Results for: Bernie Sanders

Rashida Tlaib Stumps for the Destruction of Israel in Latest Anti-Semitic Action
– Linda Sarsour, a vicious anti-Semite who’s managed to gain a platform within progressive circles (including as a surrogate for the BernieSanders campaign).…
Democrats Know What They're Getting With Biden, So Why are They Still Voting For Him…ting-with-biden-so-why-are-they-still-voting-for-him-n130830
– Between duds like Corey Booker and extremists like Bernie Sanders, there hasn’t been much confidence to be dolled out to anyone. … beginning, former VP Joe Biden has been at the forefront, with various moments of threat from people like Elizabeth Warren and Sanders
MSNBC Plays Selectively Edited Video of Biden Yelling at Autoworker, Leaves Out Threats, Curse…biden-yelling-at-autoworker-leaves-out-threats-curse-n130835
– — Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) March 10, 2020 She also notes that a Bernie Sanders person retweeted … Asked about him swearing at this voter, Biden pivots and says he is “surprised” Sanders is in alignment with the Trump campaign on … His aides look more like handlers, you can see Symone Sanders thinking about steering him away from the reporters.…
Why Is Tulsi Gabbard Still in the Race?
Sanders and Joe Biden.  … With the DNC and the media hyping Biden and the grassroots, rabid socialist Bernie Bros propping up Sanders, one wonders whether the … Along the way, she has been highly critical of the process and is learning firsthand the obstacles Bernie Sanders discovered in 2016…
I Watched the Hillary Clinton Documentary on Hulu So You Don't Have To…lary-clinton-documentary-on-hulu-so-you-dont-have-to-n130808
– on big moments, such as her debates with now-President Donald Trump and the awkward interactions between her and Vermont Senator BernieSanders before their debates.…
Latest Poll Spells the End of Bernie Sanders' Campaign
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a campaign rally in Dearborn, Mich., Saturday, March 7, 2020. … Bernie Sanders currently sits only slightly behind Joe Biden in delegates going into today’s Democratic primary contests. … How Bernie has been treated throughout this primary won’t be lost on his supporters.…
Sanders Goes to Bat for Communist Dictators Again
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a campaign rally Monday, March 9, 2020, in St. Louis. … (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson) Vermont Senator and “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders won’t back down when it comes to his praise of … Sanders quickly said that he didn’t and explained himself.…
Opinion: Republicans Need Not Fear a Clinton Candidacy
– All the more so because Joe Biden is the clear front-runner and the dreaded Bernie Sanders looks to be fading. So it’s all set. … Sanders. … Then there are the “Bernie Bros.”…
Do those protesting the NAZI flag at Sanders’ rally really know what it stood for?…flag-at-sanders-rally-really-know-what-it-stood-for-n130776
– (Ukrinform via AP) Last Thursday, Bernie Sanders, self-proclaimed Socialist, was campaigning at a rally in Phoenix, AZ when a man … Compare this list to Bernie Sanders’ goals, taken directly from his website: debt-free college to all, national rent control, a public … (Wait, isn’t Bernie Sanders a wealthy Jew?)…
Does Hillary Clinton Know Something About Joe Biden We Don't?
– A new “documentary” (which is really just a fluff piece) showed her absolutely trashing Bernie Sanders late last week. … WATCH: Hillary Clinton refuses to endorse Joe Biden, after saying that Bernie Sanders isn't the "strongest nominee against Donald Trump…
Democrats Are Big Mad At Bernie Sanders Over Establishment Conspiracy Theory…bernie-sanders-over-establishment-conspiracy-theory-n130747
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a campaign rally at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich., Sunday, March 8, 2020. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) after his recent comments about the two contenders. … “To change the delegate picture Bernie Sanders needs to grow his vote share. His enviable base has to grow, and by a lot.…
Biden Pulls Out Monster Lead Against Sanders In Michigan, but It's Not Over
Sanders. … Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on the eve of the Michigan primary, according to a new poll in the state with the most delegates up for grabs … tops Sanders by 17 points among non-white voters.…
Ilhan Omar Virtue Signals About Supporting Black Women, but Kimberly Klacik Notices a Big Discrepancy…black-women-kimberly-klacik-notices-big-discrepancy-n130687
Bernie Sanders over all of the female candidates, including Sen. Kamala Harris. … A Latina or Muslim woman throwing their support behind an old white guy like Sanders would not be given the “how dare she?”…
Dueling Black American Endorsements for Biden and Bernie
– updater Bernie Sanders. … Bernie Sanders doesn’t appear to be going away despite his weak public statement that he’d withdraw from consideration if he didn’t … Bernie Sanders said Sunday that the Rev. Jesse Jackson will officially endorse him at his rally in Grand Rapids, Mich.…
Biden's Already Beat Sanders
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, talks before a Democratic presidential primary debate, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … Sanders. … As I covered in a video on the DNC’s treatment of Bernie Sanders, things might get a little dicey with Sanders’ inevitable loss.…
Bernie Wants Medicare for All for Coronavirus, But U.K., Italy Nationalized Systems Already Overloaded, Considering Rationed Care…systems-already-overloaded-considering-rationed-care-n130609
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) the socialist running for president has argued Medicare for All as a fundamental part of his platform and he … community, including with the World Health Organization, and invest in research and technology to make vaccines available quickly,” Sanders
Bernie Tells George Stephanopoulos that the Establishment Forced Klobuchar and Buttigieg Out; Axelrod, Dems Pounce…hment-forced-klobuchar-and-buttigieg-out-of-the-race-n130608
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., cheer as they watch voting returns at a primary night election rally in Essex Junction, Vt., Tuesday, March … (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)   Bernie Sanders knows what going on. Everyone knows. … Let me say that I would be horrified if Bernie Sanders won the presidency. Even more so than if Biden won.…
Hillary Dishes on Bernie and Biden on CNN, While James Woods and Michael Goodwin Consider Hillary Scenarios…woods-and-michael-goodwin-consider-hillary-scenarios-n130606
– Zakaria also asked her if she would campaign for Bernie Sanders if he got the nomination and when she said she thought Sanders wasn … WATCH: Hillary Clinton refuses to endorse Joe Biden, after saying that Bernie Sanders isn't the "strongest nominee against Donald Trump … If they tried to parachute her in at the end, expect the Bernie Bros to burn the party down.…
Hillary is Clearing the Decks, But What About Bill?
– She has trashed Bernie several times in recent public statements, so it is highly unlikely that she would somehow endorse Bernie. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for running a campaign that is “just baloney.” … Publicly denouncing Bernie – including, not coincidentally, in her docuseries!…
Chris Cuomo Gets Hilariously Overtaken as He Tries to Referee an MLK Fight Between Bernie and Biden Reps
–     On Thursday, Chris Cuomo hilariously found himself the uncomfortable referee in a yelling match between co-chair for BernieSanders, Nina Turner, and Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen. … Bernie campaign co-chair @ninaturner and Biden surrogate @hilaryr get into it on Cuomo Prime Time over whether Martin Luther King Jr's…
Dems Pull Another Fast One, Change Rules Yet Again, and Folks Think It's to Protect Biden…rules-yet-again-and-folks-think-its-to-protect-biden-n130594
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, talks before a Democratic presidential primary debate, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … That left only Biden and Sanders as viable candidates for the nomination, with Rep. … The Biden people taunted the Sanders people saying folks preaching revolution shouldn’t be opposed to “a little change.”…
Hillary Clinton Absolutely Trashes Bernie Sanders In New 'Documentary' as the Bernie Bros Fume…ernie-sanders-in-new-documentary-as-bernie-bros-fume-n130587
– (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) Is there anyone happier that Joe Biden overtook Bernie Sanders than Hillary Clinton? … Bernie was literally kicked off a commune for being too lazy. … Meanwhile, if you read the responses to that video, the Bernie Bros are hopping mad.…
President Trump Better Be Ready To Take On Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and secure the Democratic nomination. … Only nine days ago, Sanders led Biden by 11 points. … A mere 25% believed the same about Sanders.…
Amy Klobuchar Just Had a Slip of the Tongue, Revealed Who Biden's VP Running Mate Might Be…ling-who-biden-might-be-thinking-of-for-running-mate-n130550
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) with Biden at 596 and Sanders at 526. … Michigan is a must win for Bernie per the media. Biden is sending Amy Klobuchar to do multiple events for him.…
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