At this point in the Wuhan virus pandemic, I think it’s fair to say the “C” in CNN stands for “Cuomo” because really all they do anymore is to give NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and his brother and CNN anchor Chris Cuomo an unchecked platform to continuously spout off lie after lie about the governor’s handling of the outbreak in his state in comparison to how Republican governors have in their states.
The latest instance of this happening was this morning, when Gov. Cuomo appeared on their “New Day” program to talk about the case numbers declining in New York. As usual, Cuomo was given free rein to talk utter nonsense about his supposedly magnificent leadership while despicably bashing governors like Florida Gov Ron DeSantis (R) for allegedly “playing politics” with the virus and not taking it seriously:
Cuomo, a Democrat, was asked by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota about comments made by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, who said the state’s quarantine on New Yorkers earlier this year “saved lives” and reduced the spread of the virus.
“I say to them all look at the numbers,” Cuomo said in response, referring to conservative states seeing a rise in Covid-19 cases. “You played politics with this virus, and you lost. You told the people of this state, you told the people of this country, the White House, ‘Don’t worry about it. Go about your business. This is all Democratic hyperbole.’”
“Now you see 27 states with the numbers going up. You see the death projections going up. You see the economy going down,” Cuomo said. “It was never politics. It was always science.”
JUST NOW: "I say to them all, look at the numbers. You played politics with this virus and you lost. "@NYGovCuomo to Florida @GovRonDeSantis and others on rising cases in some states in U.S.@NewDaypic.twitter.com/HjL7JP8Mj7
— John Berman (@JohnBerman) June 25, 2020
It was a disgusting smear for a variety of reasons we’ve previously written about here at RedState, but Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) shredded Cuomo by pointing out the most disturbing one:
Your nursing home death rate is 500% higher per capita than Florida’s.
Sit down. https://t.co/YCFx89gTCZ
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) June 25, 2020
Others weighed in with more inconvenient truths about Cuomo’s handling of the crisis in New York:
New Yorkers have died from coronavirus at more than 10x the rate of Floridians.
Absolute malpractice for @TPM and @CNN to allow this smear from @NYGovCuomo against @GovRonDeSantis to go unchallenged. https://t.co/rxMGzGdkh8 pic.twitter.com/Ahb1UfKll3
— Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) June 25, 2020
Governor Cuomo is shameless pic.twitter.com/05txfhFt2D
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 25, 2020
As my colleague Bonchie pointed out earlier today, by not even the most generous of standards should anyone be able to credibly claim that Cuomo did a masterful job at handling the crisis simply because NY’s case numbers are lower now than other states that are seeing spikes:
The ‘Luv Guv’ is not “doing better” than the rest of the governors. He’s done and continues to do the worst. His state just happens to be at a different point in what will be (and has already shown itself to be) an overall devastating timeline for his response to the virus.
In contrast to Florida’s calculated early response, New York’s was a disaster – so much so that even the reliably left-wing New York Times torched Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) in two detailed investigative pieces noting how their longstanding political feud played a critical role in their failure to coordinate a coherent and unified strategy early on to combat the virus.
Their failures not only enabled its spread throughout the state, but also throughout the country.
Left-leaning groups like Pro Publica have also taken Cuomo to the woodshed for his handling of the Wuhan virus outbreak in his state.
Our country is still in the middle of a pandemic in large part thanks to Cuomo’s and de Blasio’s failures, not any alleged political game-playing by DeSantis. But come on, y’all, the more pressing matter here is Gov. Cuomo’s love life and if he’ll ever date again:
Andrew Cuomo Talks Bachelorhood and If He’ll Date Again (After COVID-19) https://t.co/YQNYInmd8N
— People (@people) June 25, 2020
Related –>> Video: Ron DeSantis Goes Beast Mode on Andrew Cuomo After Swipe About Florida Coronavirus Cases
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