Results for: trump

Trump As Useful Fool
– He believes supporting Trump over Hillary is the answer, but misses that supporting Trump, at the cost of principles, destroys any … He’s also very good on the border,” Trump said. … In February he said “a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary”.…
Trump Campaign Cash Shortfall
– He’s rich. He’s really, really rich. He’ll fund his own campaign. He can’t be bought. Keep repeating that on a loop. It’s all we heard through the primary season by his loyal Branch Trumpidian cultists. Now, in the midst of a day that has been rife with reports...
Alec Baldwin’s Trump Delusions
– You know, Trump, some people would say to me very pointedly, how do you feel that you helped Trump get elected? … But Baldwin thinks he was the one who “normalized” Trump. … He has plans now to write a parody memoir as Donald Trump.…
#NeverTrump vs. Trump Derangement
– and the Trump Deranged. … Trump is the president. … Trump Derangement, however, is a completely different monster.…
Cruz: We forgive Trump
– Ted Cruz said he and his family forgive Donald Trump during an interview with Houston’s ABC owned-and-operated KTRK-TV’s Tom Abrahams … about Cruz’ endorsement of Trump: You know it’s been a decision as I said I’ve been thinking about and praying about for weeks and … Even supporters were angry that he didn’t endorse Trump despite promising to do back whoever the eventual nominee was.…
Donald Trump Wins Wisconsin
– Get ready for it: President Trump Fox News projects @realDonaldTrump wins Wisconsin.…
Donald Trump Wins Ohio
– However, our friends at the Decision Desk have called it for Donald Trump. … We are calling the states of Florida, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio for Donald Trump. … Donald Trump currently leads the state 52.1 o 44.2, and winning the state gets him 18 electoral votes.…
TRUMP: "Polls Are Phony"
– On a day where Donald Trump should be making the case to go out and vote for him right now, Trump has decided it would be better to … “I do think a lot of the polls are purposefully wrong,” Trump said, claiming that media outlets and pollsters were biased against him … Trump is very much against anything that doesn’t show him leading because it pierces his ego. He doesn’t like that.…
Trump: The Big Picture
– The Political Context There is a bigger picture than Donald Trump. … Donald Trump won despite being a terribly personally flawed candidate, being badly outspent, and having virtually no conventional Get … The change will be real. —– This week’s video is President Obama’s roast of Donald Trump at the 2011 National Press Club dinner…
Trump Is a Dictator!
– As this banner on Fox says, “President Trump Unleashed.” … He wasn’t saying Trump was a dictator, but he was watching for troubling signs. … Remember, the Stone case is about lying and obstructing to protect Trump.…
A Trump Modus Operandi
– President Trump continues to be a complete enigma to the Democrat-media complex – and even to his supporters to a lesser degree. … great powers bestowed upon a president of the United States, I want the process to play out, I think that’s the best thing to do,” Trump … President Trump knows this all too well.…
POLITICO Agrees: Trump Won
Trump, Friday, October 6, 2017. … Trump won Wednesday night’s debate by a mile. … the whole point of this enterprise is beating Trump.…
Beto: Trump Is Hitler
– Well, if you’re Beto O’Rourke, you go to the last resort, violate Godwin’s Rule and compare President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. … O’Rourke let loose, repeating a string of debunked lies and blaming Trump for the El Paso mass shooting. … O’Rourke then repeated the lie that Trump said Neo-Nazis and Klansmen were “very fine people.”…
Figuring Out President Trump
– How best to explain President Trump, especially to those afflicted with seemingly incurable mass psychosis that is called Trump Derangement … There is plenty of evidence of those in Trump! … With whom does Trump have strong alliances?…
Are Trump Followers Cultists?
– In their never-ending search for an anti-Trump narrative that resonates with the American people, and upon which they can campaign … The Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)-afflicted. They are legion, and they are lunatics! … As for being labeled a “Trump cultist” by my political enemies on the Left, I will wear that as a badge of honor.…
President Trump? Nobel Laureate?
Trump for making a rapprochement between the Koreas possible. Mr. … But it is not Trump who accomplished this. … (Oddly enough, this is a metaphor for a lot of Trump criticism.…
North Korea Tests Trump
–   President Donald Trump tells reporters a time and place for his meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has been set and will be … “We will continue to go ahead and plan the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un,” she said. … By undoing the sanctions so deserved by ZTE, Trump may now be perceived as too pliable by Young North Korean dictator.…
Trump Caves on ZTE
– KUDLOW: President Xi asked President Trump to take another look at it. … This does not have the hallmark of a Trump deal. … Today President Donald Trump suggested ZTE be fined and its management changed: Trump said ZTE may instead face a fine of up to $1.3…
Trump Kisses a Girl!
– As I mentioned in a previous article, the leftists are frothing at the mouth, rabid dog mad, that President Trump is succeeding. … Not only are the employment numbers awesome, but in the diplomatic arena, it appears President Trump has managed a twofer. … China has backed off on some trade issues (a deal could be in the making any day now) and President Trump is scheduled to meet with…
Trump: Worst. Racist. Ever.
Trump: Worst. Racist. Ever. … Let’s start with Businessman Trump. … From that bastion of conservative thought and unabashed support for Trump, the Chicago Tribune, So far under Trump, median family…
Mr. Trump – You’re Fired!!
Trump, get a haircut. You’re fired! … Go to this link here, and you can find out exactly when the Trump Family basilisk egg hatched! … Trump, you’re fired!…
Donald Trump Delenda Est
– The email said, verbatim, “Do you guys write anything but anti-Trump articles anymore?” … I don’t oppose Trump because I’m opposed to insurgent conservative candidates; I oppose Trump because I support insurgent conservative … The reason we spent so much digital ink on Trump this weekend is this: while you might not have been watching, Donald Trump concluded…
How Trump Wins (Redux)
– President Trump in MAGA Hat Tonight, as I watched our Paladin spike the football (as he should) I could clearly see that he’s a Red … If Y’all recall, a short while back, I prescribed the recipe for a Trump 2020 victory called, “How Trump Wins.” … Evidently President Trump agrees with your (not so) humble scribe.…
Why Donald Trump Lost
– It is also true that President Donald Trump lost by bigger margins than can simply be stolen, and that the Trump campaign has been … what the Republican Party (including the Trump Administration) have done, but split the ticket by voting Trump out but allowing Republicans … For starters, Trump was undisciplined when it came to messaging.…
Trump Does It Again!
– migrant caravan have massed in this Guatemalan border town across the muddy Suchiate River from Mexico, (AP Photo/Moises Castillo) Trump … President Trump has done it again. He has just sprung another trap on the left—and RINO Republicans, on illegal immigration. … President Trump just announced a signed border agreement that will have Mexico keep asylum applicants on their side of the border until…
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