Results for: the big guy

ALL HAIL THE KING! Trump's IRS Will "Turn a Blind Eye" to Enforcement of the ObamaCare Mandate
– Some other guy says this isn’t really non-enforcement . . . but his argument on that point is less than convincing: “The mandate … Ellis says the new policy doesn’t fully rise to the level of declining to enforce the law. … I . . . don’t see the big difference between “turning a blind eye to people’s status” and “not enforcing” the law.…
RedState's WaterCooler! Tuesday, 2/14/2017 - Open Thread - When Parents are Wrong
– at the age of 19. … “The U.S. … A guy selling cigarettes isn’t going to give one flip that the 16 year-olds’ parents said it was ok.…
Looming Post-Flynn Resignation Congressional Investigations Have Something For Everyone
– By the time the lights came back on Flynn was out. … The investigation most likely to please the Democrats and the media is the one proposed by Senate Intelligence Committee member Roy … “The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded.” … Nunes said he was dismayed that…
Trump "Feeding The Conspiracy Parking Meter"
– Whatever the case may be, Rogers points out that the one benefitting the most from this entire maelstrom is Vladimir Putin. … Everyone — the Democrats are saying that he stole an election, and the president of the United States is saying, ‘Don’t worry about … What galls me the most are those who balk at the conspiracy theories surrounding Trump (like the Russia thing, the multiple women sexually…
The Media Attempt To Turn Sessions Flap Into A Plot Line For 'The Americans' Is Pathetic
– during the 2016 campaign, you might think it was the writers and producers of ‘The Americans,’ sitting around, trying to figure out … Writer 1: What if we somehow involve a guy who people are pretty sure will have a high-level post in the future administration? … The whole thing stinks, especially after it’s been proven that Mitt Romney was right about Russia being a big foe.…
Trump's Speech Was No "Time For Choosing" Moment
– When you have Paul Ryan and a gallery full of Republicans standing and applauding for big government programs like the trillion dollar … Then there was the talk of restrictive trade policies and the outright lie of suggesting he could lower the cost of healthcare. … , just because we’ve got a big government guy as our “Republican” president, at this point.…
The Yemen Raid Is Making Everyone Associated With It Look Much Worse
– Others planned it. led it, supported it, and participated in it but you were the guy who, when briefed, said okay. … That may be unfair but that’s life in the big city. … were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald…
Some Trump Voters in Texas Not Happy About Border Fence
– But also, there’s this guy, who thought Trump’s talk of banning travel from certain Muslim countries was just “for the media” and that … Some of it may also be the result of the kind of attitude I wrote about in The Atlantic, where certain reliable members of the traditional … The sad fact is, a lot of prominent Texans fall into the latter category.…
Bill Nye Tells Tucker Carlson Human Activity 'Almost Certainly' Prevented a New Ice Age…human-activity-almost-certainly-prevented-new-ice-age-n68427
– Yesterday, Bill Nye the Not a Scientist Guy did a global warming dog and pony show with Bernie Sanders via Facebook Live. … Tucker said that he – like most people – is open to the idea that the climate is indeed changing. … knowing anything of the kind.…
House Intel Committee Chair Nunes Gives An Interview. No One Is Happy (VIDEO)…evidence-anything-linking-trump-campaign-russia-video-n68402
– on the investigation. … some reciprocal attacks on our diplomats or other embassies around the world, that did us a big favor,” he said. … “You’re a Logan Act guy? Look, it’s ridiculous. The Logan Act is ridiculous, you guys all know that’s ridiculous,” Nunes said.…
Watercooler 3/15 Open Thread: San Francisco Waging Jihad Against Guns... in ALASKA?
– other big national gun-rights groups are doing anything to help–more on this story can be found at The Firearm Blog. … aren’t stepping up to the plate to help this guy out, because if he falls the rest of their memberships are all NEXT.   … The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them.…
'Get Out' Star Responds to Samuel L. Jackson: 'I Resent That I Have to Prove That I'm Black'
– Peele’s writing purposefully avoids the typical stereotype of the Deep South dealing with a black man, and instead uses the satire … Ironically, the film elicited an ethnocentric hot take from Jackson about the national origin of Kaluuya. … Big up Samuel L. Jackson, because here’s a guy who has broken down doors. He has done a lot so that we can do what we can do.…
Paul Ryan Should Step Down as Speaker Immediately
The AHCA, its reception by the public in general and Republican voters in particular, and the growing divide between yourself and the … And the cries of “betrayal” are on all the Trump blogs, too. So not the bill before the House. … And now you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong plan.…
Wow If True: Future Ohio Democratic Candidate Copycatting the West Wing
– Richard Cordray is the former Attorney-General of Ohio, the current Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and basically … the law to this day. … To the script: After that, the House takes over the investigation, they make a hash of it, and the President goes on and gets re-elected…
Jake Tapper is 100% Correct: Trump Requires More Fact-checking
– Right-wing blogs used to post in amazement about how Jake Tapper was the lone voice in the briefing room who dared to press the Obama … So that guy who was “wow this one reporter is actually asking the tough questions” has become “literally Satan” according to the unhinged … “I was doing the fact checks and the commentaries about the importance of empirical fact and truth during the campaign.”…
Congressmen Want to Know Whether It's Legal for the President to Delete Tweets
– President Obama used the platform as well but not to the extent of his successor. … The two top lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee want to know how the Trump administration preserves electronic records. … His angry “wiretapping” tweet drove the news cycle for a week. (Imagine the nature of the coverage had he deleted that one.)…
мать Россия and the Huntsman: Former Utah Governor Tapped for Russian Post…huntsman-former-utah-governor-tapped-for-russian-post-n68820
– Sources say he plans to accept the job, one of the most sensitive and high profile ambassadorships, especially given the FBI and congressional … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2011 @JonHuntsman has zero chance of getting the nomination. … Guess the bench is pretty shallow these days.…
LA Times Op-Ed: Chelsea Clinton Can't Get A Break, Unlike Ivanka Trump…eave-chelsea-clinton-alone-ivanka-trump-deserves-hate-n69527
– Luncheon ceremonies are a way to publicly thank big-name benefactors, get them to show up to the event, and therefore attract other … The Clinton dynasty can’t just end with Hillary. The media nor the Clinton Machine will allow it. … The guy who defeated her mother for the Presidency? You don’t say.…
I'm Pretty Sure Trump Is Going To Hire Captain America To Fix The VA
– Ok, the Avengers seem to be on a break, now, but the captain has shown that he doesn’t mind stepping outside the box. … He’s just the kind of guy Trump appreciates! … He may be just the man to step in and shake up the status quo at the VA, so, WHOO HOO!…
Kellyanne Conway's Husband May Be Tapped To Lead Division of DOJ
– division, according to people familiar with the matter, a job that would put him at the forefront defending the controversial immigration … The Justice Department declined to comment. … The man married to the President’s Chief Counselor just happens to also be the best guy to run a big chunk of the Justice Department…
Doctor Paul, Paging Doctor Rand Paul, You're Wanted in the House
– You now consider replacing the new roof, with a newer roof, improving on the mistakes of both the first and second. … When nearly 5% of the nation suddenly will lose coverage.  End of the world and the Republic sort of stuff!   … When those in charge haven’t ever had a role in shrinking the size of government, why don’t we trust the one guy who has been reliably…
Alec Baldwin Makes Some Surprising Predictions About the 2020 Election
The actor, who has been outspoken about the Trump administration while lampooning the President on “SNL,” pointed out that there are … Though Alec would love to run for office, Hilaria is not a big fan of the idea. … No Democrat can beat that guy? Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden don’t have what it takes? You’re not feeling the Bern, Alec?…
John McCain Was Asked If Trump Resembled Ronald Reagan, Here's What He Said
– “And I think it’s pretty clear that there’s a difference between, well, aren’t we killers and the guy that stood there and said, ‘Mr … he said at the time. … “He spoke out for the captive nations, he spoke out for the people who were behind the Iron Curtain,” McCain said when talking about…
Common Ground Between Right and Left: Trump Doesn't Know What He's Doing
– HAYES: The in-the-room accounts of his negotiating on the healthcare bill were that the guy knew literally—and I mean literally—nothing … And they called the bluff and then what did he do? He pulled the bill. So now it’s like, why should you be scared of this guy? … Because what’s he going to do, walk away from the other big thing they’re now moving on to?…
Tax Reform Is Next, and It Could Be Just As Bad
– Look at virtually all the reports from the AHCA lobbying effort. … The idea of “separate but equal” does not register to a guy who is completely and totally of the mindset that his will be done. … He can pass the buck, but as has famously been said in the past (and ignored in the Obama Era), the buck stops there.…
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