Debuting The Golden Remington Awards - (Dis)Honoring Journalism Fumbles in 2023: The Technical Honors

Remmy Awards. (Credit: Brad Slager via AI/Bing Image Creator)

Over the past year, we have cataloged the foibles, foul-ups, and facts-averse finagling seen in the press, and with the flip of the calendar, it is only proper that we recognize and reward the best (worst) examples in journalism from 2023. For this inauspicious honor, we have created The Golden Remington Trophy, a nod to days past, when reporters would grind out work, burn shoe leather chasing stories, and journalism ethics still existed.


The Remmy – our statue of the classic typewriter, encased in luxurious repurposed 8-karat gold — is awarded in several categories. Below, they are arranged with the nominees and announced WINNER (the recipient entitled to the physical manifestation upon payment of creation and shipping costs).

So, without any further fanfare, we bring you The Remmys of 2023!

The Joe Biden Honor - (Distinguished reporting on frozen desserts, sponsored by Jeni’s Ice Cream)


During a campaign stop in July, Donald Trump was in a Dairy Queen and wanted to buy everyone a Blizzard, but was flummoxed as to what a Blizzard actually is. This led to a battle between the camps.

The Rice Cake Serving Award - (Distinguished reporting on non-news items, sponsored by Quaker Oats Rice Cakes)


WINNER: Renee’ Onque - CNBC

Surely this had to be something tied in to commodities, right? Why else would CNBC be detailing for us that Cher decided to forego eating cheese?

The Sam Adams Honor - (Distinguished fabricated reporting, sponsored by Sam Adams Lager)

The famed patriot was also a newspaper publisher at one time, and he infamously was willing to print wild lies about his political opponents.

  • Reuters declared Republicans provided no evidence to show Joe Biden was connected to Hunter’s payments. It provided a picture of Marjorie Taylor Greene holding up the evidence.

  • Jared Holt wrote about a gathering of Nazis and scorched conservatives for denying they were legitimate – while at the same time, he had to deny these Nazis were vocally supporting Joe Biden.

  • Wajahat Ali tried to say that his Imam following Muslim scripture and preaching against gays was influenced by Republican propaganda.

  • After Susanna Gibson was disgraced by the revelations of producing live porn for customers and losing her election bid, Politico allowed her to claim her videos were leaked and that she had been a victim of revenge porn.


WINNER: Simrin Singh - CBS News

In an attempt to underscore how intolerant Ron DeSantis' laws are towards the LGBT𝜋 community, they featured former NBA star Dwayne Wade needing to move from Florida because their child is non-binary and not accepted. The problem is Wade had moved to California for his wife’s career in entertainment - in 2019.

The Jenn Rubin Honor - (Distinguished reporting that contradicts prior reporting, sponsored by BleachBit)

Jennifer is so renowned for making proclamations that contradict her own prior positions that we had to retire her from competition and name an award in her name.

  • Dana Bash claimed she never spoke to a Democrat supporting late-term abortions. She spoke with John Fetterman, who said he supports late-term abortions.

  • After boldly declaring it would not use the term “terrorism” for Hamas violence, the BBC reported on a Hamas-sympathizing gunman killing soccer fans in Brussels and freely called it an act of terror.

  • At CBS News, Scott MacFarlane reported on the IRS announcing it would audit Venmo payments of $600 and up. There were zero comments made about how this was in defiance of the administration pledging it would not target these small transactions — as reported by CBS News.

  • Jen Psaki spent days trying to unravel her claim that no Democrats support abortion up to the day of birth after she was reminded as WH spokesperson she backed a bill that would provide that very access.


WINNER: The Associated Press

After rewriting the definition of “insurrection” previously in order to qualify the January 6 riot, the AP went back and revised that definition in order to avoid including instances of Democrats committing the same acts inside state capitols.

The Norm Crosby Honor - (Distinguished quotations in news)

  • Joe Scarborough - MSNBC (complaining about 80-year-old Joe Biden's election team): “His campaign operation, I don't know if everybody is over 80 in his campaign operation, but his campaign operation…”

  • Mike Allen and Elenore Hawkins - Axios (on the Bud Light controversy reflecting on America): “For trans people, political issues are a matter of life and death.”

  • Garrett Haake - MSNBC (on the House staging an election for Speaker): “This is a form of election denialism here by some of these Republicans. Remember, McCarthy won a closed-door election back in November. So these members are denying the results of an election, again.”

  • Jen Psaki - MSNBC: “I’m not saying that Trump is a Nazi, but that is the language of Hitler.

WINNER: Amanda Bennett, CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media/VOA

In response to Elon Musk placing the “state-supported media” label on Voice of America, its CEO came out with this defense: “We completely reject the implications of the label ‘government-funded.' Of course we’re government-funded, but it’s potentially misleading.”


The New York Post Prize - (Distinguished accomplishments in headline writing)

  • Wall Street Journal - “The Metaverse Is Quickly Turning Into the Meh-Teverse”

  • People Magazine - “Pregnant Woman Catches 2-Year-Old Boy Who Fell From a Second-Story Window While Walking Her Dog”

  • BBC - “Alleged Former Russian Spy Whale Spotted Off Sweden’s Coast”

  • The Hill (caught using AI for headline about the 3M Corporation) - “3 million laying off 10 percent of workforce amid slowing demand”

WINNER: Daily Star - For a headline you know the interns dared each other to submit, and the editors completely missed

“Great Tits Have Saved Conkers by Gobbling Mini Worms”

Distinguished Photojournalism (sponsored by Polaroid)

  • CBS News and CNN both posted photos of the “weapons cache” found in the home of intelligence leaker Jack Teixeira. They were Airsoft toy guns.

  • On MSNBC, they attempted to mock Ron DeSantis holding his official campaign announcement on Twitter. Despite millions having listened, their report claimed there was a small number at its peak and then posted a graphic showing a significantly higher figure.


  • CNN attempted to join in on the hysteria this summer that we had experienced the hottest month in over 100,000 years. Their dystopian message was only slightly undercut by providing a picture of women bundled up in jackets and sweaters.

  • A McDonald’s customer in Britain said he spotted a “smiling” french fry in his meal. Before he consumed the giddy appetizer, he snapped a photo, and the press saw fit to run this as if it were an actual news story.


In covering the aftermath of the gunfight that took place at the compound of the son of infamous cartel operator El Chapo, Vice provided pictures of the dramatic scene. We are not sure of the need to pump up the drama, but this was less dramatic, considering what the camera shows embedded in a hole is clearly an unfired bullet. 



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