Results for: hatred

Ivanka Trump Tweets about Religious Tolerance, After Threats on Jewish Community Centers…s-tolerance-after-threats-on-jewish-community-centers-n68156
– “Hatred and hate-motivated violence of any kind have no place in a country founded on the promise of individual freedom.…
Pathetic Misery Pimp To Sue For Right To Rehang Vile Anti-Police Painting
– Clay is of a particularly noxious breed of misery pimps that owes everything he has to promoting division and racial hatred.…
It Looks Like Trump Fans Got Conned by a Self Promoting Scientology Pitch Girl
– In a town and industry that has little love for anything Republican, and plenty of outright disdain and hatred for Donald Trump, Ms…
Jake Tapper Schools Trump On Difference Between News And Conspiracy Theories
– The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred. @MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable.…
President 'I Love Wikileaks!' Trump Is Concerned About Leaks That Helped Oust Michael Flynn
– The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred. @MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable.…
Can You Believe What Don Cheadle Tweeted About Trump's Past Racism?
– Cheadle says his hatred for Trump stems from crass, racist and sexist behavior witnessed by a friend’s father at a golf tournament…
Former President Obama To Receive JFK "Profile In Courage" Award
– Because fomenting racial hatred, breaking our military, and sinking our nation deeper in debt is the greater good, I suppose.…
Read the Absurd Rules for the Silly "Day Without a Woman" Strike Next Week
– iCrlhraapu — Women’s March (@womensmarch) February 27, 2017 These commies are just seething with hatred
Hollywood Is Pro-Immigration Until It Affects Acting Jobs
– Joining in with the unhinged hatred for Donald Trump was a constant stream of activist prolix from celebrities on immigration policy…
Mika Brzezinski Tearfully Says 'We're Nervous' About Trump; Forgets She Helped Him Get Here
– think the establishment and the Stop Trump forces are shooting themselves in the foot because they’re so blindly focused their hatred
College Student Blows Lid Off White Supremacist Dairy Product Conspiracy…ws-lid-off-white-supremacist-dairy-product-conspiracy-n69209
– Damn those evil white people and their desire for black people to have strong bones, not to mention their obvious hatred for the lactose-intolerant…
Ignorant Leftists Organize Mass Screening of 1984 Film to Protest Trump
– resembles the mindset overtaking college campuses where a speaker saying something with which people disagree provokes violence and hatred
Christian Student Challenges Muslim Prof's Claim Jesus Wasn't Crucified, Then Gets Suspended…slim-profs-claim-jesus-wasnt-crucified-gets-suspended-n69668
– This one is spewing hatred at me, derailing class, and just sent me a hateful email threatening me…I want to know if there is a way…
Book Review: "42 Faith"
– Jackie’s mother, Mallie Robinson, is one whom Henry cites as an enormous influence that fostered his ability to return hatred with…
EPA's Request For More Security For Scott Pruitt Is The Prudent Thing To Do…security-for-scott-pruitt-is-the-prudent-thing-to-do-n70523
– “I think it’s prudent given the continuing activities by the left to foment hatred and the reported hostility within the agency from…
Shades of Soviet Oppression, Russian Court Outlaws Gay Putin Memes
– from Rostov who reposted an antiwar report about Ukraine got a two-year suspended sentence and one year of probation for inciting hatred
The First 100 Days: What's the Big Deal?
– We may disagree with them and their policy prescriptions, but this level of disapproval, obstruction and hatred was never seen against…
Trump Says There Is "No Reason Whatsoever" For The Lack Of Peace Between Israel And Palestine
– been hating, enslaving, and killing somebody else for centuries, and the only issue they can seem to coalesce around is an abiding hatred
US Ambassador to Qatar Complains About Having to Do Her Job
– for social conventions and anything approaching gentlemanly behavior seem to have been tossed into a Cuisinart with a vitriolic hatred
John Oliver, Frank Pallone Rhetoric Brings Racist Threats at FCC
– These leftists are doing all they can to incite fear and hatred against Ajit Pai and the Federal Communications Commission.…
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