Results for: the big guy

Ten Things Barack Obama Will Need To Do In 2015 Before Republicans Will Begin To Trust Him.
– Directly negotiate with the Speaker of the House and the new Senate Majority Leader. Clean house in the IRS. … Moe Lane (crosspost) PS: Your favorite big-ticket item is probably not on this list because first we need to get the President to … Once we get that done, then we can see if Barack Obama can handle big-guy decisions.  …
Mark Udall's Very Bad Week: Colorado Senate Moved to Toss Up
– By Wednesday the sharks could smell the blood in the water. … Just to add to the already hypocritical relationship between big green donor Steyer and his friends in the Senate like Mark Udall, … Not exactly the guy I would want bankrolling my campaign, but then I am not a democrat.…
Wealth cannot be destroyed with surgical precision
– That’s a big part of their bodice-ripping enthusiasm for the work of new-wave Marxist Thomas Piketty, who gives them a load of economic … There’s no way to clean out the treasure vaults of the Evil Rich with tax and regulatory flamethrowers without burning the Little Guy … of the sun and shifting of the wind, while big-shot TV stars and film producers soar overhead in private airplanes.  …
A rising stock market does not lift Obama's poll numbers
The Left hates the idea of a big investor class filling up the middle income brackets.   … The down side to success in their efforts to push the Little Guy out of the market is that the Little Guy has less reason to celebrate … Another big reason Obama won’t be taking any bows for the stock market is the American Left’s new fascination with the work of French…
Barack Makes A Funny – Four Americans Remain Quite Dead
– He takes responsibility for his leadership decisions as President about as much as I take responsibility for playing the wrong guy … Here’s how President Obama tries to just laugh the whole deal off and get back to the really gut-level critical stuff like Big Bird … Oh well, better luck for the next guy. I’ll conclude this piece the same way I did the last one on this topic.…
[UPDATE: Nope, he's still for Obama.] Former Democratic VA Governor Doug Wilder Endorses Romney in everything but Name
– For most of the last few months, former Democratic Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder, the first black governor elected anywhere in the … Now comes the big blow, as Obama has lost Wilder’s endorsement. … Wilder’s trying to play the “above the fray” and “both sides of the fence” cards to the very end, but the message here is clear nonetheless…
National Taxpayers Union endorses Jeff Landry
The endorsement comes after the Boustany campaign spent months trying to convince voters that Landry wanted to raise sales taxes to … After repeatedly denying, the ultimate backing on the subject of taxing steps in to tell Boustany “No.” … This is big and hopefully the news gets out there. If you’re in this district, spread the word and get this guy into this seat.…
You Too Can Be Like Former Daily Kos Blogger Nate Silver
– He’s a smart guy to be sure, but my buddy Sean Davis has a great must read about how you too can be the next Nate Silver with a cheap … Lastly, as a number of people have noted, including Sean Davis in this piece, the big issue this year is whether or not the state polls … I’m no baseball scout, but batting .200 when it counts won’t get you into the big leagues, let alone the All-Star game.…
Tech at Night: Hurricane Sandy thoughts, Cybersecurity inconsistency from the administration…s-cybersecurity-inconsistency-from-the-administration-n44804
– So, FTC is posturing about Google and antitrust, trying to paint itself as the poor little guy against the big, bad corporation, which … But at the same time I’m reminded of when Google painted itself the tiny victim of big, bad ISPs like MetroPCS and T-Mobile. … This isn’t some guy reselling his own stuff. This is a guy who was in the business of undercutting the copyright holders.…
On Polling Models, Skewed & Unskewed
– future is projected from the raw data, on the assumption that the future will behave like the past. … Consider an argument Michael Lewis makes in his book The Big Short: nearly everybody involved in the mortgage-backed securities market … (As it happened, the RCP averages at the end of the cycle did the same thing, as they did in 2008.)…
From November 8, 2011: See, I Told You So
– If he loses women by as big as he is starting to lose the women, he cannot win.So Mitt Romney will be the nominee. … And voters would rather the guy they don’t like than they guy they don’t trust. … pose as the faces, voices, and writers of the conservative movement at large, keep throwing their lot in with a guy who keeps selling…
Campaign Sources: The Romney Campaign was a Consultant Con Job
– “But I have real numbers.” […] “I’m very surprised, as digital guy, about the pushback people are getting” over Orca, Moffatt … Sources also said that arrogance played a big role, saying that the Romney campaign was a hostile battlefield of egos in which these … One source saying “they looked at the guy who could raise the most money in history as a ride” adding that “money no longer matters…
The Fall of the House of Romney
– Obama spent a ton of money over the summer doing the big thing you need to do against a non-incumbent: defining Romney in the eyes … , both national and statewide: 1) The Clueless Rich Guy: The wealthy or self-funded candidate with little or no political experience … Voters looking for change are a lot less likely to pull the lever for a guy who has been out of the fight that long.…
30 Reasons Republicans Lost The Election
– Ultimately, the guy whom we knew thought he was better than anyone else was going to make statements revealing that attitude. … Finally, People, At The Presidential Level, More Often Than Not, Vote For “The Nice Guy.” … By conceding, falsely, that the arrogant jerk Obama was “a nice guy,” simply because that’s what the biased polling was saying, the
Gov. John Hickenlooper (D, CO) to set up task force to stymie pot legalization.…d-co-to-set-up-task-force-to-stymie-pot-legalization-n44986
– See, right there you can determine the tone that the Denver Post was encountering from the office of the Governor. … The basic quandary here is that John Hickenlooper doesn’t want to be The Guy Who Legalized Pot In America. … Big ones. Special malpractice insurance? Big time. A special ‘pot tax’ to pay for all the increased medical costs from smoking?…
A Primer for Rich Donors Who Got Taken to the Cleaners by Republican Consultants…o-got-taken-to-the-cleaners-by-republican-consultants-n44973
– About the only major group to use it was FreedomWorks, which, unlike a lot of other big groups on the right, decided not to go proprietary … , a candidate needs 13% of the population to win.But, and this is a big but, of the 25% of the population that can and does vote, 9% … , instead of setting up some consultant to be the king maker and power broker.So rich guy, you want to win or you want to be the gate…
No Republican Should Sit Next to Rep. Steve Cohen
– with theBig Lie” originating from none other than Adolph Hitler’s famous screed Mein Kampf, later tweaked by Nazi Propaganda Minister … I find it doubly interesting that Cohen would use theBig Lie” as his comparison, given his attempt to perpetuate the discredited … I consider any Republican who chooses to sit next to this guy at the State of the Union to be giving tacit endorsement to the belief…
Let me just pile on Steve Cohen (D, TN-0[9]) here.
– Cohen responded to the President’s call for civility by calling the Republican party a bunch of Nazis.   … Cohen is precisely the sort of person who can’t feel big until he’s made everybody around him small; and since people like that rarely … Your last two primaries have been the political equivalent of the Iran-Iraq war: the most moral option in both was to root for injuries…
RS Caption Contest - 1.15.2011 - Results
– It’s on the US taxpayers. … Patrick_Murdock You can Trust your Car to the Man who wears the Star, the big Red Communist Star ! … KC All the experts I know agree… The oil drilling moratorium is doing wonders for the economy. conservativemusician Mr.…
Herman Cain announces presidential exploratory committee
– of a run for President of the United States in the 2012 election. … Then imagine the same guy is a movement conservative. Then imagine the guy actually ran for president. … Tea Parties are far more likely to set the tone, and if the early behavior of the new Congress is any indicator, the Tea Parties are…
Marco Rubio Says No To The Tea Party Caucus, Michele Bachmann Invites "Trouble"…the-tea-party-caucus-michele-bachmann-invites-trouble-n37714
The ideals of the Tea Party really are the Republican party planks. … It is hoped that the election of a guy like Marco Rubio will bring back the fiscal discipline and other Tea Party principles that once … The New York Times editorial board called for Scalia to cancel his commitment. This doesn’t seem like a big deal.…
George Allen's Problem
– He is, however, a great guy and I certainly don’t intend to knock him on the front page of RedState. … There was also the vote for the debt limit, the flip-flop into support of ethanol, gun control issues, the morning after pill controversy … This race may be the big grassroots vs. party establishment race of 2012 and a test of the tea party’s continued momentum.…
Crucifixions, Porn and Other Sick Perversions At The USEPA.
– Furthermore, since there was no statistical association at the 95% confidence limits, the EPA lowered the limit to 90%. … And if one their noble puritans occasionally strays, it’s not so big a deal in the context of the greater jihad. … Thus, the EPA is a filth-rhymed cesspool breeding blood-sucking mosquitoes because they follow the example being set by the guy up…
CBS News President David Rhodes (Inadvertently) Exposes Obama's Benghazi Lie
– Regardless of the fact, the Ben Rhodes email establishes the lie about the internet video as the main theme of all government responses … My bet is on the guy who was writing the memo blaming a “spontaneous mob reaction.” … She resorted to her best friend to save her: THE BIG LIE. 5.…
So, Ben Sasse won in Nebraska SEN last night.
The Sasse campaign, for the time being, is not returning the love. … If that means playing nice with the guy who was on the other side in the primary, again, so be it. … This is the way the world runs, folks.  And if you’re depressed, consider the Democrats’ problem.  …
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