Results for: the big guy

One Year Later: How the Parkland Families Put Aside Politics to Fight for Reforms
– Then there was the failure of the school to secure the gates around the campus, miscommunications by security personnel when they saw … Scott on March 9, the last day of the session. … The lack of media clarity, along with the conflation with the more visible March for Our Lives movement, has occasionally put the families…
A Third Of Washington's Sheriffs Say They Will Not Enforce New Gun Restrictions. Is This the Way Of the Future?…say-will-not-enforce-new-gun-restrictions-way-future-n101210
– police chief of the small town of Republic, have said they will not enforce the new law until the issues are decided by the courts … This via The Hill: Mary Fan, a law professor at the University of Washington, told the newspaper it is noteworthy that sheriffs are … It isn’t treated on par with the First…or even the Third, for that matter.…
Rep. Tlaib: My Anti-Semitic Views Are Being "Shushed" Because I'm a Woman of Color
– In response to the discovery, a spokesman for the freshman Michigan Congresswoman told Business Insider‘s Joe Perticone that the piece … In seeming exasperation over the last two days of events, Tlaib took to the Twitter machine last night and pulled out the “Woman of … They all need to put on their big girl panties and deal with the criticism like grown women instead erupting into fits of the vapors…
The Army Scapegoating Junior Officers For Niger Ambush Indicates A Deep Institutional Rot…ficers-niger-ambush-indicates-deep-institutional-rot-n101058
– For the same reason kids wear the jersey of the Super Bowl champions and not the Cleveland Browns. … Carry out the mission or pack your sh** and get off the battlefield. That’s why you get paid the big bucks.). … At first, all the blame landed in the lap of the most expendable guy, Special Forces Michael Perozeni.…
I Never Expected Andrew Breitbart to Break My Heart
– ) made a rather grand entrance complete with Guy Fawkes masks, which caused a humorous stir in the audience.   … of the Occupy movement….One of the funniest moments of the presentation came when, toward the end of it, Andrew’s phone suddenly started … And proceeded to bound out of the room while commencing the interview.  …
President Trump Pulling the Plug On the Hanoi Summit Was Necessary To Progress…e-plug-on-the-hanoi-summit-was-necessary-to-progress-n101987
The president had teased the idea that the summit would yield big results. … The only guy who can speak for North Korea is Kim and spending time speaking to anyone else is basically wasted. … In the specific case of the Hanoi summit, we gave up nothing. Neither did the North Koreans.…
Joe Lieberman Gives AOC his Best Dirty Harry: 'Dis Me. I've Been Here a While.'…ends-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-dis-me-been-here-while-n101747
– Here is the point: In the American political system, the time that the parties really say what they’re about is when they nominate … year, a candidate is going to be nominated who simply cannot get elected because America doesn’t support the big government socialistic … See 3 more pieces from me: a real attractive guy, Christians & Ben, and the Women’s March’s end.…
It Starts: LAT Columnist Argues for Removal of John Wayne's Name From Airport
– “But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. … Consider the fact that this interview resurfaced thanks to a guy on Twitter who has less than 1,000 followers. … The Sunday tweet where he references the nearly 50-year-old interview has over 11,000 retweets as of this writing.…
Dems Tell Bernie to Kiss His 2020 Bid Goodbye After He Sympathizes With Venezuelan Dictator…iss-2020-bid-goodbye-sympathizes-venezuelan-dictator-n101664
– During a Tuesday interview with Univision, the Vermont socialist refused to acknowledge Guaidó as the legitimate leader of the country … Like Shalala, members of the Democratic party, including many of the big names, are not at all impressed according to Politico, and … the legitimacy of the Maduro regime and his efforts to remain illegally in power,” the party said in a statement.…
Did Rep. Justin Amash Vote To Allow Illegals in San Francisco to Vote?
the following amendment: Add, at the end of the bill, the following (and conform the table of contents accordingly): 1 DIVISION D—UPHOLDING … The national government has gotten a bit too big for its britches and that is not a grand thing at all. I caught up with Rep. … This coupled with the idea of altering the way that the electoral college is used to award electors in the Presidential races via the
AOC Takes SXSW By Storm, Aimed Her Guns At FDR, Reagan, ICE and All Political Moderates, But Mostly Capitalism…fdr-reagan-ice-political-moderates-mostly-capitalism-n102499
– But not in the way she meant it. Americans have never been afraid to think big. … We reject the GND, not because we are afraid to think big, but because, first, we want to maintain our freedom and second, because … Among them was Bill Nye, the Science Guy, who tweeted enthusiastically that “AOC gets it.” AOC gets it.…
Adam Schiff Decides Mueller Doesn't Matter, Hires MSNBC Hack to Investigate "Collusion"…t-trustworthy-hires-msnbc-hack-investigate-collusion-n102378
– Remember when the Mueller investigation was going to be the final word? … This is the same guy who felt the need to “apologize for all men” because Sen. … Jerry Nadler on the Amtrak as he discussed big impeachment plans, which he planned to present not as impeachment but as holding Trump…
Democrats and the Deep State Are Always Investigating the Wrong People and Things
– We the People should have known better than to hand the Democrats control of the House of Representatives.  To paraphrase P.J. … Guy.’ … So the Obama Administration hired to oversee the DoD cloud computing contract process – a guy who worked for Amazon’s cloud computing…
Kevin Dalton Is Using His Five Smooth Stones to Take Down Goliath Hilda Solis in L.A. BOS District 1…take-down-goliath-hilda-solis-in-l-a-bos-district-1-n572930
– Unlike the separation of powers that characterizes the federal and state governments, the Board of Supervisors is both the legislative … and the executive authority of the county. … The Tuesday, June 7 primary will reveal the rest.…
The Complicated Relationship Between Eric Greitens and Guns
– After winning the Republican nomination, Greitens busted out theBig Guns” in his bid to take the Governor’s mansion in the General … Some loved it and happily embraced this newcomer/”outsider” with the idea that if he ruffled liberal /lefty feathers, he was the guy … to win custody of the children.”…
Why Disney's 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Is Abject Garbage and Star Wars at Its Worst…kenobi-is-abject-garbage-and-star-wars-at-its-worst-n578574
– For instance, one of the big moments in episode two is Obi-Wan’s discovery that Anakin Skywalker is still alive and is, in fact, Darth … the end of the “Revenge of the Sith.” … This is the same guy who “Hello There’d” the four-armed lightsaber-wielding cyborg leader of the separatist forces with an honest-to-God…
Yes, Biden Unironically Issued a Proclamation on World Elder Abuse Day
The White House’s geriatric occupant just lost his marbles big time, ranting his head off at an AFL-CIO event. … DON LEMON: "Does the president has the stamina, physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?" … Now, they own all the consequences of that decision and, in the bargain, the effective abuse they are committing against Joe Biden…
No Matter What NeverTrump Says, Dobbs Was a Victory for and by President Trump…says-dobbs-was-a-victory-for-and-by-president-trump-n586105
– Roberts is the guy whose concurrence in Dobbs tells the majority — which included all three Trump-appointed justices — that they were … All the big thoughts by Conservative, Inc. are just as substantial as theThe Road Song of the Bandar Log.”   … The Gospel Matthew (21:28-32) contains the Parable of the Two Sons.…
Tuesday 'Toon: Joe Biden, the Most Corrupt President Ever
– Sure, having the Biden crime syndicate in charge of the presidency adds a lot of rich fodder for a cartoonist. … A new report on a voicemail left by the Big Guy for Joe’s bagman leaves no doubt that Joe’s a crook and liar. … Joe’s in the pocket of CCP. Everyone knows it — friend and foe. Shameful.…
New: Voicemail Busts Joe Biden From His Own Mouth Calling Son About Chinese Biz Dealings…his-own-mouth-calling-son-about-chinese-biz-dealings-n585262
– “big guy” referred to in the emails, who was supposed to get a percentage of the joint venture deal they were working on with the … Joe then left the following voicemail for Hunter after the story broke. … ‘The richest man in the world is missing, who was my partner.’…
Donald Trump Finds Three More 'RINOs' to Call Names
The end result is always the same. … The former president, who has referred to himself at various times as a “very stable genius,” a guy with a “very, very, big brain,” … Supreme Court and finally making the overturn of Roe a reality, I do not believe Trump is the guy to make it happen.…
MSNBC Contributor Graphically Compares Voter ID Laws to Strangling a Baby…phically-compares-voter-id-laws-to-strangling-a-baby-n581301
– Imagine the self-created bitterness in this guy that causes him to eagerly spew such bile. … “This guy,” being Eddie Glaude, the “James S. … the baby’s neck choking the life out of it.…
Former Governor Eric Greitens Raises Eyebrows (and Questions) With New Senate Ad…ens-raises-eyebrows-and-questions-with-new-senate-ad-n581258
– Members of the mainstream media, like Jake Tapper, have weighed in on the ad and the tweet. … After winning the Republican nomination, Greitens busted out theBig Guns” in his bid to take the Governor’s mansion in the General … Some loved it and happily embraced this newcomer/”outsider” with the idea that if he ruffled liberal /lefty feathers, he was the guy
White House Falsifies Official Transcript to Protect America's Senile President…cial-transcript-to-protect-americas-senile-president-n591939
– Yet, incredibly, the White House decided to falsify the transcript, asserting that he said “let me repeat the line,” which was the … It’s insane, and it’s more evidence that this guy is not up for the job. If Biden wasn’t a Democrat this would be a scandal. … As it stands, this just goes on the list. Or maybe I’m just crazy for thinking these kinds of lies are actually a big deal?…
Friday Cartoon: Biden's White House Yard Sale - Everything Must the CCP…white-house-yard-sale-everything-must-go-to-the-ccp-n591126
– In attendance was the smartest guy Joe knows — Hunter Biden. The Big Guy and his bagman spent a weekend at Camp David recently. … Biden sold out to the CCP. … Is it simply to protect his drug-addled, sex-addicted waste-of-air, son, or is the Big Guy protecting the Big Guy?…
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