The Dangerous Stupidity of Campus Pro-Hamas Protests Exemplified in One Remarkable Photo From Ottawa

AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

One could blindfold themselves and pick at random from photos and video clips of the campus pro-Hamas protests to find the one picture or clip that exemplifies the dangerous stupidity of it all, but we think we've found the one that takes the cake.


While we've been primarily focused on the various demonstrations here in the United States for obvious reasons, there have been encampments set up at universities in other countries as well, including Canada, where radical protesters at the University of Ottawa set up tents at the beginning of the month and made the usual demands.

As we've seen at some higher education institutions like Columbia University, the lunatics appear to be running the asylum at the University of Ottawa as evidenced, for example, by city officials making their annual Israeli Independence Day ceremony closed to the public on "safety" grounds. The Israeli flag is typically raised at these events.

SEE ALSO: The Sidenote to the UNC-Chapel Hill Palestinian Flag Raising That Makes It So Much Worse

The occupation, as of this writing, is ongoing, with activities that include woke professors from nearby universities coming in to speak, as well as high school students being encouraged to join in on the action.

But as they continue to try and advance their "cause," an image from the protest is being widely shared and mocked on social media, and for good reason, as it demonstrates perhaps better than any other the abject stupidity that we're dealing with on a defining issue of our time that could ultimately decide the fate of Jewish people worldwide:


Protesters at the University of Ottawa in Canada are being ridiculed online after graffiti on campus misspelling Palestine was featured in the new anti-Israel song by rapper Macklemore.

The steps of the school’s Tabaret Hall were spray painted with the misspelled message, “Free Palastine,” with the image shown off in the “Thrift Shop” rapper’s “Hind’s Hall” music video that has garnered more than 13.6 million views on social media.


The graffiti is just one of several messages scribbled on Tabaret Hall as Canadian protesters set up their own encampment on campus in solidarity with the demonstrations that broke out at US colleges.

So, for those of you keeping score at home, the misspelled graffiti that was spray painted by our supposed intellectual betters on the left was immortalized in a video that tried to glorify the Columbia agitators, in part by wrongly using an image from another protest. But hey, that's okay, because apparently this means the Ottawa protests are having an "impact" on the world or something:


Oh, they're having "impact" alright, but not the kind I suspect they wanted to have.

Related: Columbia University Hands the Reins Back to Woke Students in Stunning Display of Cowardice


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