Results for: elites

Establishments and Our Money: A Response To Avik Roy
– say: Conservatives have a well-earned suspicion of anything that comes out of the Northeast, and of Ivy League-educated coastal elites
Senate Porkers Defeat Earmark Ban
– These inside the beltway elites just don’t understand that earmarks are the gateway drug to overspending. …
Happy Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Day!
– It’s no wonder that, as the US tried to negotiate a settlement with Mexico, many of Mexico’s elites asked the US simply to annex the…
Femi-regulars for Rick Santorum
– They are also smart enough to know that it is the elites who have let down the country while regular folks have been doing their part … And in the case of femi-regulars, the elites imply that they are just too dumb to know any better. …
Morning Briefing for March 30, 2012
– Fried’s prediction of an 8-1 decision as evidence that “[t]he conservative legal elites don’t believe in the merits of this challenge…
A Word About Charles Fried
– Fried’s prediction of an 8-1 decision as evidence that “[t]he conservative legal elites don’t believe in the merits of this challenge…
Sinners In the Hands of Anthony Kennedy
– parse words, divine intent, and lobby for exceptions that prove rules.Our nation is no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of elites
In search of liberal Browncoats
– You’re not allowed to refuse, no matter what, because the elites have decided what its good for us, and everyone is required to accept…
Pot Politics
– The white, upper income, educated elites had a lot invested in breaking down social mores in their pursuit of unchecked and unbridled…
The GOP Open Borders Train Revs Up its Engine
– As we know, the GOP elites and their special interest backers do not share our values. …
An Orchestrated Media Hit On Ken Buck
– While reactionary liberal media elites will no doubt continue to pounce on Ken Buck for this and insist that he compared pregnancy…
Thomas Undoubted
– They were not upper income, polished, elites.…
Happy Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Day!
– It’s no wonder that, as the US tried to negotiate a settlement with Mexico, many of Mexico’s elites asked the US simply to annex the…
Why We Fight
– We have had enough of Republicans who cave to Barack Obama’s agenda so they can curry favor with their fellow Washington elites, while…
Obama Offers Too Little Too Late On The Crimean Referendum
– Vladimir Putin has an agenda… one that I might add has been extremely transparent to just about everyone but the foreign policy elites
A French Solution To The Crimean Crisis
– Summary This is the kind of ridiculous thinking that permeates the foreign policy elites of the US and Europe.…
Wealth cannot be destroyed with surgical precision
– people who earn over $50,000 a year dependent upon government subsidies, convinced they need to reduce their “carbon footprint” by elites
A New Agenda
– We have an unlevel playing field with Washington picking winners and losers with cushy jobs for the elites when they leave the Capitol…
Paul Ryan slices and dices Obamacare.
– P-R-I-N-C… Oh, just look it up, ye Democratic Beltway elites……
Scott Walker makes Wisconsin a sanctuary state.
– states surrounding Illinois are either disassociating themselves from the mindset that has possessed that unhappy state’s ruling elites
Running against the System
– down its noses at the hapless, outvoted tax serfs who bear the cost of taxation, the burden of regulation, and the contempt of elites
If you like your neighborhood you can keep your neighborhood
– Fortunately, or unfortunately if you are one of the liberal elites that places race consciousness above all, Americans retain, at least…
Boko Haram and the Obama State Department’s Deadly Wishful Thinking
– But even now that the First Lady has joined media and Hollywood elites on the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag bandwagon, what more will…
Peter Beinart gaslights us on the attack on religion
– warned that “the American people, whether they know it or not, are mired in a silent war” against “a group of like-minded [liberal] elites
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