Results for: the big guy
Ann Coulter Pens Scathing Anti-Goldman Sachs Blog, With Extra Burn of Sean Hannity…thing-anti-goldman-sachs-blog-extra-burn-sean-hannity-n73830…thing-anti-goldman-sachs-blog-extra-burn-sean-hannity-n73830
blog was intended as much to take shots at Hannity as it was intended to condemn Trump’s involvement with the big bankers he and his … These are the people the media call the “grown-ups” in Trump’s administration.) … It was being trashy, so while I welcome her slow awakening to who Trump really is, she’s not the good guy in any of this.…
Sean Spicer Doubles Down On Trump's Claims That Tape Talk Was Meant To Bluff James Comey
private meetings with the president. … The only ones in the hot seat were certain members of his campaign team. … I’m past the point of being surprised by the amateur hour that exists in the White House now.…
Sean Hannity Gets An Award For "Media Excellence" And The World Says "Wut?"
like the MRC dipping into the shallow end of the pool to hand out accolades. … Stephens went on, noting that while the MRC award wasn’t one of the “big” awards, it still matters, at least as a means of foreshadowing … Ok, this guy is in competition with the guy from National Review Online, who referred to Hannity as “the self-abasing monkey butler…
CNN Guy Who Threatened To Dox Trump-CNN Meme Creator Is Getting A Lot Of Attention
The internet has basically been consumed today with the story of CNN running to earth the actual identification of the guy who created … The big brain behind the idea of tracking down the creator was a BuzzFeed alumnus, Andrew Kaczynski. … The online crown he runs with, reddit and 4Chan, aren’t big on nuance.…
Scaramucci Takes to TV to Give Public Apology for Calling Trump a Hack
During the election season, he wasn’t a big fan of Donald Trump. … Turning to the cameras and addressing the president, he said, “I personally apologize for the 50th time.” … This guy has no spine.…
RNC to GOP Candidates: Fealty to Donald Trump or Else
Voters walk into a booth, look at the party and vote for the Republican or the Democrat. … But those are issues between voters, not the party and the candidates running under the banner of that party. … Republican National Committee isn’t spending big for New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Kim Guadagno because the RNC doesn’t think…
What Are "Race Traders"? Ask Trump's USDA Pick
Let’s put this guy in charge of something. … The Iowa native’s post read:
“The current crop of candidates needs to get that titanium spine we keep hearing about and call out … the progressives in America that are the real racists,” he continued.…
As John Kelly Enters the Ninth Circle of Hell, What Does It Mean and What Happens Next?
In a White House that loathed the press, the people who had worked at the RNC were the media’s only real contacts.
3. … I don’t know what his relationships are on the Hill with the GOP but he’s burned a lot of bridges with the Democrats. … The big question is can he manage Trump? If he can keep Trump on message and off Twitter he could be successful.…
Water Cooler 7/26/17: Open Thread;Democrats Shift Gears Russia Out Communism In ; Illegal Officers of the Court ?…s-shift-gears-russia-communism-illegal-officers-court-n74606…s-shift-gears-russia-communism-illegal-officers-court-n74606
Declaring “old-fashioned capitalism has broken down to the detriment of consumers” and “Adam Smith has lost his way amidst these big … But, forget about his votes, this is the guy who’s party thought it was alright to attack plumbers for making too much money and over … In so doing, they will grant the privilege of upholding the law and defending the U.S.…
Mike Pence Responds To NYT Claim He's Running In 2020
The story piqued the interest of a few folks in politics and soon enough, it became a big enough thing that Pence himself had to respond … Pence has not distanced himself from Trump in any way, but Trump has the potential to be a big drag on his future political career … Pence’s character does not strike me as the type to be trying to undercut the guy he works for.…
BREAKING: Special Investigator Mueller Empanels Grand Jury In Trump-Russia Probe
“If there was already a grand jury in Alexandria looking at Flynn, there would be no need to reinvent the wheel for the same guy. … Thomas Zeno, a federal prosecutor for 29 years before becoming a lawyer at the Squire Patton Boggs law firm, said the grand jury is … Note item #10
This is Big. Here's why.…
TRANSCRIPT: Trump's First Call With Australian Prime Minister Turnbull Was As Contentious As We've Heard…ralian-prime-minister-turnbull-contentious-weve-heard-n74869…ralian-prime-minister-turnbull-contentious-weve-heard-n74869
It requires, in return, for us to do a number of things for the United States – this is a big deal, I think we should respect deals … It was one of the big factors in the Brexit vote, frankly.
… The bottom line is that we got here. I am asking you as a very good friend. This is a big deal.…
CNN Analyst: Dallas Shooting Involved Hate Groups Or Militia (VIDEO)
The sole data point we have is that one of the shooters is a black guy who apparently did not like white people. … the officer on the ground. … For instance, in the aftermath of the the Chattanooga shooting, Fuentes refused to concede that the shooter’s name, Muhammad Youssef…
Who's Going To Replace Reince Priebus?
You see, if Donald Trump wins the presidency (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha) then he has a pretty big say in who the next RNC chairman … Pinnell is a young guy, having taken over the Oklahoma GOP in 2010 when he was just 30 years old. … Maybe the next guy can do a bit better.…
This is AWESOME: Republican Will Hurd Makes Every Democrat in Comey Hearing Look Like Total Garbage…every-democrat-comey-hearing-look-like-total-garbage-n60316…every-democrat-comey-hearing-look-like-total-garbage-n60316
I’m offended by my friends on the other side of the political aisle saying this is political theater. … I was the guy in the back alleys collecting intelligence, passing it to lawmakers. … That is a big fat KABOOM right there. Rep. Gerry Connolly’s clownish antics look all the more so followed by this.…
Eric Trump: My Dad Has Donated Millions to My Charity and I Can Prove it! No Wait, On Second Thought I Can't…d-millions-charity-can-prove-wait-second-thought-cant-n60300…d-millions-charity-can-prove-wait-second-thought-cant-n60300
The Post said he stated at one point:
“I’m just saying, Jesus Christ, why is this guy trying to f—— kill us?” … This is a guy seeking the highest office of the land. We’re way past anonymity, son. … Eric Trump also spoke briefly about the inquiry into the Donald J.…
What Was the Real Reason Loretta Lynch Met With Bill Clinton At That Airport?
Late last week the big news was that the US Attorney General, that would be the hopelessly compromised Loretta Lynch, had a very private … If the case were sent to Lynch for adjudication, which is the usual process, the story would be that the FBI had “cleared” Clinton … This would make Comey the bad guy.…
WaterCooler Tuesday, 7/5/2016 - OPEN THREAD - Elvis Probed in Space; MPs for PM; 2 Amendment
Why are Jupiter’s southern and northern lights the brightest in the solar system?” … The probe will hang with the Big Guy for the next 20 months before diving into its atmosphere and disintegrating into a mass of nothing … September 9th will be the big day.…
Newt Gingrich Talks About Islam And Causes A Firestorm
So it’s a big part of our national security debate heading into the election. … The second step is you have to monitor what they’re doing on the internet. The third step is — let me be very clear. … Notice the practiced way in which he uses the “billboard” method of mentioning it both at the beginning and the end of his comments…
Did Trump Lie About Tim Tebow Speaking At The RNC Convention?
Just over 15 hours ago the speaker list for the RNC was released by the Trump campaign to much fanfare. … One of the big names on the list was Tim Tebow. … But that is the type of good guy Tim tebow is.…
BREAKING: Donald Trump Jr. Says NO DECISION on VP Despite Pence News
The anticipation and buzz are good for them and help keep the news away from Hillary. … Plus they have the big announcement event to capitalize on tomorrow morning. … , despite the general consensus from The New York Times, Roll Call, CNN and other outlets that Pence is the guy.…
Newt Gingrich Tells Us What He Really Thinks Of Donald Trump (VIDEO)
The only addition I would throw in is that the Tea Party uprising of 2010 was a clarion call to the GOP establishment that the goals … to burn the whole place to the ground and play in the ashes. … Still, Gingrich suggested Trump would lose big if he didn’t change his style in the general election campaign to follow Ronald Reagan…
WOW: Lt. Gen. Flynn Admits Flipping on Abortion so Trump Would Pick Him for VP (VIDEO)
In the Veepstakes, everyone is working their angle. Mike Pence keeps calling Trump the new Reagan. … is going to be a big part of the next administration. … Sounds like the perfect Trump guy to me.…
Friendly Reminder That the "90% of Americans Want Tougher Background Checks" Narrative Is a Lie…mericans-want-tougher-background-checks-narrative-lie-n60430…mericans-want-tougher-background-checks-narrative-lie-n60430
Within it, they pushed the 90% myth and talked about how the NRA is standing in the way by being big and scary.
90% of Americans … – Pew Research Poll
As you can see, each of those rank very highly in the 90th percentile, with the exception of the Pew poll, which … and the NRA are standing in the way like the villains they are.…
Is Mike Pence Chickening Out?
By all accounts, the fight over the RFRA has given Mike Pence an irrevocable case of the yips. … A guy who was always considered to be politically talented, a real fighter, even if he sometimes rubbed his House colleagues the wrong … Then, when the Indiana RFRA bill came under fire, Mike Pence got knocked to the mat for the first time.…