the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
I’m filling in for Neal Boortz today from 8:30 am to 1pm ET. You can call in at 1-877-310-2100. We’ll be delving into a lot of Presidential politics. Listen live right here on the WSB Radio live stream.
1. This Is It!
2. Defeat That Omnibus!
3. Unaccountable and Unacceptable: Fast and Furious and the Incompetent Administration
4. Gingrich: Is his rise sustainable?
5. Romney Camp Attacks Newt Gingrich For Opposing George H. W. Bush’s Tax Increase
6. Is Lisa Jackson Looking to Get Back at Barack Obama?
7. CT Gov Schemes With SEIU To Unionize Day Care Providers & Others Without A Vote
1. This Is It!
Folks, below is a note from our front page writer Ben Howe. He needs your help to get a radio show. Let’s help him out. — Erick
So its come down to this moment. RedState readers and my friends on Twitter have helped me make it through round 1 & 2 of the Next Talker contest to win my own radio show on the 50,000 watt radio juggernaut that is WBT which on clear nights can be heard in 22 states.
I am so thankful to everyone that has helped me get this far and no matter what happens next, I’ll be eternally grateful.
But, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, this ain’t over yet. We are now in the final round of voting for the contest. Voting has been reset (which means even if you were awesome enough to vote for me before, I need you to do so again) and the competition is stiff.
As of this writing, I sit in 3rd place (out of the final 5) behind Ladd Lesh who sports 76 votes and Bobby Demuro who has a whopping 127 votes. I have a respectable 66 votes and need your help to take the lead.
What I’m asking is a pain in the butt, I’ll grant you that. WBT decided to make it so people had to actually join their website in order to pick the Next Talker. Great for preventing cheating, but certainly a roadblock to getting anyone other than family and close friends to vote for you.
However, in the last round, a great many of you did anyway. Please click here and “like” my entry.
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2. Defeat That Omnibus!
It is still inexplicable to me why Republicans should violate their pledge against passing an Omnibus, in order to meet an artificial deadline set by those who never passed a budget.
Democrats were too incompetent to pass a budget, even while they controlled all branches of government, thereby creating a need to pass the budget through a series of continuing resolutions. Now that Republicans control the House, and have a real budget on the table, Democrats have conveniently become disdainful of CRs. They have also undergone a cathartic conversion to meeting budget deadlines.
At this point, the big-government statists in both parties know that the only way for conservatives to fight for any semblance of the House budget – both in terms of spending levels and policy riders – is to drag out the process beyond December 16. Conservatives would be able to force Senate Democrats to pass the remaining nine spending bills one at a time. This would give House conservatives the leverage to amend each bill and force Democrats into defending embarrassing spending bills, which fund unpopular laws and agencies, on nine separate occasions. In plain English, this is exactly how the budget process is supposed to work, pursuant to the 1974 Budget Act.
“Oh, but it is already so late in the year,” cries Democrats, and oddly, Republican leaders. Well, dummies, whose fault is that? We passed our budget on time. Now you want to come in late and subvert the process under the guise of budget tardiness?
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3. Unaccountable and Unacceptable: Fast and Furious and the Incompetent Administration
Today, Obama’s top lawyer takes the stand. But in the eyes of the American people, Attorney General Eric Holder has already been found guilty.
Holder is testifying before Congress about his role in Operation Fast and Furious— the failed federal gun-trafficking sting that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent and the loss of more than 1,400 weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
When he testified on the scandal last month, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley pointedly asked, “Who will be held accountable?”
If Holder has his way, no one.
It’s all terribly symptomatic of the outrageous bureaucratic incompetence plaguing the Obama administration.
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4. Gingrich: Is his rise sustainable?
Candidates for office aren’t always well known at first. This difference in name recognition can distort early polling, which is why in this Republican Presidential primary race I keep watching approval ratings for clues.
So my personal find today of Gallup’s Positive Intensity Score tracker I think is worth a look, especially as we consider whether Newt Gingrich’s lead is here to stay.
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5. Romney Camp Attacks Newt Gingrich For Opposing George H. W. Bush’s Tax Increase
Let’s step into the Way Back Machine and go all the way back to 1990.
That year, George H. W. Bush decided to break his “no new taxes” pledge. You remember, “Read my lips,” don’t you?
Well, at the time Newt Gingrich was the Minority Whip of the United States House of Representatives. He was not the leader of the Republicans. He was the number two guy. And he initially said he’d support the deal, but twelve hours later, no doubt after consulting his colleagues, he decided to oppose the deal.
The deal, by the way, was made between George H. W. Bush and the Democrats. Newt was not exactly a consequential figure in the dealings largely because he was the number two man in a small minority, all of whom could have voted against the deal and it still would have passed.
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6. Is Lisa Jackson Looking to Get Back at Barack Obama?
As Obama moves closer to his perception of the center, he moves further from the environmental base that had placed their hopes and dreams in him. Over the summer, he ended up in a heated battle with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Lisa Jackson over a proposed Ozone rule that he was set to weaken against her wishes. According to the New York Times, it was not pretty.
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7. CT Gov Schemes With SEIU To Unionize Day Care Providers & Others Without A Vote
Connecticut’s union-bought governor, Daniel Malloy, is apparently scheming with the SEIU to unionize his state’s daycare providers and personal care attendants through a secret plan using the flawed method of card-check unionization.
By stripping individuals of their right to vote on whether or not to unionize, Malloy is virtually guaranteeing money (paid by taxpayers) will go into his SEIU cronies’ pockets.
According to Raising Hale’s Zach Janowski, Malloy has created “working groups” through executive order that will “guide the unionization” over the next year.
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