Results for: gain-of-function

More Incriminating Video Shows EcoHealth Alliance's Peter Daszak, Funder of the Wuhan Lab, Truly Is a Bond Villain…zak-founder-of-the-wuhan-lab-truly-is-a-bond-villain-n394730
gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  … Shi Zhengli of the WIV, some of which is categorically and indisputably gain-of-function.  … funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.…
Sen. John Kennedy Tells Fauci to 'Cut the Crap' and Then He Gets Tough
– Apparently, after a year of media treating him like he’s a god, he thinks he is one — He Who Is Not to Be Questioned. … “We’re talking about millions of human lives.” [….] “Dr. … Fauci nor any of his people can guarantee us that the Chinese scientists didn’t use that money to do gain-of-function research and…
Trump Plans to Use Magic Skills to Eliminate National Debt
– In an interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post last week, Trump addressed the $19 trillion of national debt our country is … In the eight years of a putative two-term Trump presidency, the CBO projects a total of $10 trillion in discretionary spending. … We checked the historical records and found that revenues in the last half century once reached a peak of 20 percent of GDP in 2000…
Why Starting A Third Party Is A Silly Idea
– But I have a lot of objections to the idea of a third party candidacy that has no real objective beyond #NeverTrump, no hopes of success … This serves exactly the same function as the current purpose of a third party and without the sturm und drang of a third party exercise … or member of congress.…
Elizabeth Warren Attack Donald Trump. The Left Goes Orgasmic. (VIDEO)
– And on some of it, Trump is right. … rest of us pay to support. … That lie allowed her to gain tenure.…
Long Live the Patriarchy
– Females in the United States are some of the most blessed creatures on the planet. … Males are not the root cause of cultural ills. We all are. … For society to function as it should, we desperately need men, many of whom are fathers, to invest in the lives of their children and…
Ben Rhodes Is a "Person of Interest" in Unmasking Investigation
– ’s investigation into potentially illegal unmasking of political opponents by members of the Obama administration. … “The committee has learned that one official, whose position had no apparent intelligence related function, made hundreds of unmasking … “It’s like hell and high water to fill out and gain approval for these types of unmaskings.…
MSNBC Host Crazily Suggests Joe Biden Set up a 'Shadow Government' to Combat Trump…joe-biden-set-up-a-shadow-government-to-combat-trump-n134554
Of course, there’s a reason Biden hasn’t done this. He’s simply not capable of it. … This is a guy who can’t function off a teleprompter at this point, and many times, he can’t function on one as was illustrated today … They are quite literally suggesting full-on sedition and undermining of the government during a crisis just for partisan gain, whether…
Ordinary People Matter
of function” virus bioengineering. … of planet Earth, and temporarily live the life of a bunch of rats in a laboratory. … of life threat.…
Open or Shelter? Difficult Choices for Los Angeles County's Recovery from COVID-19
– frightening “gain of function” capabilities spliced into the phylogenic signature of the coronavirus. … It also means recognizing that the is tangible gain to be had to the economy and quality of life aspects of the larger war by relinquishing … will run risks of between low of 1 in 2,600 to a high of 1 in 730 of dying.…
Why Men Can't Help but Love Video Games
– Griffin, 21, is captain of an esports team at the University of California, Irvine, and Nguyen, 23, is a graduate of the school. … Since then, I’ve watched video games go from being a fringe activity of sending a bundle of pixels from one end of the screen to the … Playing this well requires visual processing and good motor function, which is controlled by regions in the frontal lobes of the brain…
The Left Doesn't Get to be Mad that Someone Publicly Confronted Chris "Fredo" Cuomo
– The trend of finding a right-leaning figure in public and essentially chasing them out of the area was encouraged by actual Democratic … Regardless, people like Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens of TPUSA were chased out of a restaurant. … Kirk even had a bottle of liquid poured on him. Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife Heidi were chased out of a restaurant as well.…
Fauci’s Parting Shot: A $3.3 Million Grant to Peter Daszak and Ecohealth Alliance to Study Bat Corona Viruses…k-and-ecohealth-alliance-to-study-bat-corona-viruses-n636696
of some kind of field trial on “gain of function” research; BUT, you could be forgiven for connecting the dots and coming to that … To understand the “lightning rod” comment, watch Fauci and Senator Paul tangle over Fauci’s misrepresentations about “gain of function … Some have alleged that Fauci is throwing Duszak a grant to keep him silent, sort of the bureaucratic version of the Parable of the…
Dr. Fauci and His Wife Are $5 Million Richer Thanks to the Pandemic
– Lo and behold, Paul found that the NIH directly funded gain-of-function research, and specifically on the Coronavirus no less. … The combined wealth of the 81-year-old retiring director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and his bioethicist … “Despite becoming a figure of controversy, the system has rewarded Dr.…
Understanding Central Bank Digital Currencies, and the Threat They Pose…ral-bank-digital-currencies-and-the-threat-they-pose-n634330
– (The opinions expressed in guest op-eds are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of … Bitcoin, like most other cryptocurrencies, was developed with the express purpose of providing “a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic … It will become a lot easier to undertake helicopter drops of money.”…
Fauci Edited Bat-Virus Research Papers in the Weeks After COVID-19 Outbreak…research-papers-in-the-weeks-after-covid-19-outbreak-n643238
– This, of course, comes on the heels of an August revelation that EHA was in violation of the terms of the grant used to fund research … Government bans on Gain-of-Function viral research. … disclosure of massive conflicts of interest: Dr.…
NEW: Senate Report Concludes COVID-19 Pandemic Was Likely Caused by Lab Leak in Wuhan…d-19-pandemic-was-likely-caused-by-lab-leak-in-wuhan-n649932
– It also demonstrates that there was research being conducted at the WIV (virus weaponization, or gain-of-function research) that Dr … As noted in a January 2021 State Department memo, the US government was aware that gain-of-function research was being conducted at … The memo continued: “The WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) has a published record of conducting ‘gain-of-function’ research to engineer…
Controversy Surrounds Boston University Creation of COVID Strain With 80 Percent Kill Rate…y-creation-of-covid-strain-with-80-percent-kill-rate-n646285
– At first blush, this would appear to be the very sort ofgain-of-function” research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that … gain of function research. … Secondly, there was no gain of function with this research.…
If The GOP Wins The Senate, We May Be In For A Lot More Rand Paul Versus Anthony Fauci…be-in-for-a-lot-more-rand-paul-versus-anthony-fauci-n653233
– Diseases (NIAID) is accused of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab thought to have possibly played a role in the COVID … In the exchange below, Paul questions Fauci on the definition of gain-of-function, the riskiness of that research, and whether or not … Fauci said, directly in committee, that the [National Institutes of Health] does not fund gain-of-function [research] in Wuhan and…
Putin's War, Week 35. The Lull Before the Next Storm
– To function, this territorial anomaly relies upon the goodwill of Poland and the Baltic States. … TRANSLATION :⚡️ In the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia region there are military men of the Republic of Belarus, – the mayor of Melitopol … of 3,000 units of armor protection is planned in the near future.…
Australian Researchers Find That COVID-19 Is "Best Adapted" to Attack Human Airway Cells, Didn't Come From Bats…rmine-that-covid-virus-adapted-to-attack-human-cells-n403857
– Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and Dr. … Virology in an accident involving “gain of function” research. … Another defender of the Lab Leak origin story has been Peter Daszak, who had funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and…
About the Indiana Grandmother Forced to "Confess" to Her Wrong-Think at Sentencing for Her January 6 Actions…wrong-think-at-sentencing-for-her-january-6-actions-n402711
– But she spent her adulthood as a supporter of the policies of the Democrat Party of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Barack … court in her letter are a function of her defense attorney’s strategy to make sure she received a sentence of only probation and no … This cadre of attorneys are going to be overwhelmingly liberal, and their tactic to gain favorable treatment for their clients — which…
Federal Government Is Number One Cause of Vaccine Hesitancy
– National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has lied about U.S. tax dollars funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan … As defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Gain-of-function (GOF) research involves experimentation that aims or is expected … There is overwhelming evidence the U.S. government did support gain-of-function research in China according to U.S.…
Pandemic: The Original Star Trek Series Foretold a Future Biological War…al-star-trek-series-foretold-a-future-biological-war-n400651
– Fast forward to the recent speculation by many that the COVID-19 virus was likely engineered through gain of function research and … Chinese Ministry of Defense’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS) Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology (IME) in Beijing … grew out of more than two decades of the Cold War.…
Steve Hilton Calls Daszak and Google Connection 'One of the Biggest Scandals' of Our Time…e-connection-one-of-the-biggest-scandals-of-our-time-n401325
– Steve Hilton dropped another aspect of the shocking story around the funding of the gain-of-function virus experiments during an interview … Calling it one of the “biggest scandals” in “a hundred years,” Hilton highlighted reports of funding of Peter Daszak’s virus research … Anthony] Fauci himself who, of course, initiated the work that Daszak then sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to make bat coronaviruses…
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