desert by an illegal immigrant wielding a weapon obtained through the notorious Obama “gun-walking” program Fast and Furious. Now Kent Terry, Brian’s brother, has taken to Twitter to ask President Donald Trump to reopen the investigation into the program that allowed the sale of illegal firearms in an attempt to track the purchases and link them to Mexican drug cartels.
@realDonaldTrump @TGowdySC @Lrihendry @seanhannity this is the promise I got from @EricHolder for #FastAndFurious #Scandal @POTUS we been lied and promised Justice
— Kent terry (@terry_superman) March 3, 2018
Known as a “gun-walking” program and hardly the first of its kind, Fast and Furious led to the sale of over 2,000 illegal firearms, hundreds of which were later recovered in the U.S. and Mexico. Two of the guns allowed to be sold through the program were discovered near where Terry was gunned down.
The Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee eventually began to investigate the program, during which Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents for the program he said he had only recently become aware of. Holder was never criminally prosecuted.
After several resignations within the DOJ, an inspector general reports “finds 14 employees of the ATF and the DOJ responsible for management failures.”
Seven suspects were eventually arrested related to the death of Terry. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata was reportedly also killed by Mexican cartel members using Fast and Furious weapons.
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