Writing on the Wall? AOC Bails on Jamaal Bowman at Last Minute, Cites Mysterious Scheduling Conflicts

AP Photo/Alastair Grant

On Saturday, Hamas Caucus member Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) held a campaign rally alongside Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) amid the uphill climb he faces in the highly contentious and closely-watched Democrat primary race against Westchester County Executive George Latimer.


As RedState reported at the time, during the event, which strangely was held outside of Bowman's Congressional district, Rep. AOC bizarrely ran out onto the stage and danced around like a boxer getting ready to spar before she began yelling at the sparse audience, while radical pro-Hamas groups demonstrated nearby. 

She demanded they vote not just to carry Bowman over the finish line but also to defeat big-money funders like AIPAC who have invested heavily against the bombastic, confrontational, pro-ceasefire Congressman.

READ MORE: Jamaal Bowman's Psychotic Rally Performance Has Somehow Managed to Get Worse

But though AOC did her part to show a fighting spirit for the embattled fire alarm puller over the weekend, she has now conveniently bailed on him on Primary Day of all days, citing alleged scheduling conflicts at the last minute:

Ocasio-Cortez's team said the lawmaker had been at an event in Throgs Neck that had run long and would now attend a "private" engagement instead of the public-facing event.

Johnson added that Ocasio-Cortez's schedule for tonight is still firming up. It's unclear if she will attend Bowman's primary night watch party in Yonkers.

“We haven’t made any decisions yet,” Johnson put it, noting it’s “already been” a long day.

“She went back to her district to do her Election Day duties,” the campaign official told The Post on a call on background following the missed event. The aide noted the logistical conflict was “unfortunate,” and that the congresswoman is “very supportive” of Bowman. The official stated AOC would be meeting with her team this afternoon and had a watch party planned with volunteers for this evening.


The New York Post also reported that the turnout at Rep. Bowman's polling place, where he was supposed to meet up with Ocasio-Cortez earlier in the day, had been "unusually slow."

Does she know something we don't? I've read unconfirmed reports that Jewish turnout has been unusually high, but we of course won't know anything for sure until after the polls close at 9 pm ET.

Keep in mind, too, that because this is New York, unless either Latimer or Bowman runs away with it early on once polls close, we likely will not know the final results of the race for days or possibly even weeks.

That said, make sure to park it here to watch the results as they come in, and - as always - stay tuned for the latest developments. We'll keep you posted.

Related: Jamaal Bowman's Primary Woes Get Worse After Ritchie Torres Flattens Him in Dispute Over Israel Support



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