Results for: on-demand abortion 2023
Last Word on Jason Aldean's 'Not in My Small Town' Fake Controversy—the Left Resorts to Threats of Violence…controversy-the-left-resorts-to-threats-of-violence-n779639…controversy-the-left-resorts-to-threats-of-violence-n779639
But it wasn’t the video that offended the left—they focused their ire on the lyrics. … It speaks to the majority of Americans that would not cotton to violence on Main Street. … In short, he wants your guns and thinks abortion on demand is totes ok. I had no idea who he was. Not a clue.…
Noted Presidential Historian Monica Lewinsky Has Some Suggestions for New Constitutional Amendments…y-has-some-suggestions-on-constitutional-amendments-n2166891…y-has-some-suggestions-on-constitutional-amendments-n2166891
in on this. … We shall dub this the Abortions on Demand Amendment. … Now I'm not sure if she is espousing that you can only be a decent person if you think abortion on demand is necessary and should be…
Putin's War, Week 91. Mud and Snow Beats Fire and Steel, and Tumbleweeds Are Blowing Through Sevastopol
Gressel (@GresselGustav) November 22, 2023 There is no doubt that American public opinion on Ukraine funding is soft; what is unclear … They don’t rely on light sources. — Bellingcat (@bellingcat) November 13, 2023 Russian War Correspondent KIA Russian war correspondent … The operation on the Dneiper will ultimately depend on the resources the commander can gather and the Russian reaction.…
Pro-Abortion Wins in Ohio: Voters Enshrine Access in Their Constitution…cess-in-their-constitution-americans-love-abortions-n2166034…cess-in-their-constitution-americans-love-abortions-n2166034
Now, I can add abortion to the list, because voters in the Buckeye State voted for a constitutional right to access abortion services … on demand through all nine months. … It’s abortion. — Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 8, 2023…
I'll Be Brief: Legal Highlights From the Week Ending August 25
of October 23, 2023. … Attorney Sidney Powell has also now filed a demand for speedy trial. … Kaplan on 8/23/2023) (ap)Miscellany Maryland District Court Judge Deborah L.…