Results for: Donald Trump 2023

Facebook Bans Trump 'Til 2023
– But Donald Trump will be coming back to Facebook. If, that is, he wants. And in, that would be, two years. Maybe. … President Donald Trump until at least January 2023. … So when and how will Donald Trump reappear on the online stage?…
Trump Is Gearing up for a Social Media Comeback
– Despite their various attempts to silence him on social media, former President Donald Trump appears poised to make a return to the … According to a report from Politico, “Longtime senior Donald Trump adviser Jason Miller is taking over as chief executive officer of … The report continued: “Miller’s company is currently developing a social media platform that is being considered for use by Trump.…
Trump’s Deregulating and It’s Working - Why Would Congress Reimpose Any of It?
– President Donald Trump’s Administration – is a tax-and-regulations-cutting machine. … And on regulations – this: Trump Administration Rescinding Rules for Oil, Gas Drilling Trump Administration Tears Down Regulations … in Oil Output by 2023 This: Trump Rolls Back Regulations on Coal Begets this: U.S.…
News Summary From the Week That Was (26 Jan – 1 Feb)
– Democrat House impeachment managers have focused not just on what they call corruption by President Donald J. Trump. … The media spent years promising a definitive takedown of Trump. Comey’s testimony was going to take down Trump. … The segment featured Lemon, far-left op-ed writer Wajahat Ali, and anti-Trump establishment Republican Rick Wilson who mocked Trump
What Next for the Federal Reserve? 'Printing' Cryptocurrency?
– Four years from now – is 2023. … President Donald Trump and his Office of Management and Budget (OMB) – can likely require The Fed to do for what Budd’s bill calls. … And here’s to President Trump – trumping Budd’s bill.…
EXCLUSIVE: Kash Patel Talks His Latest Brave Book: 'Plot Against The King 2' and Whether the DOJ Can Survive…t-against-the-king-2-and-whether-the-doj-can-survive-n630304
Trump. But that was only Part 1 of a three-part trilogy. … District Judge Aileen Cannon, regarding the documents taken by the FBI during the Trump-Mar-a-Lago Raid. … Trump administration to clean up the federal law enforcement agencies.…
Former Obama Adviser Demolishes Joe Biden's Energy Moves With Simple Truth…demolishes-joe-bidens-energy-moves-with-simple-truth-n639616
– Had that not been canceled, it was scheduled to be finished this year and to begin operations in early 2023. … President Donald Trump made us a net energy exporter, but Biden has made us a beggar and endangered our national security in the process…
Can Kanye West Come Back From This?
– principal of Donda Academy, explained that “at the discretion of our Founder, Donda Academy will close for the remainder of the 2022-2023 … are not palatable to some folks – particularly on the left – who are already upset with him for having supported former President DonaldTrump.…
Trump Engages in Friendly Fire, Goes After Ron DeSantis at Rally
Donald Trump held a rally in Pennslyvania tonight, but as usual, the candidates running for office were an afterthought. … I’m not trying to make those who prefer Trump in 2024 mad. … I believe people can support Trump for the 2024 nomination based on the fact that they actually believe Trump is the best man for the…
Democrats Prepare the Spin for Their Coming Obliteration
– are preparing to spin even a defeat as a win for the president, since President Barack Obama lost 63 seats in 2010 and President DonaldTrump lost 40 in 2018, and Biden is not expected lose as many.” — @ToluseO — Azi™️ (@Azi) November 4, 2022 … I predict that Biden is going under the bus hard in 2023.…
Kristi Noem Takes Shots at Ron DeSantis During CPAC Dallas Speech
– DeSantis is rivaling Donald Trump in some 2024 primary polls. Noem is barely cracking 1-3%. … This is the kind of thing you save for a GOP primary debate stage in late 2023, when asked specifically about COVID.…
It Sure Sounds Like a Trump 2024 Run Was Just Confirmed
– Of course, Donald Trump is still the elephant in the room. Will he run or won’t he run? … There’s also the fact that even if Trump were not going to run again, there’s zero chance he’d let that be known until late 2023, at … Without a confirmation directly from Trump, it’s impossible to know for sure.…
MSNBC's Joy Reid, Eric Swalwell & Co. Compare Conservatives to Terrorists Who Want to Kill Our Kids…onservatives-to-terrorists-who-want-to-kill-our-kids-n425307
Trump in 2016 were immediately blamed — telling Swalwell and Nance that the Republican Party is “harboring” an “insurgency and it … That’s the replacement theory that I’m all in for, is to make sure they don’t come back in 2023. … “Even though they don’t allow Q-shirts at Trump rallies and things like that, the belief in the inherent evilness of all Democrats…
Unfunded Government Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb
– The same is true at the White House, where Donald Trump, like Barack Obama before him, never mentions this impending catastrophe. … But now, get ready to gag because in 2023 the “Debt Clock Time Machine” projects unfunded liabilities will be $157 trillion, a $35 … But in 2023, the Debt Clock projects the national debt will increase to $25.6 trillion.…
LIVE ELECTION RESULTS: Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma, Utah Primaries - Plus Special Elections and Runoffs…ma-utah-primaries-plus-special-elections-and-runoffs-n585294
Donald Trump has endorsed Miller. J.B. … Republican primary has been hotly contested with Richard Irvin and Darren Bailey seen as the top two contenders, Bailey having earned a Trump … There is also a special Republican primary for the seat vacated by James Inhofe’s pending resignation (in January of 2023).…
Buzzkill Biden: Refuses Again to Allow 4th of July Fireworks at Mt. Rushmore, Noem Already Applying for Next Year…s-at-mt-rushmore-noem-already-applying-for-next-year-n588012
– Noem is so intent on getting the celebration back to the landmark that on Friday she once again applied for a permit—for 2023. … The Biden Administration is punishing Donald Trump for his massive, America-loving rally at Mount Rushmore on July 4, 2020—yes, with … We have submitted a request for 2023 and will continue asking the Biden Administration to work with us to give the people the celebration…
New Hope and Cope Drops After Trump Announcement Is Teased
– With that said, there’s a new “hope and cope” spreading: That Donald Trump will declare a 2024 run and sink Republicans in 2022. … If Trump jumps in and becomes the dominant story, the midterms could become a proxy for Biden vs. Trump. … Trump is baked into the cake at this point, and that includes the idea that he’ll run again.…
House Republicans Gearing up for Investigations Into Biden Administration
– If Republicans are serious about their promises, Democrats will have much to fear starting in 2023. … Indeed, it is the reason former President Donald Trump won in 2016.…
'I'm an Insurrectionist' - Cassidy Hutchinson Texts Shatter Her Testimony
Trump lunging at a Secret Service agent and grabbing the wheel of his limo “The Beast.” … Trump didn’t leave from the Jan. 6 rally in “The Beast,” which contradicted her story. … Hardly the same person that we saw, seemingly so upset with Donald Trump during her public testimony before the Jan. 6 Committee.…
After the FBI's Trump Raid, Don't Take the Bait
– On Monday evening, the FBI took the unprecedented step of raiding the home of former President Donald Trump. … Trump out with selective enforcement of provisions that are normally handled in a civil, not criminal manner.  … This isn’t about Trump not being above the law, as some on the right have naively proclaimed.…
Can Republicans Fix Biden’s Migrant Crisis?
– On Friday, the House Republican Conference revealed their plan to address the immigration issue after they take power in 2023. … Trump. … It was part of his initiative to brand himself as the “anti-Trump,” by rolling back most of his predecessors’ immigration policies.…
The Timing Is Questioned After Dr. Fauci Announces Curiously Convenient Date of His Retirement, Update: Rand Paul Responds…nnounces-curiously-convenient-date-of-his-retirement-n615820
– “My advice to Fauci: Clear your 2023 calendar for Senate hearings that will focus on your lies & deceit that destroyed lives & livelihoods … Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has absolutely owned Fauci throughout the pandemic including when Fauci served under former President DonaldTrump and now Biden, has not yet weighed in on this development.…
After Years of Vilifying Law Enforcement, Congress Suddenly Deeply Concerned About Vilifying Law Enforcement…nly-deeply-concerned-about-vilifying-law-enforcement-n614603
– other way by demanding social media companies highlight any and all dirty looks thrown law enforcement’s way after the FBI raid on Donald … The letters cite a “spike in social media users calling for civil war” and other violence against law enforcement after Trump and some … It’s going to take a Republican Congress in 2023 and a Republican president in 2025 to make any headway against this insanity.…
Day Ending in "Y" -- Michael Moore Pulls Dumb Stunt, Media Fall for It
– God Bless You Donald Trump for making this possible! The oil we drill just off your beach will pay 4 our entire show! … Rick Scott (R-FL), a strong Trump supporter since the presidential election. … , but is successful at it — is 2023.…
A Purported Leaked Chinese Strategy Document Asks Some Very Provocative Questions
– President Donald Trump shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping after a joint press conference at the Great Hall of the People … Trump is on a five-country trip through Asia traveling to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. … Chinese aid will be then be increased annually from 2019 through 2023 by “no less than 10 percent over the previous year.”…
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