Results for: democrats should replace

The Rundown on the Georgia Runoff
– One, the Democrats are not going to win the state in 2014. Look no further than DailyKos for the reason why. … In fact, there is a heavily contested race in the 1st District to replace Kingston. … It should be interesting. One thing is for certain — come Wednesday, it is going to get nasty.…
Cook Political Report shifts California-26 from Lean D to Toss-up.
– What should probably worry Brownley more is that the combined total percentage of Republican votes was over 50%.   … In CA-25 Democrats were locked out of the race to replace Buck McKeon.  That seat is now Safe Republican. … The Democrats still haven’t seemed to work out how to work with the new top-two primary system.…
Democrats Deploy Their Mississippi Strategy Against Jody Hice in Georgia
– Jody Hice, the undisputed conservative in the race to replace Congressman Paul Broun, is . . . well . . . a conservative. … In an organized effort, an outside group has begun mailing Democrats absentee ballot applications. … And they should win this district. But in an open runoff, Democrats are going to try to beat us.…
US Chamber of Commerce is not winning
– Sure they supported the now-extinct “Blue Dog Democrats” but when most of them disappeared in the maelstrom of 2010 they were left … Their goal: to replace principled conservatives with candidates who will be more protective of Big Business interests. As U.S. … Simpson’s said that while he’s for “fixing the immigration system,” he says on his website it should happen by making sure “borders…
TN-4: Scott DesJarlais Must Go
– What has long distinguished our party from the Democrats is that we don’t tolerate immorality among our ranks.  … Adultery should not serve as a resume enhancer. … TN-4 should provide us with the first opportunity to throw out a weak incumbent and replace him with one of our guys. …
The Purpose of the Second Amendment
– We know the President understands he is putting Democrats in a terrible spot. … Now he will put the Democrats on the line. … If the 2nd Amendment is to protect the citizenry from even their own government, then the citizenry should be able to be armed.…
Defund Obamacare Now!
– Well, defunding Obamacare at the HHS and IRS should be our request. … Democrats were willing to pass this 2700-page abomination despite the political risks.  … We must all watch this upcoming vote carefully and be prepared to replace some of the ineffective members in upcoming primaries.…
Blueprint NC: How A Shadowy Left-Wing Hydra Plans A Targeted Attack On NC Republicans…wing-hydra-plans-a-targeted-attack-on-nc-republicans-n45477
– According to Civitas Institute, the Foundation’s executive director is indirectly tied to Blueprint NC: It should also be noted that … disappears off the radar screen, one thing is certain, much like the “downfall” of ACORN, more groups like it will spring up to replace … Connections in North Carolina | Civitas Institute Breaking: Obama campaign caught in major NC vote fraud scheme The Colorado Model: The Democrats
Union Briefs for Fri., March 15, 2013: Obama's Purported Labor Dept. Pick Is A Lying Racist...?…13-obamas-purported-labor-dept-pick-is-a-lying-racist-n45635
– your regularly-scheduled Union Briefs for this special report… There’s brouhaha erupting over Barack Obama’s rumored pick to replace … This man has no business heading a major Cabinet Department; instead, he should be swiftly cashiered from all federal government service … , March 15, 2013: Controversial labor researchers providing firepower for min. wage hike President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats
Austerity Cuts vs. Real Entitlement Reform
– Limiting benefits to the chained CPI might be fine for the government option, but it should not replace policies that offer more choices … If Democrats want to put real entitlement reform on the table, then we can talk about paying the ransom of high taxes. …
Fear of the Missing White Voters
– Trende finds about 70,000 Asian voters missing, when in fact Asian turnout was up enough that he should be showing about 575,000 extra … the GOP could start winning national elections on the basis of winning a growing share of the white vote without eroding the Democrats … If you take it at face value, however, the CPS survey has a serious flaw that should be obvious even to a Nobel Prize winner: [T…
We Can’t Even Pass Good Bills Anymore
– They should pass enforcement bills and block funding for Obama’s amnesty programs in budget bills.  … It’s becoming clear that we will never effectively fight the Democrats unless we replace the current crop of leaders in the House and … Why should we continue supporting failed leadership?…
Republicans Declare Soviet Union is Here to Stay
– instead of Ronald Reagan, we’d still be dealing with the Soviet Union.Ronald Reagan was in the minority who thought the Soviets should … Ronald Reagan, it should be pointed out, took every opportunity to undermine the Soviets. … Perhaps he should be reminded of that quote.…
73 Rules For Running For President As A Republican
– We all have our own ideas about who should run and what the substance of their platforms should be. … Gratitude is currency. 68-Every leak from your campaign should help your campaign. … Your running mate should not be a Republican star in the making who isn’t ready for prime time.…
The Conservatives
– We should see for ourselves.RedState’s rule is simple. … But I see no reason to advance on the Democrats with men and women little better than the Democrats they seek to replace. … We conservatives should relish the opportunity to become scalp collectors.…
The Candidate Disappoints
– The public rallied and came out to replace the man the public felt had betrayed them. … We should not want Democrats to beat Republicans. … But then we should not want our Republican leaders to lie to us either and work against us behind closed doors.…
SC-01 Special Election Results Thread; UPDATE: Sanford Wins
– [UPDATE- Moe Lane] Now that the election is over, it is of course necessary to commemorate the way that the DCCC and Democrats have … — Now that it’s after 7pm, the polls have closed in South Carolina for the First Congressional District’s special election to replace … We should know who the winner is within a couple of hours. Use this thread to discuss the results.…
Union Bosses Demand Nuclear Option On Obama's Flawed NLRB & Labor Nominations…deman-nuclear-option-on-obamas-nlrb-labor-nominations-n46033
– With so many scandals in Washington these days, Senate Democrats may be about to add more fuel to conservatives’ fire at the behest … Senate as union bosses demand that Harry Reid and his fellow union dues-funded Democrats go to bat for Barack Obama’s deeply-flawed … The labor officials demanded that Democrats break the logjam by stripping Republicans of the ability to filibuster.…
PPP on the Brown-Warren Senate Race: A Polling Post-Mortem
– release of four public polls and an internal Gabriel Gomez campaign poll in the June 25 Massachusetts special Senate election to replace … Most independents in Massachusetts are not closet Republicans, as the usual strength of statewide Democrats can tell you, but many … But what PPP was reporting was a steady consolidation of Democrats behind Warren as she made the race more ideological and put the…
Tech at Night: American wireless is the best in the world. Rand Paul is getting busy.…ss-is-the-best-in-the-world-rand-paul-is-getting-busy-n46151
– Despite prominent wealthy California Democrats are, you now, Democrats, the Senator is trying to get support there. … I suppose he’s trying to replace his father’s fringe base with left-libertarians. … Should government-sponsored scientific research have mandatory open publication? I think yes.…
Reps. Defazio, Grijalva slavering over Ed Markey's Ranking Membership.
– certain why – Natural Resources is one of those committees where the basic goal of the Republicans is to inflict Maximum Fun on the Democrats … Grijalva are already fighting over who should replace him as the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee. … The two Democratic lawmakers are arguing not only over legislative records and policy positions, but also over the weight that should
Latest “Deal” from the Senate: Pass Amnesty First, Read the Bill Later
– Reminiscent of Obamacare, the lengthy amendment to replace the Gang of 8’s original bill was crafted behind closed doors and introduced … On process alone, we should all vote “no.“  This was by design – the President, Harry Reid and the Gang of 8 preferred all along to … Democrats and the Gang of 8 refused to even consider the merits of that proposal, voting to table it without real consideration. …
We're Breaking Up
– years were tough enough, but I truly thought we could make it when we elected (who we thought were) more principled leaders to replace … On the one side, we have Democrats okay with baby murder and on the other side we have Republicans openly knifing one of their own. … You don’t have to like me but you should know I’m not going away.  If you want an open fight then we shall have one. …
Make ObamaCare defenders know they've been in a fight
– On the contrary, it’s vitally important to make the Democrats cast those votes, and make Obama use that veto pen.  … In fact, some Republicans are so obliging that they won’t even require the Democrats to make their vote and veto threats out loud.  … He should wince when he sees the reaction to such a phony talking point. …
Advancing. Ever Advancing.
– We have an opportunity to replace Mitch McConnell in Kentucky with a better conservative. We should do that. … We have the opportunity to send a strong conservative from North Carolina and we should do that. Same in Colorado. … Grassroots upset about this fight should be encouraged. We’d have never gotten this far with the GOP before 2010.…
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