Results for: House Freedom Caucus

Trump's Primary Threats Against Conservatives Proves His Campaign Was a Farce
– Laura Ingraham spent an inordinate amount of time lecturing people like me who said we wouldn’t support Trump’s bid for the White House … By attacking House Freedom Caucus members like Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and Raul Labrador, Trump provides clear evidence his entire … budget chief Mick Mulvaney, a former member of the S.C. congressional delegation, co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus and a friend…
Karl Rove Weighs in: Trump Once Loved Tea Party, Why Declare War on It?
– Trump has tried to intimidate and insult members of the House Freedom Caucus to get his way, but he took it one step further Thursday … when he declared war on the Freedom Caucus. … If Donald Trump had run his campaign actively against the Tea Party and the Freedom caucus, do you think he would be president today…
Freedom Caucus Chairman Meadows: White House Advisers Are Leading Trump Astray
– Members of the House Freedom Caucus sat down for an interview with the Washington Examiner on Thursday following President Trump tweeting … about the apparent “need” to “fight” the Freedom Caucus ahead of the 2018 elections. … Work with the House Freedom Caucus, which is the arm of the Tea Party that propelled Trump greatly in the election.…
Dana Unloads on GOP: 'You’re Spitting on the Victory the American People Gave You'
– Conservative firebrand Dana Loesch unloaded on Republicans on Thursday for their betrayal of the House Freedom Caucus. … She then took dead aim at those in the GOP who are attacking the House Freedom Caucus for its demise: “Today some of the people I see … Loesch ended her show offering a warning to anyone trying to cast the House Freedom Caucus as the villain in D.C.: “If the House
Today's Attack On Conservative Lawmakers Warrants A Look Back At The Fraudsters
– Today, Trump went after the House Freedom Caucus, the conservative wing of the Republican party, in favor of the establishment wing…
Common Ground Between Right and Left: Trump Doesn't Know What He's Doing
– Problems created by Trump are always someone else’s fault, be it fake news media, intelligence agencies, or the Freedom Caucus. … The healthcare failure for which he is blaming Democrats, the Freedom Caucus, and through surrogates, Paul Ryan, is entirely on Trump … Working with Democrats and vowing to fight the Freedom Caucus are just more bluffs that no opponent should be concerned about anymore…
After Trump Twitter Attack, Freedom Caucus Member Has A Quick Response
– After President Trump did his Twitter thing this morning, where he took a shot at conservative lawmakers with the House Freedom Caucus … Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) had tried to woo skeptical members of the Freedom Caucus, with White House meetings and a bowling … Thomas Massie, a Libertarian out of Kentucky, who tends to flow in the same direction as the House Freedom Caucus on issues. .…
Donald Trump Foolishly Continues to Attack the House Freedom Caucus
– For somebody that supposedly has terrific political instincts, Donald Trump’s recent spate of attacks on the House Freedom Caucus … He tweeted the following this morning: The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & … Does he think he’ll be able to cut corporate tax rates and lower marginal rates without members of the House Freedom Caucus on board…
Gingrich Explains How House Freedom Caucus Actually Saved Trump, Republicans
– Gingrich responded by strongly supporting the House Freedom Caucus, adding that they saved House Republicans from a “politically destructive … vote” when they refused to support the House Republican health care bill that only had a 17 percent approval rating among voters. … “So I think the Freedom Caucus whether they intended to or not may have saved House Republicans from…
NC Lawmakers Reach Agreement On Bathroom Bill Repeal, Until They Don't
House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger called a press conference for 6:30pm on Tuesday, presumably to announce … “We were prepared to have him work with the Democrats to get Democratic support, and we were going to work with our caucus to get Republican … RFRA is shorthand for the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and Porter was referencing a short-lived 2015 Indiana law that would have…
Republicans Plot Second Attempt to Repeal Obamacare, Look Who is Leading Charge Now…ttempt-to-repeal-obamacare-look-who-is-leading-charge-n69730
– Mo Brooks, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, indicated his plan to use a legislative tactic that would force a floor vote on simply … Mark Meadows, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, which played a major role in blocking the bill last week. … While GOP lawmakers are keeping most of the details tight lip, it appears that Paul Ryan is making sure the House Freedom Caucus is…
Dana Loesch Sounds Off on Those Blaming the House Freedom Caucus
– While many are blaming the House Freedom Caucus for the failed GOP health care bill, Dana Loesch called the efforts of the FreedomFreedom Caucus,” Loesch explained, adding that she believed the healthcare vote cancellation last week was a big victory for the Tea … Loesch added: “I think that this battle with the House Freedom Caucus and Paul Ryan is the most fascinating political battle of this…
Freedom Caucus Members Open up and Zero in on Planned Parenthood, Among Other Things
– The House Freedom Caucus has been blamed for much in the past few days. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2017 The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory … I applaud the Freedom Caucus and their unwillingness to compromise.…
Trump Attacks the Conservative Freedom Caucus Yet Again; Pledges to Deal with Democrats Instead
– I have argued that the members of the Freedom Caucus who opposed TrumpCare aka the AHCA are heroes. … Donald Trump apparently disagrees: The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. … Here’s the problem with Trump’s latest tantrum: the folks in the Freedom Caucus were not the only people who opposed this dog of a…
Never Trust Anyone Who Asks You to 'Take One for the Team'
– Politico Magazine describes how the Freedom Caucus and their policy concerns were treated by the White House. … It’s impossible to ignore the failure because for the Freedom Caucus it was probably impossible to ignore the the defection of these … Members of the Freedom Caucus realized right away that there would be no negotiating.…
AHCA Failure Shows Neither Trump nor Ryan Are up to the Task of Fixing Health Care
– Despite the hue and cry over the House Freedom Caucus’ refusal to sign on to the health care legislation backed by both President … However, while most of the headlines focused on Freedom Caucus opposition to the bill, moderate opposition to the bill was equally … It was Thursday afternoon and members of the House Freedom Caucus were peppering the president with wonkish concerns about the American…
GOP Rep Resigns From Freedom Caucus: 'They'd Vote No Against the Ten Commandments'
– Ted Poe (R-Texas) resigned from the House Freedom Caucus Sunday, citing his dissatisfaction with the group and their unwillingness … The Freedom Caucus is a group of staunch conservative lawmakers who recently blocked President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul … Republican leaders tried very hard to sway the House Freedom Caucus members by altering the ACA’s so-called essential health benefits…
Joe Scarborough: ‘Bannon Failed Miserably. He Is the Biggest Loser.’ (VIDEO)
– Leftist MSNBC host Joe Scarborough tore into chief White House strategist Steve Bannon Monday morning. … According to several reports, Bannon and an unnamed member of the House Freedom Caucus exchanged barbs about the AHCA, which began … The unnamed House Freedom Caucus member reportedly fired back at Bannon: You know, the last time someone ordered me to something,…
Report: Paul Ryan Got Down ‘On One Knee’ Begging for GOP Health Care Votes
– A new report from the Washington Post shows that House Speaker Paul Ryan used desperate measures to round up Republican votes as the … If the reports are true, it appears that Trump and Ryan tried to “good cop, bad cop” the Freedom Caucus. … Congress and the White House have signaled that they will move on from healthcare and tackle tax reform.…
Not Every Freedom Caucus Member Rejected The Obamacare Replacement Bill
– For those who saw last week’s Obamacare replacement bill as a stinker, the House Freedom Caucus are heroes. … Said Poe: “I have resigned from the House Freedom Caucus. … Leaving this caucus will allow me to be a more effective Member of Congress and advocate for the people of Texas.…
What Should Be the Next Step on Repealing ObamaCare? Ted Cruz Has the Answer
– The defeat of the bill was glorious, and the members of the Freedom Caucus who opposed it are heroes. … You don’t lose your car insurance or life insurance or house insurance if you lose your job; you shouldn’t lose your health insurance … if his house burns down.…
Strangest Bedfellows: Major Trump Critic Joins The Donald In Attacking House Freedom Caucus…mp-critic-joins-donald-attacking-house-freedom-caucus-n69650
– Here is President Trump taking to Twitter over the last few days in regards to the Freedom Caucus: The irony is that the Freedom … The House Freedom Caucus just single-handedly saved #Obamacare. … When the Freedom Caucus helped to push John Boehner out as Speaker of the House and then insured that Rep.…
In a Move Surprising Nobody, Donald Trump Attacks Conservatives on Twitter for His Failure
– First, Trump used Judge Jeanine Pirro as his messenger to get Paul Ryan to step down as Speaker of the House. … He tweeted: Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 26, 2017 So he fails on the Obamacare replacement bill, and he’s blaming House Freedom Caucus members…
Lo & Behold: A Replica of the Successful 2015 Obamacare Repeal Is Languishing in Committee
– Jordan, a member of the much derided House Freedom Caucus, reiterated the familiar words of many Republican candidates across the country … But it must have a majority of the House. … Conservatives and the House Freedom Caucus took early blame for the AHCA’s passage or failure, even though moderates and the Tuesday…
President Trump, Coward: He Wants Paul Ryan to Step Down but Gets a Sycophant to Say It
– First, their anger was directed at the members of the House Freedom Caucus, many of whom were not going to vote for the bill.…
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