One of the main arguments from the Never Trump crowd has always been that President Trump should never have been allowed anywhere near the White House because he allegedly would abuse his power and turn into an authoritarian who thought he more than anyone else knew what was best for America.
They’ve spent considerable amounts of time writing op/eds, posting on social media, and appearing on CNN and MSNBC talking about this very thing, warning about the dangers of executive branch overeach.
So with that in mind, it was mildly fascinating to find prominent Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin – who is 100% in Joe Biden’s corner in an effort to “conserve conservatism” – yet again flip-flopping on her supposed standards in a tweet scolding people about having “hostility towards government”:
There is a price to be paid for hostility toward government and for neglecting the state workforce. Perhaps Americans will understand that antagonism toward government, data and science puts their lives at risk. https://t.co/TbAO4xtyDg
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) April 22, 2020
Rubin, as you can see from the link she posted, has become a big fangirl of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s approach to managing the overwhelming Wuhan coroanvirus crisis that has plagued his state over the last month.
What was especially noteworthy about her praise for Cuomo is that it came on the heels of him making some extraordinarily tone-deaf comments to a local reporter Wednesday who asked him about people who want to go back to work because they don’t have money to provide basic necessities for their families the longer strict measures are kept in place, as reported by my RedState colleague Nick Arama yesterday.
“You want to go to work? Go take a job as an essential worker” he told the reporter condescendingly. “Do it tomorrow.”
Rubin’s comments did not go over well with people who understand that there is a difference between government leaders making minor decisions one may simply disagree with versus them making major decisions that make it impossible for hard-working Americans to put food on the table:
Jen Rubin, mid-1700s: OMG, these people who aren't willing to bend the knee to the crown are treasonous. We must not only accept their edicts, we must comply with smiles on our faces. https://t.co/yOaLg5njPU
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) April 23, 2020
"Trust the state and submit without question" is such a totally "conservative" thing for her to say! 🙄
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) April 23, 2020
There is a price to be paid for hostility toward the Crown and for neglecting the Imperial workforce. Perhaps Americans will understand that antagonism toward His Majesty puts their lives at risk. https://t.co/XCEGQ09pOm
— NeverTweet (@LOLNeverTweet) April 23, 2020
Historically, there's a much higher price for canonization of the state into a de facto role of the supreme arbiter of "the people."
— The Communist Party Is Responsible For This (@newbury_eric) April 23, 2020
So what, we just lie down, let them take away our civil rights, and don't question it at all? Is that what you do? Will you never question anything government does? (Well, except for POTUS, whom you hate & will say anything to take him out).
— Lisa (@weenerdog26) April 22, 2020
In other words, Jen really is only against the imaginary “authoritarianism” she sees in Trump, but not against the very real authoritarian tendencies we’re seeing in states like New York, Michigan, California, and North Carolina – all led by Democratic governors.
(Hat tip: Twitchy)
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