I’m a political junkie, and most people reading this probably are as well. But every once in a while it’s great to read a story about a Republican vs. Democrat disagreement between neighbors that didn’t lead to a declaration of war or a severing of friendships.
Over the weekend, Twitter user and writer Andrew Exum provided his followers with the details of the friendly campaign sign war that has developed between him and his neighbors. First, it started off with signs for a “rival congressional candidate”, but then it advanced to displaying differences in opinions on who should be president:
We’re in a yard sign war with our neighbors. Having already matched their sign for a rival congressional candidate, we put up a sign for our preferred presidential candidate last night. By this morning they had matched us with a presidential sign of their own.
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 5, 2020
Exum then went on to note that despite their political disagreements, his family and his neighbors get along very well:
We’re going to have go seriously down-ballot in order to maintain escalatory dominance. On a more pleasant note, we love these neighbors: they mix a mean Manhattan, and they love our kids. I repay their love in gifts of brisket and ribs on the weekends.
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 5, 2020
He later noted that he overheard a “commotion” that involved one his neighbor’s signs being stolen:
Plot twist! I was downstairs reading last night when I thought I heard a commotion outside and someone scream “F*** [name of politician]!” I came outside this morning to walk the dog, and my neighbor’s new yard sign had been stolen. Things have escalated in the yard sign war.
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 6, 2020
Because he didn’t want his neighbors to mistakenly think it was him or someone he knew who took the sign, Exum pointed out he was prepared to “make a peace offering of brisket” on Sunday:
I’m now obviously concerned that my neighbors think I absconded with their yard sign — or that we have, at the least, a principal-agent problem in which one of my (un)trusted proxies has done so. I will make a peace offering of brisket later today.
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 6, 2020
Not long after that tweet, Exum updated his thread to alert readers that his neighbors had replaced the sign that was stolen:
UPDATE: They put another sign out! It’s a different color scheme and everything. I’m so impressed with this feat of logistical prowess. Did they have spare signs in the garage or something?!
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 6, 2020
A few hours later came the brisket and mason jar of “pre-mixed Manhattans” with a note about their peace offering:
I just dropped off about two pounds of brisket and a mason jar of pre-mixed Manhattans with a note affirming our election year “peace offering.”
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 6, 2020
Exum then reminded people who were following his updates that regardless of what happens in November that neighbors will still be neighbors, with the implication being people should at least try to get along for the sake of being neighborly (note: that doesn’t mean abandoning your belief system!):
Just a reminder that after the elections, we’re all still going to be each other’s neighbors. (I mean until half of us are sent to the re-education camps, at least.)
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 6, 2020
A few hours later, Exum posted about the thank you note he received from his neighbors in which they told him that “politics is politics, but neighbors are neighbors”:
You guys, I just got the nicest thank you note from my neighbors, who apparently had an(other?) ugly incident last week regarding their yard signs and were just so touched by our offerings. “Politics is politics,” they wrote, “but neighbors are neighbors.” Amen.
— Andrew Exum (@ExumAM) September 6, 2020
Most of us have neighbors who we disagree with politically but who don’t let it get in the way of friendship. In fact, just recently as my mom, dad, and I have all been battling the coronavirus at their house, a few neighbors with who they’ve had political disagreements in the past have texted or called to find out how we’re doing, if there’s anything they can do for us – grocery shop, run errands, bake a casserole, etc.
They know that when it comes right down to it, politics is politics, but neighbors are indeed neighbors.
Happy Labor Day, everyone.
(Hat tip: Twitchy)
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