Results for: the big guy
Please Shut Up With Your Incessant Whining
While it is true that the candidates must focus on the Democrat, the way you actually win the primary is to also convince voters you … are the best guy to beat the Democrat. … What we don’t use, they will.So go put on your big boy pants, sit back, and suck it up for the next few weeks.…
Roy Blunt Wins: Senate GOP Shuns Tea Party, Embraces K Street
It is worth noting the number of Senators who came out publicly for Senator Ron Johnson and the number who refused to publicly support … Senator Blunt.Senator Blunt is a fine guy, but he is decidedly on the side of the old guard that has shown a lack of initiative and … If he wins, “it gets him in the queue to be considered for other posts,” another former Blunt aide told PI.K Street certainly has big…
Mitt Romney Knows Deprivation
politician — the Romney campaign has now set out to make Mitt v 467753.1: Romney the common man. … he regretted offering the bet, he tried to play down the incident with humor. … “If we were lucky, we actually bought a hose and we stuck it on the sink, and we’d hold there with the hose and the big bucket underneath…
Morning Briefing for December 9, 2011
At this point, the big-government statists in both parties know that the only way for conservatives to fight for any semblance of the … He was not the leader of the Republicans. He was the number two guy. … The deal, by the way, was made between George H. W. Bush and the Democrats.…
The Horserace for December 8, 2011
But I’m pretty sure the media will ignore all that and instead focus on the fact that I, a guy who said I’d never vote for Huntsman … I like the guy. I have many friends working on his staff. … A big ground staff in Iowa. Making the top three there buys him a life line into South Carolina.…
Robin Hood Tax Would Hurt the Little Guy More Than Big Banks
proposed Robin Hood Tax and how it would hurt the little guy not big banks as intended. … We hope you enjoy the show. … The hosts and guests of Coffee and Markets speak only for ourselves, not any clients or employers.…
Morning Briefing for December 23, 2011
Another big difference is that SOPA is backed by rich men in Hollywood and the OPEN Act is backed by people who actually use the internet … Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. … for him who might have written them, is shocked to learn he made big money off them, and people think this guy has the qualifications…
So Hang On A Minute
have written them, is shocked to learn he made big money off them, and people think this guy has the qualifications to be President … of the United States? … Hell, if pigs did fly and he did get elected President, he’d be 81 at the end of his first term.…
Horserace for December 22, 2011
Iowa voters will go to the caucuses and start us down the road to the White House.Even though people are checking out and tuning out … He could still be the guy the non-Romney supporters rally around, but he is going to have to make a strong showing in New Hampshire.The … There is time after South Carolina for someone to get in, make a play for the big states, and get to an open convention.…
The Candidates
man is the three term governor of the second largest state in the nation under whose administration close to 50% of all jobs in the … The former Speaker of the House is more a wild card than any of the other candidates, but he excites the base in a way that few do.A … She, like Perry, shares my values and has an unapologetic believe in the greatness of this country.Mitt Romney is not a bad guy.…
Ricardo Sanchez drops out of TX-SEN Democratic primary...
The very short version: Sanchez was the handpicked recruit of the DSCC, much to the cynical amusement of hardcore partisan Republicans … who looked forward to savaging rabidly anti-war DSCC chair Patty Murray for recruiting and running the guy who ran the infamous Abu … …looking at those items in reverse order: the Democratic party has been the big-government party for a while.…
Can Rick Perry Come Back?
campaign and it became divided between the “Austin Team” and the “Shadow Team” with the Allbaugh led shadow team calling the shots … It festered.Allbaugh is a good guy who many credit with turning the team around, but the situation has festered for too long. … heart and soul of the Republican Party — will be be a party of big spending or a party that devolves power back to the states and…
A Call for Sanity in the Anti-Romney Rhetoric
the Republican party platform. … In 2008, we ran a guy whose entire national name ID was due to the fact that he was, without a doubt, the handiest and most available … However, the most salient point I can divine about this criticism, given the fact that Romney’s latest flops are all to the right,…
Everything You Heard Last Night Was Bull, Perry Might Want to Stay In, & a Newtlear Attack…ght-want-to-stay-in-and-prepare-for-a-newtlear-attack-n41700…ght-want-to-stay-in-and-prepare-for-a-newtlear-attack-n41700
and instead, because the 2008 season did not reboot the crop of candidates, is now the guy three quarters of the GOP does not want … failure of the tea party movement to see the race come down to two or three big government conservatives. … Republican Party into the hands of big government conservatives after all the gains the tea party has made, and then announce I’m…
Morning Briefing for January 4, 2011
and instead, because the 2008 season did not reboot the crop of candidates, is now the guy three quarters of the GOP does not want … failure of the tea party movement to see the race come down to two or three big government conservatives. … Republican Party into the hands of big government conservatives after all the gains the tea party has made, and then announce I’m…
Morning Briefing for January 3, 2011
(Let’s leave aside for the moment the arguments over who can claim the term “conservative”; clearly this is the role in the field all … He’s the guy best suited by money, organization and resume to capitalize on a strong Iowa showing, which is why Romney’s media allies … Please click here for the rest of the post.…
Are New York Tea Partiers Really Willing to Sell Out?
As Democrats are doing more and more around the country, it appears they are setting up Davis to be the spoiler so a Republican can … The irony is that while Davis cannot win, he could be the spoiler to get the Democrat elected. … If that happens, the media will use this race to claim voters are rejecting the tea party movement.…
Senate GOP allows judicial confirmation of ex-Planned Parenthood director
From the diaries by Erick
As so often seem to be the case, the GOP doesn’t follow the Democratic playbook when it comes to obstruction … Remember when the ABA rating was the “gold standard”? … comments, Reyna was nominated for the Federal Circuit, not the DC Circuit (a BIG difference), so my original comments below are apples…
Tech at Night: History Eraser Button, Privacy, Skype, Google, Sprint
So, the big rumor that just started going around is that Microsoft will buy out Skype. This worries me. … And just as we saw in the Net Neutrality debate, when large, incredibly wealthy firms like Google were painted as the little guy, the … scrappy underdogs despite bringing in billions of dollars, now Sprint is supposed to be the little guy.…
Notes From "The Food Stamp Recovery"
In case you missed it, Jay Cost had a great piece on Friday on “the Food Stamp recovery”, laying out the ways in which the currently-underway … [I]f the economic recovery does not begin to show substantial improvement, the likes of which we have not really seen in the last two … In many ways, a weak recovery is an even more perilous time for a big-government guy like Obama than an economic crisis.…
The Winter of Republican Discontent
The guy everyone wanted, Mario Cuomo, refused to run (Mike Pence and Chris Christie should take note). … His message was the economy.
He won.
Big name Republicans are again this year sitting it out. Chris Christie is nowhere. … Mike Pence, the guy a lot of grassroots conservatives wanted to run, will run for Governor of Indiana.…
Osama Bin Laden's Death: Proving Liberals Really Don't Mean Their Rhetoric…eath-proving-liberals-really-dont-mean-their-rhetoric-n38864…eath-proving-liberals-really-dont-mean-their-rhetoric-n38864
The Navy Seals and the elite group who, says the Washington Post, ”
exist(s) outside military protocol and engage in operations that … are at the highest level of classification and often outside the boundaries of international law”, are loathed and hated by the left … The big homes, big salaries, and big competitive natures they possess? Their refusal to give extra taxes?…
The Horse Race for This Week
He has the outsider credentials, the evangelical street cred, and the messaging. … Tim Pawlenty
Pawlenty is the guy I’m keeping my eye on. … That’s one reason I think the Romney camp made such a big deal out of his Las Vegas, NV take of $10+ million.…
Jon Huntsman for Mike Bloomberg's Vice President!
Massive debt-equity ratios and the financial instruments made available by Wall Street got many businesses big and small into trouble … So the only guy running with the professed foreign policy credentials has nothing to say about foreign policy? … In the case of Bush Sr., his ability to build on the end of the Cold War; Reagan gets most of the credit, but lost in that, Bush…
Natural Constituiences
The big downside? … He’ll be the guy who gets the crowds within the state policy network excited. … Given his recent statements on religion and his record as Governor, he’s the guy who will be seen as the adult by the media and the…