Results for: elites

Ted Cruz, Trump, Jr Point out the Folly of AOC's 'Tax the Rich' Dress at Met Gala…out-the-folly-of-aocs-tax-the-rich-dress-at-met-gala-n442504
– Gala that costs $30,000 to attend while “the help” are in the background wearing masks and watching the political and Hollywood elites … What makes @AOC a bigger fraud: The "tax the rich" dress while she's hanging out with a bunch of wealthy leftwing elites or the lack…
Sinema Is Accosted Again, After Dems Fail to Decry Harassment
– pattern of harassment that these leftists feel empowered to engage in — because of the basic lack of condemnation by the liberal elites
Will America Finally Realize the True Nature of Its Government After the COVID Craze Subsides?…ure-of-its-government-after-the-covid-craze-subsides-n451793
– The elites and activist media know this, which is why they have become quite proficient at pushing the line without quite breaking…
Media Attacks on Manchin and Sinema Reveal How Elites Fail to Understand Our Country…ema-reveal-how-elites-fail-to-understand-our-country-n450698
– But when they only live inside their own media bubble with the thoughts of the coastal elites, they obviously miss a lot of America…
Theater of the Absurd as Dreamers and Activist Shut Down the Golden Gate Bridge…eamers-and-activist-shut-down-the-golden-gate-bridge-n450304
– While the San Francisco elites who could probably do more about their plight than Congress sip their espresso from the comfort of their…
Elon Musk to California: 'Bye, Felicia!'
– I’m sure this is a blow to Governor Hair Gel, as Musk was one of his darling elites who Hair Gel used to brag about how forward thinking…
Indulgent Spending, Inflation, Debt, and the Dollar – a Downward Spiral: Part 2…flation-debt-and-the-dollar-a-downward-spiral-part-2-n453131
– Much of this advocacy for change comes from U.S. rivals such as China and Russia, globalist elites furthering their own various political … for many around the globe, especially those in China and other great powers who desire greater influence, as well as globalist elites … Global economic policy would be commanded from on high by a group of self-serving global elites from their yachts in Davos.…
Cry Me a River: A Progressive Democrat Regrets Voting 'No' on the Gavin Newsom Recall…emocrat-regrets-voting-no-on-the-gavin-newsom-recall-n464773
– the Prog Princess were part of those groups that pour money into Newsom’s coffers, she would be right there among the champagne elites
China Virus Proves: The ‘New Normal’ - Should Be MUCH Less Government
– If Trump’s FCC Repeals Net Neutrality, Elites Will Rule the Internet—and the Future How Trump Plans To Slow Our Internet To A Crawl…
China's "Next Normal", The Road Has Many Potholes
– resort to the traditional solution of killing all the middle class and starting anew with a simpler agrarian class ruled by dynastic elites
Too Much, Too Little, Too Late
– demographic shifts that re-segregated Americans and re-distributed education equity, much with the support of upper-class liberal elites
This Pandemic Shows Why Socialism Always Fails
– And the actions of our elites during this pandemic prove the point. … Compare this selfish approach with what is happening to non-elites like salon owner Shelley Luther. … Unlike Shelley, many elites are using their entitled status to circumvent the shelter orders.…
Hillary's Press Secretary Joins the Revolution: 'Defund the Police'…y-brian-fallon-defund-the-police-ted-cruz-tom-cotton-n139194
– Cruz (@tedcruz) June 4, 2020 He’s not wrong: via GIPHY Arizona Senator Tom Cotton joined, too, ripping into anti-order elites
Massachusetts Attorney General: 'Yes, America is burning, but that's how forests grow'
– Do Healey and the rest of the liberal elites think the rioters are their friends.…
What Happened to Social Distancing?
– when protesters who opposed lockdowns and other insane measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic were desecrated by the media, elites
Debra Messing Spreads Fake Image to Attack Trump and Compare Him to Hitler, Ted Cruz Busts Her, But Good…rump-and-compare-him-to-hitler-the-backlash-is-swift-n138987
– Hollywood elites: anyone holding a Bible is Hitler! … This is idiocy. — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 2, 2020 “Hollywood elites: anyone holding a Bible is Hitler…
Twitter Steps in It Big Time as They Censor Yet Another Trump Tweet
– censoring Trump's "they're not after me, they're after you" meme signals 2 things: 1) Twitter doesn't fear Trump at all2) The liberal elites
Washington Post Editor Gives Racist Rant Against 'White Women,' Insinuates Revenge Is Deserved
– Contrary to all the talk about “privilege” among media elites, being woke bestows upon you a privilege others could only dream of.…
MSNBC's 'Expert' Deep Stater Makes Insanely Authoritarian Suggestion About Picking Presidential Candidates…gests-a-commission-to-choose-presidential-candidates-n261124
– According to Figliuzzi, what we really need is a commission of elites to pick our candidates for us. … He states “we got this wrong” and that it can never happen again, as if his opinion and those of our precious elites are somehow more…
More Hunter Biden Related Emails Revealed, Show Dangerously Corrupt Relationship With China…led-show-dangerously-corrupt-relationship-with-china-n262634
– Hunter Biden and Devon Archer apparently delivered for the Chinese Communist Party-connected industrial elites within ten days.…
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