Results for: MAGA Republicans

Hakeem Jeffries Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked When He Lies About New 'Weaponization Committee'…ecked-when-he-lies-about-new-weaponization-committee-n687363
Republicans.” … “Extreme MAGA Republicans have established a Select Committee on Insurrection Protection. … Extreme MAGA Republicans have established a Select Committee on Insurrection Protection. We will fight it tooth and nail.…
Democrats Lose Their Minds After House Passes Bill Requiring Care for Babies Born Alive During Failed Abortions…g-care-for-babies-born-alive-during-failed-abortions-n687293
– House Republicans made a choice indeed: to save the lives of babies your party demands have no rights of their own. … Americans elected @SenateDems to be a firewall against this extreme anti-choice MAGA Republican agenda. Oh clever, Chucky. … Tie in the evil MAGA Republicans. And, Chucky?…
Zuck Bucks 2024: The Left Gears up to 'Fundamentally Change How Our Elections Are Run'…up-to-fundamentally-change-how-our-elections-are-run-n695338
– the information contained in this article related to the Republican Party— hell, let’s make it even worse: Donald Trump and the MAGARepublicans.…
Chuck Schumer Get Nailed for Lying by Twitter, Then Elon Joins In
MAGA Republicans are refusing to show their plan to address the debt ceiling Instead they're talking up one of the worst policy proposals … Republicans are refusing to show their plan to address the debt ceiling. … Republicans cut taxes. Democrats raise taxes.Voters know this.…
Nikki Haley Teases Her Coming 2024 Run, and I've Got Questions
– right-leaning commentators like to see the Republican Party in hysterical terms, constantly proclaiming anyone who isn’t super-duper-ultra-MAGA … illustrated in a now infamous interview with Politico’s Tim Alberta in which she was baited into multiple attacks against other Republicans
Did Former Twitter Exec Admit the Truth During Congressional Hearing?
– Throughout the course of the proceedings, Republicans and Democrats on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee questioned … Before the hearings began, the White House issued statements excoriating House Republicans for daring to question the trio about the … I’ve said before that House Republicans’ investigations will probably not lead to accountability, but they can certainly expose more…
Amid Biden's State of the Union, Judicial Watch Is Still Seeking Answers About His Last Major Speech…is-still-seeking-answers-about-his-last-major-speech-n700321
– , sparring with heckling Republicans and bringing both parties together at different parts of the night. … Biden was widely criticized for using the Marines as props during a political speech in which he called “MAGA Republicans” a threat…
NYT Delusionally Touts Biden's 'Chance for a Fresh Start' and Non-Existent 'Message of Unity'…for-a-fresh-start-and-non-existent-message-of-unity-n699538
– one-liner that roughly no one on the planet believes: “The president plans to use his first State of the Union address since RepublicansRepublicans” sound like the most vulgar ad hominem on the planet. … Bush when Republicans lost both chambers of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections, told The Times that Biden could actually benefit…
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Condemns Democrats for Not Denouncing Socialism. Here’s Why That’s Hilarious…r-not-denouncing-socialism-heres-why-thats-hilarious-n697833
– In yet another display of political theater, House Republicans are criticizing Democratic lawmakers for refusing to denounce the evils … The rest of the party voted with Republicans to pass the measure, with progressive members of the party voting “no.” … Republicans to try to undermine an agenda that is designed to lift up the health, safety, and well-being of the American people.”…
Hakeem Jeffries Just Made a Damning Admission About the Dems' Agenda During Socialism Vote…g-admission-about-the-dems-during-the-socialism-vote-n697795
– As we reported earlier, there was a split vote on a motion the Republicans introduced condemning socialism — 219 Republicans and 109 … “The goal of this phony, fake, and fraudulent resolution is just to somehow provide cover for extreme MAGA Republicans to try to undermine…
America's Obsession With Secrecy—and the Conspiracy Theories and Broken Trust It Engenders…he-conspiracy-theories-and-broken-trust-it-engenders-n697495
– America’s mainstream media almost immediately started blaming the assault on MAGA Republicans and right-wing extremists, but then quickly…
Biden EPA Administrator's Advice to Chemical Poisoning Victims in East Palestine, OH, Sounds Like Cruel Parody…ictims-in-east-palestine-oh-sounds-like-cruel-parody-n705359
Republicans: Where is Pete Buttigieg?!? Ohio Gov. … To the Biden White House, these people are MAGA extremists who should just die anyway.…
WATCH: Biden Goes Full-Blown Race-Hustler, Claims White People 'Still' Want to 'Lynch' Black People…claims-white-people-still-want-to-lynch-black-people-n704988
– The list goes on, yet Biden has the immoral audacity to preposterously lie about “semi-fascist” Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans as…
The Media Is Trying to Dictate the Terms of Nikki Haley's Candidacy, and We Can't Let Them…terms-of-nikki-haleys-candidacy-and-we-cant-let-them-n703950
– Meanwhile, there is a piece at the New York Times titled “Republicans Try to Challenge Trump in 2024, but Barely Say His Name.” … It’s a perspective Republicans have not been able to properly address before. … They are working extremely hard to cast all Republicans as exactly the same – ultra-MAGA extremists, all of whom are devoted to Donald…
Can DeSantis Repeat His Landslide Win on the National Stage? The No-Nonsense Governor Weighs In…he-national-stage-the-no-nonsense-governor-weighs-in-n709599
– governor and UN ambassador during Trump’s presidency, Nikki Haley announced her candidacy on February 14, while several other Republicans … On the other side of the coin, Trump’s “us vs. them” approach, in which he pits “MAGA Republicans” not only against Democrats, as he … should, but also against his definition of “RINOs,” meaning any and all Republicans who dare to refuse to walk lockstep behind him…
Biden Makes Bizarre Comment About East Palestine, Says Things He Shouldn't in Interview…east-palestine-says-things-he-shouldnt-in-interview-n708308
– I know the MAGA crowd is. … The right-wing Republicans…" — Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) February 25, 2023 Biden downplayed the … I know the MAGA crowd is. The right-wing Republicans.” I can assure him it’s far more than that.…
Trump's Path Back Into the White House Is Far More Clear
– Governor of Florida while he’s being celebrated by the vast majority of Republican voters caused many people to walk away from the MAGA … method of insulting people really only works when the entirety of the field in front of him is filled with leftists, squishy Republicans … When it’s Republicans people actually like, the divisiveness works against him.…
Kanye 'Ye' West May Have Changed His Name, but Not His Allegiance to Trump…ave-changed-his-name-but-not-his-allegiance-to-trump-n471107
– After being maligned and harassed for his support of Trump and the MAGA movement, and then running against Trump in 2020, Ye is now … Tuesday’s electoral stomping of Democrats, and Dementia Joe’s doubling down on his abhorrent agenda items (with the help of 13 Republicans
Asha Rangappa’s Southwest Airlines Hot Take Confirms CNN 'Analysts' Really Should Seek Professional Help…ms-cnn-analysts-really-should-seek-professional-help-n467375
MAGA did attack the Capitol, attempt to overthrow the government of the United Stares, and threaten to hang the Vice President. … naked costumes with small genitalia to mock beheadings to Hitler comparisons, the media desperately want to be able to paint Republicans
Christie-Cheney in 2024? Talk About Taking Down Trump Gets Silly
– And what about the Republicans? … envisioning the shellacking they’d take if they dared to challenge Trump, both at the hands of Donald himself and the legions of MAGA … 2020 presidential election and its aftermath, including this little incendiary tidbit — with a not-too-vailed jab at Trump: “[Republicans
Liz Cheney Just Can't Quit Trump
– As noted by The Blaze, Cheney was one of 10 House Republicans who joined with Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats on January 13, 2021, on … MAGA, MAGA vs. … Prior to her dad’s call, Trump had just singled out Cheney for urging Republicans to reject his efforts and those of other Republicans
A Year After Donald Trump's Defeat, He Still Inhabits Democrats' Heads…nald-trumps-defeat-he-still-inhabits-democrats-heads-n471167
– Even Republican Glenn Youngkin’s convincing win over McAuliffe, along with Republicans electing lieutenant governor and attorney general … And he could update his old campaign promise to MAGA-A. Make America Great Again, Again. Hopefully, he will.…
What if Conservatives Pulled off a Jussie Smollett Type of Hoax?
– According to one of the Osundairo brothers who testified in Smollett’s trial, the actor told them to say “This is MAGA country,” and … The term “MAGA country” is not, and has never been, a thing on the right. … The reason why is obvious: MAGA folks didn’t watch Empire.…
The Receipts Come Due Over the Jussie Smollett Hoax
– Rather it was driven by a desperation to try to tie the non-occurrence to Donald Trump and Republicans for purely political reasons … JussieSmollett, who TMZ is reporting was brutally attacked by 2 men who beat him up, put his head in a noose & screamed, "This is MAGA
Biden's Mixed Messages: Undermining Allies and Deepening Divides
– year, he gave a speech against a backdrop that would make Hitler smile and proceeded to bash a large chunk of the population as “MAGARepublicans” and portrayed them as a threatening force to democracy.…
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