Results for: the big guy

Federal Judge Dismisses Trump's Counterclaim Against Writer He Was Held Liable for Sexually Abusing…ainst-writer-he-was-held-liable-for-sexually-abusing-n788986
– Given the multitude of serious criminal charges facing former President Donald Trump, one might think he’d be of the mind to let lesser … I alluded to the Caroll case as a “lesser issue” in the first paragraph for good reason. … Meanwhile, Joe “The Big Guy” Biden sits in the White House and gloats, as the wheels of justice never quite make it to his doorstep…
Does Trump's Shutdown Decision Disqualify a Future Presidency?
– Trump… My friend, a retired police officer, is a great guy, salt of the earth, etc. … The man isn’t somebody you would hire to do a really big and important job like running the largest hotel conglomerate in the world … Fine, but he also shut down the economy and took the repeated advice of two of the most destructive public health bureaucrats in the
'Oppenheimer' Spends a Lot of Time 'Big Picture' Moralizing and Soft-Pedaling Communists…big-picture-moralizing-and-soft-peddling-communists-n788192
The editing was crisp, and (because I know the sound editor), the soundtrack was terrific—being “big” when it was needed and subtle … But in the movie, a Senator isn’t the bad guy—it is Lewis Strauss, the witness and nominee. … At the tail end of the movie General Leslie Groves, the man who oversaw the Manhattan Project, admits during Oppenheimer’s security…
That Video of Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin That Blows Up Joe Biden's Claims About Firing…shokin-that-blows-up-joe-bidens-claims-about-firing-n788031
– Over the past day, a video featuring remarks from the former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin — the guy Joe Biden bragged … The claim that the investigation had been dormant under him “has nothing to do with the reality of the facts.” … with the rest of what Biden and the Democrats were pitching.…
RedState Weekly Briefing: Bragg Sweats and CNN Frets, While Roseanne Tweaks and Biden Creaks…and-cnn-frets-while-roseanne-tweaks-and-biden-creaks-n788008
– Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of … The one thing I underestimated, in fact, did not see at all is, I had no idea how abjectly stupid the man is.” … gets the more pronounced the problems become.…
The Purpose of Trump and DeSantis
– Yes, he should debate Gavin Newsom, the guy presiding over the failed state, the once great state, the Golden State. … Or maybe he’s just thinking, why grace the smalls with the thermonuclear importance of Mr. Big? … Not to be confused with “The Big Guy”… All of these stories raise the same fundamental question.…
Tucker With Devon Archer, Part 2, Lays out Real Story About Ukrainian Prosecutor, Blows up Dem Spin…l-story-about-ukrainian-prosecutor-blows-up-dem-spin-n787379
– guys realized the value that Hunter might bring in, and they could “get the son of the Vice President on the board.” … “The guy who was going to shut our business down just got fired! Oh no!” Tucker laughed. … Archer then explained how Hunter’s being on the board then became a big news story, and that’s when things started going south – that…
FTC Chair Lina Khan, a Puppet of Big Government Regulation, Lied to Congress to Get the Job…overnment-regulation-lied-to-congress-to-get-the-job-n786931
– We’ve covered his big government shenanigans before. He’s been called out by the U.S. … And this is the guy who hired Lina Khan to the FTC and then basically fast-tracked her to be his replacement when he left for the CFPB … That should be a big red flag for what Khan will ultimately try to do to the country through her position, much as Chopra is doing…
You Know How Desperate They Must Be: Obama Meets With Biden Over Concerns About Trump…be-obama-meets-with-biden-over-concerns-about-trump-n786636
The RealClear Politics average as of Wednesday, Aug. 2, is Biden, by the slimmest of margins, at +0.9, and given how the polls seem … At the lunch, held in late June at the White House residence, Obama promised to do all he could to help the president get reelected … Every time there is a big move/revelation in the Biden scandal, somehow there also seems to be something dropped against Trump.…
Hilarious: Ray Epps' Attorney Points a Finger at Joe Rogan Over Jan. 6 Riot…ttorney-points-a-finger-at-joe-rogan-over-jan-6-riot-n786376
– to go into the Capitol. … he was involved in the planning of the riots. … That’s quite the desperate attempt there to spin for his client. That hot take from Teter had the Internet laughing big time.…
NEW: Tucker Carlson Interview Reveals Joe Biden Was Part of Devon Archer and Hunter Biden's Business Partnership…devon-archer-and-hunter-bidens-business-partnership-n786437
– At the end of the day, he had a career in Washington, graduated Yale Law School, and had a very big network in D.C., and brought that … You’ve gotta be an expert in knowing the guy, and he was an expert in knowing the guy. Who’s “the guy,” Tucker asks. … end of the day.…
DeSantis' Economic Speech - Republican Not Kempian
– It lacked a sense of the big, the vital: “We can’t grow, we won’t grow, we’ll never grow without my vision or plan!” … It criticized the reliance on Wall Street and big corporations and the negative impact of China’s economic dominance. … I don’t know; I love the guy, but color this bleeding-heart Jack Kemp conservative skeptical.…
Biden Is Hiding out at the Beach, but New Video Raises More Questions About His Health…but-new-video-raises-more-questions-about-his-health-n786299
– Among the things that Archer confirmed was that Joe Biden was on the speakerphone at multiple meetings and that he was thebig guy … nature of the indictment against Trump, and the “demagogic” actions of the Special Counsel Jack Smith. … That’s a pretty big majority when he’s allegedly going to be the Democratic nominee.…
The Often Tardy but Never in Doubt RedState Sports Report Returns
– immortal words of that wise sage philosopher Larry the Cable Guy, git’r done. … After spending ten bajillion dollars during the off-season on every big-name player available, the New York Mets, who at the moment … of the recently acquired big names.…
Hunter Biden May Be in More Trouble After What He Told Judge About His Bar Status…rouble-after-what-he-told-judge-about-his-bar-status-n785796
– Archer confirmed Joe Biden was talking on the speakerphone into meetings, and that was thebig guy.” … Given that Hunter and his legal team were already in trouble with the judge over the controversy about the person from their office … from the docket.…
'Everything to Do With My Last Name': Former Business Partner Lays Out Hunter Biden's Business Model…siness-partner-lays-out-hunter-bidens-business-model-n785675
– to talk with the other people in the meeting approximately 20 times. … Andy Biggs (R-AZ) did in Goldman’s spin by revealing Archer also confirmed that Joe Biden was thebig guy” referenced in discussions … Actually I’m planning to give part of the remaining 70% to other Chinese big firms which I’m going to invite to join us, companies…
Democrat Excuses for Joe Biden's Involvement in Hunter Biden's Business Dealings Would Make Bill Clinton Blush…dens-business-dealings-would-make-bill-clinton-blush-n785663
The revelation was so stunning that not even The New York Times could cover it up any longer, with the gray lady instead choosing to … The source says Archer told the Committee that “Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of access to his father. … Then thebig guy,” as mentioned in emails as receiving money, would get his cut for doing his part (Archer testified that thebig
Andy Biggs Reveals the Damning Devon Archer Testimony About the 'Big Guy'…the-damning-devon-archer-testimony-about-the-big-guy-n785505
the Big Guy is,” referencing the nickname for Joe Biden and his importance in the equation of the business. … He said Archer confirmed theBig Guy” term (we’ve speculated on that, and it now appears to have been confirmed). … We’ve written about the Joe Biden being identified as theBig Guy” in the past by others, including Tony Bobulinski.…
Sunday Gun Day I - Great Reading for Shooters
– ’s Arms and Ammunition Manual The Big-Game Rifle Jack O’Connor’s Gun Book The Outdoor Life Shooting Book The Complete Book of Rifles … and Shotguns The Big Game Animals of North America Jack O’Connor’s Big Game Hunts The Shotgun Book The Art of Hunting Big Game in … On hunting rifles, he was a staunch advocate of big guns; he co-developed the .333 OKH Wildcat and was an early proponent of the .338…
USA Today's Ridiculous Spin on Hunter Biden Gets the Drubbing It Deserves…s-spin-on-hunter-biden-gets-the-drubbing-it-deserves-n784734
– I have to say this for the liberal media: They are doing all they can to spin for Joe Biden in the wake of the burgeoning Biden family … Just forget those stories about the big guy, the ten percent, the pictures of Joe Biden meeting with Hunter’s business associates, … The description of Hunter Biden’s crimes as “foibles.” The framing of the story as being actually about Republicans.…
The Media's Hidden Collusion That's Distorting the 2024 Election Campaign…ollusion-thats-distorting-the-2024-election-campaign-n784640
– We have social and news media colluding with Biden officials to censor negative news about the Big Guy and the revelatory, X-rated, … the case.) … We are enduring today the results of this same pattern from the 2020 race.…
Biden's Trilateral Summit Press Conference Is a Mess, He Even Attacks Putting 'America First'
– He's supposed to be the leader of the free world, but he can't do the smallest thing without help and direction.  … Then he didn't seem to know the correct title of Prime Minister Kishida either, the guy that he had just had a meeting with. … The announcer helpfully said he was the "Prime Minister of Japan," and you can hear Biden on the hot mic then trying to correct the
Mary Peltola's Fishing Failure
– Last year, the media made a big deal out of the election of Democrat Mary Peltola in red Alaska, thanks largely to the vagaries of … Alaska is a different sort of place than the rest of the United States. … Here, on the other hand, is a guy who knows how these things work.      …
The GOP Had Better Prove Its Uses and Soon
– Back in December of last year, the GOP voted by majority to fund the Democrat's omnibus bill that would infuse the very agencies that … (READ: It Took a Single Tweet to Prove the GOP and Republican Voters Aren't Friends) The schism within the GOP is pretty evident. … Donald Trump whether you like the guy or plan to vote for him or not.…
Revealing 2018 Hunter Biden Text Demolishes Joe Biden's 'Arm's Length' Defense
– One of the common defenses of the Democrats to the Biden family scandal is to try to put Hunter Biden at arm's length from his father … "Follow the money: all transactions lead to the Big Guy and his money laundering shell games. Joe Biden should be impeached." … to try to work the people at the event. …
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