There’s good news this week for Marlon Anderson, the black security guard at a high school in Wisconsin who earlier this month lost his job after telling a combative student who was calling him the n-word to stop using the word.
The Associated Press reports:
MADISON, Wis. — A Wisconsin school district is rehiring a black security guard after he was fired last week for repeating a racial slur while telling a student not to use it, a union official said Monday.
Doug Keillor, executive director of Madison Teachers Inc., said that the union was contacted by school officials Monday saying interim Superintendent Jane Belmore decided to rescind the firing of Marlon Anderson.
Anderson said in a Facebook post Monday afternoon, “I’m back!!” He said he learned of his rehiring while at his new job Monday.
“Thank you to the 1,000 plus students for allowing your voices to be heard and to all the people from across the globe for reaching out to my family,” Anderson said in his post.
Read Anderson’s full Facebook post below:
Anderson told multiple media outlets last week that the school dismissed him after a situation involving a black student quickly became volatile:
[Marlon] Anderson told NBC News on Friday that after a black student repeatedly called him a n—–, he asked the student last week to stop.
This week, Anderson said he learned that school officials terminated his employment, citing a zero tolerance policy on the use of derogatory language by staff members.
“My understanding of the policy was white staff shouldn’t use the N-word under any circumstances,” Anderson said. “But I had no idea me being called the word and me telling the student not to call me the word would get me fired.”
Having a “zero tolerance” policy on the n-word is one thing, but enforcing it by way of firing a black man for telling a student to stop using it on him was just over the top.
Fortunately, Anderson didn’t give up on the job he loved. Not only that, but students, faculty, and the community reacted to the news he was fired by showering him with support. A local boys and girls club location even gave him a temporary job just so he could make ends meet while the appeals process with the school district ran its course.
Watch the emotional interview he did with WFMY last week on what he went through, and how he describes hearing students use the word all the time:
The Madison Metropolitan school district is reportedly reviewing their zero tolerance policy in light of this incident.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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