Results for: elites

– Some are blind to this because they like when he says things like “rah rah ten commandments monument” or “harumph elites McConnell. … He preached about the elites. He opined and ranted. … The “elites”? The Deep State™? Being opposed by McConnell should have been a feature, not a bug.…
Is This the Dumbest Insult Ever Uttered in Alabama?
– Weren’t we told that coastal elites looking down on all us good people in the flyover states was a bad thing, and this is why Trump…
Follow the Money: Ceres Conference 2015
– Just a short drive across the Coast Ranges of California from the drought stricken Central Valley, business elites are meeting at…
Ditching Washington's Red Carpet
– Top media elites, Hollywood celebrities, and politicians gather together in DC for a gala event, carried on cable news and damn the…
– I suspect that history, including great historical novelists of the future, will look back and see that many of our elites simply decided … That’s what I think a lot of the elites are up to.…
Follow the Money: Center for Reproductive Rights
– the same time frame. 2nd Vote’s research has found that not all of that support comes from only from liberal foundations and elites
Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Universities…ted-failed-expelled-faith-state-colleges-universities-n53351
– person of faith, receiving failing grades for daring to allow their religious beliefs to outweigh the omniscience of the educational elites
'Don't panic over Ebola!' they screamed
– In light of all this, the response from the American public has been generally reasonable, even subdued, even as the elites fan out…
Elizabeth Warren: Money talks and populist bullcrap walks
– “We, like you, are frustrated with a political economy that benefits well-connected elites at the expense of all Americans,” Heritage … Congressional battles over the Export-Import Bank and terrorism insurance are an opportunity for Democrats to win back corporate elites
Michelle Nunn cowardly refuses to stand with Barack Obama.
– One standard for the lowland elites, and quite another for the hardscrabble mountain ones.…
Religion: a looming mental health crisis
– bedrock free speech principles liberals claim to embrace today, George says “our first and most effective move is to hold these elites … Those elites are the ones who have embraced the crotch-centric values of modern American society and sought to punish anyone who stands…
It's Like a Gang Land Initiation
– The west has become so hostile to God and His Son that many western elites would rather spend their time calling Christians bigots…
Don't worry about Ebola because everything else is working fine
– The elites rising in post-Soviet countries “may not share the idealism — or have the same relationship to the United States — as the…
MSM Follows Mordor's Plan on Gruber
– Now we’ve heard them publicly reveal what they actually believe:  that the elites know best and Mordor is not so bad in the summertime…
ObamaCare and the tyranny of lies
– wasted on ObamaCare, but if America emerges from this Presidency with a reduced tolerance for control and deception from arrogant elites
Salon: Trump Could Bring Back Slavery. Oh and The Constitution Is Racist...
– larger compromise that tried to balance the economic interests of different regions as well as the competing desires of various elites
Here's How Electoral College Day (Today) Is Going to Go Down
– As you know, there has been an attempt by the loudest of tiny groups (Hollywood and Democrat elites) to cast a pall of uncertainty…
Is Loretta Lynch Lying? Or Is She Just Stupid?
– because it — quote — “played right into the culture of corruption,” the notion that there’s — quote — “different set of rules for elites
Can We Avoid Cold War 2.0? And Is Trump the Man To Do It?
– problem in Europe, and in the US, is that a basic social contract has been ruptured: None of this is welcome news, and Western elites
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Star on Trump Victory: We Got Cocky, Became Bullies
– Zoe Saldana is right of course, with each snide comment or long winded lecture, the liberal elites push more people to defend Trump…
The Elon Musk Myth Looks to Contaminate Texas
– electric cars which – even with the federal coin – cost way too much and aren’t purchased by anyone outside of uber-wealthy preening elites
Inauguration: The Morning After
– A cabal of elites ruining the lives of middle America through nefarious machination is not something you can really prove or disprove … , but, sure, in cities and towns across America and in the halls of D.C, a comfortable establishment and liberal cultural elites push…
UNITED WE STAND? Uber CEO Quits Trump's Advisory Board Blames Travel Ban Backlash
– Meanwhile, the liberal elites who are always whining about unity, they do everything in their power to create division.…
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