Results for: hatred

Leftist Hatred
– Taking advantage of these inherent differences between and internecine hatred of the various groups that make up the Leftist coalition…
Psychoanalyzing the Ted Cruz Hatred
– I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like this quite before. People talk about the establishment being against Reagan in 1980 but that really isn’t the case. Reagan was a two-term California governor. His inner circle was very much tied into the GOP establishment. He’d run for president in 1968...
Multiculturalism: What Drives Ilhan Omar's Hatred
– ========= ========= Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement. ========= ========= Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is a gift that keeps giving, even more so now than AOC who must be pissed at the lack of attention.  President Trump’s tweet heard around the world has put her squarely in...
Libs of TikTok Exposes Twitter's Naked Hatred of Conservatives
– The worst-kept secret in today’s society is that liberals really, really, really hate conservatives. It’s not just conservative ideas and principles. It’s conservatives as people. The left has gone full-bore Alinsky whenever the opportunity arises, personally persecuting any who dare to contract their satanic mantra. Libs of TikTok, who has...
Thandiwe Newton Shows the Self-Hatred Woke Culture Brings
– Actress Thandiwe Newton has come down with a serious case of self-hatred over her own skin color and is now apologizing to darker-skinned…
Kira Davis: California Has a Perverse Hatred of Taxpayers
– By now you’ve heard all about California’s insane new law aimed at banning freelance work across the state. The law was a gift to the unions from their assemblywoman stooge Lorena Gonzalez (D-80). It was meant to kill Uber and Lyft, but instead, it is set to kill nearly the...
[Listen] Liberal Elites Show Their Hatred for "Rural White Americans"
– ========= ========= Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement. ========= ========= In today’s “Ride to Work Podcast” we discuss how liberal elites believe Americans should be grateful to the government for all the “largess” they’ve bestowed upon us, mostly because liberals don’t seem to understand how taxation works which...
Trump Campaign's Moving George Floyd Video Champions 'Healing, Not Hatred'…eorge-floyd-riots-protest-looting-healing-not-hatred-n139345
– (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)   Have you seen the moving Trump campaign video championing “healing, not hatred” and “justice, not chaos … Healing, not hatred, justice, not chaos are the mission at hand.”…
Adam Kinzinger Wants Violence to Validate His Hatred of Trump
– If violence, even by one nut, happens, Adam thinks it will validate his hatred of all things Trump.…
Must Watch: Epic Video Exposes COVID Fanatics and Their Hatred
– For many people, the COVID pandemic is already starting to fade from memory and life has returned to normal. For some of us, however, it’s not so easy to forget the misery so many of our elected officials and even our own community brought into our lives. Neighbor turned on...
Violence, Hatred, and Suspicious Packages? This Is Unacceptable and Unsustainable
– We have seen over the last several months an increase in hatred and volatile behavior in our political system.…
Sexy Women, the "Male Gaze," and Feminist Society's Hatred of Femininity…male-gaze-and-feminist-societys-hatred-of-femininity-n407569
– The #MeToo movement didn’t do society many favors and while the fact that it played a part in outing sexual predators in Hollywood, it became a witch hunt that targeted a lot of innocent people, and it’s still a problem that exists to this day. Moreover, it introduced a way...
"[F]ew observers believe the violence was due to racial hatred."
– the very next paragraph thusly: Almost all the attackers were black – but few observers believe the violence was due to racial hatred … One is left to wonder who this vast majority of observers are who apparently believe that racial hatred didn’t have anything to do…
Jen Rubin's Hatred of Jim DeMint Brings Out the Full Stupid
– If you ever wondered if the Washington Post bothers fact checking its bloggers, wonder no longer. They clearly do not. Jen Rubin brings out the full stupid today to try to throw Jim DeMint under the bus. It’s very well established she hates Jim DeMint because he...
Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo Encourage Hatred Against Millions of Americans…cuomo-encourage-hatred-against-millions-of-americans-n443873
– These are CNN’s alleged “news” anchors — pushing the hatred of millions of Americans. “Stop coddling people?” … With this, CNN is endorsing this divisive policy to encourage hatred against Americans. Science?…
New York Post Exposes Deep-Seated Trump Hatred Among Twitter Execs
– AP/Reuters Feed Library   This might seem like another “water is wet” type of story, but it still further illustrates what many already know about social media giants like Twitter. After having its bombshell story about Hunter Biden suppressed on the site, the New York Post has published an...
Why Has CNN Not Reported About Anti CHRISTian, Pro Life Hatred?
– This is HIDING YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND CNN claims to be the worldwide leader in news. If they are then why have they not reported a thing on one of the largest stories happening today that involve a pro-life group being accused of being like porn and CHRISTians...
The Left Wants You to Be Confused About What Hate Is
– I would argue that the most destructive emotion isn't hatred at all, it's indifference. …  Is this hatred of people who come across the border illegally? There's some nuance here. …  It doesn't mean we have a broad hatred of anyone.…
DC Residents Asked If They'd Rather Date a Convicted Felon Over a Trump Supporter and Stupidity Ensues…date-convicted-felon-trump-supporter-stupidity-ensues-n89677
– in order to spew their hatred for the current President. … But this hatred of the President also extends to those who support him.  … Such is the hatred for Trump, though.…
Will AIPAC Attendees Boycott Trump?
– The stated reason for the boycott is that Trump is inciting violence and hatred at his rallies (which is more than half fair, tbh): … Donald Trump’s speech to a major pro-Israel conference in Washington on Monday, accusing the presidential candidate of encouraging hatred … “We are against the hatred, the incitement of hatred, the ugliness that has engulfed this political season.”…
Chelsea Handler Spouts Anti-Immigrant Statement About Melania Trump
– The “tolerant,” “caring,” “loving” left is a treasure trove of divisiveness, indifference, and hatred. … illuminates just how full of s**t the left is when they start tut-tutting and finger-wagging about tolerance and speaking out against “hatredHatred and intolerance are perfectly acceptable on the left, so long as they hate the right people.…
AOC Lectures On A 'Just Society', Then Spends Weekend Stoking Flames Of Hatred
– believe they’re victims seems to be the underlying theme), the Congresslady spent the rest of the weekend stoking division and racial hatred
The Hatred Thrown at Chris Pratt Is Proof of His Importance to America
– These facts alone make him a target for ridicule, hatred, and cancelation. … As I write this, Pratt is trending on Twitter with the floodgates of hatred opened.…
Dogs Not Welcome: Growing Calls by Muslims To Accommodate Their Hatred Of Dogs
– Photo of Ferosha, by Elizabeth Vaughn   CTV of Vancouver reported that numerous flyers had been posted at a local park which read, “Many Muslims live in this area and dogs are considered filthy in Islam. Please keep your dogs on a leash and away from the Muslims who live...