Results for: democrats should replace

Morning Briefing for November 4, 2010
– The Democrats have been wiped out except among coastal elites and majority-minority districts. … Instead of blaming Senator DeMint, the NRSC duo of John Cornyn and Rob Jesmer, and to a lesser the RNC, should blame themselves.Here … We pushed back against the arrogant, over-spending Congressional Democrats and, by proxy, President Barack Obama.…
Repeal ObamaCare. Then, Let's Do Something Really Radical...Try Freedom.…care-then-lets-do-something-really-radicaltry-freedom-n37341
Democrats and their union coaches have become nothing more (or better) than snake oil salesmen. … We should all have the legal right to purchase health insurance from any insurance company in any state and we should be able use that … And, in healthcare, we can’t just be against ObamaCare, and not be for something to replace it.…
Rep. Eric Cantor submits a health care bill every member of Congress will be able to read…re-bill-every-member-of-congress-will-be-able-to-read-n37493
– If this bill faces any problems in the House, going unread should not be one of them.  … With 242 members, House Republicans should be able to pass the bill easily. … There are 12 Democrats returning for the 112th Congress who opposed the healthcare [sic] bill last March, but two of them — Reps.…
Turner/Weprin tie in NY-09?
– The Hill reports that a GOP-commissioned poll for the special election to replace disgraced Anthony Weiner in NY-09 shows a tie. … under-performing, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that maybe there’s a certain amount of brand damage going on here for the Democrats … Which should not be surprising: the aforementioned Weiner had to resign after it was revealed that he had sent pictures of his genitalia…
Morning Briefing for September 9, 2011
– Alarm Bells at the White House Over David Weprin’s Race in NY-9 Unlike the other New York special election races where the Democrats … them as prognosticators of doom and gloom for the GOP, there’s been radio silence for the most part on the special election to replace … The DCCC just dropped a half-million dollars into a district the Democrats should easily win.The House Majority PAC is suddenly dumping…
Alarm Bells at the White House Over David Weprin's Race in NY-9
– The DCCC just dropped a half-million dollars into a district the Democrats should easily win.The House Majority PAC is suddenly dumping … They should. This was Chuck Schumer’s district and Anthony Weiner’s district and the race is extremely close. … warning sign for Democrats.…
These are the words of a man who should be (Vice) President
– No one should be surprised by what Obama has done, nor should they have been shocked by revealing, non-teleprompted comments such as … Should America bid farewell to exceptional freedom and follow the retreat to European social welfare paternalism … or should we make … Paul Ryan is a man who should be Vice President, and Mitt Romney is the man who should be President.  …
Radical Islam Joins the DNC
– If that is who the DNC is consorting with then all Americans, Democrats should be concerned. … and choose an imam like Siraj Wahhaj who I saw with my own eyes in 1995 seditiously say it his duty and our duty as Muslims to replace … Which means either the Democrats failed to utilize due diligence or they simply didn’t care.  …
Paul Ryan: Winner
– what he had to do — convince independent voters that it is okay to like Obama, okay to have voted for Obama, and okay to want to replace … Instead, his off the cuff remarks put the Democrats on defense for months. … They should be embarrassed, but first they have to get their messiah re-elected.…
Republicans Beclown Themselves With Sequester
– Their absurd gyrations of ideological inconsistency have exposed them to pungent attacks from Democrats.  … I have no problem supporting a bill to replace the defense cuts.  … In order to extract concessions from Republicans, Democrats will force them to accept tax increases in exchange for reinstating the…
The Pigs At Obama's Green Energy Trough
– (Let me digress for a moment, why is it that Democrats look around the world and find America inferior to every country and culture … That a private-equity baron is getting a hearing in the coal fields should give liberals pause. … The point remains: Government, with its inevitable susceptibility to lobbying and favoritism, should not be picking winners and losers…
The Petulant Circus Clown Drowns Out any Substance
– That’s the question anyone viewing the debate on TV should be asking. … He finally took the fight straight to the Democrats and explained what we’ve been illustrating for a long time.  … And we will not try to replace our founding principles. We will reapply our founding principles.”…
A Confession
– I enjoy connecting with other reformed Democrats and sharing stories of the group-think we were a part of, unbeknownst to us at the … That there are so many of us is a large part of why I find it hard to resist debating Democrats today; perhaps I can help them escape … At this point, I should mention that the pick of Paul Ryan was brilliant and I don’t know anyone who felt otherwise.  …
Tech at Night: The Return of the Revenge. Google Motorola deal approved. Spectrum. Skeptical of Telecommunications Act changes.…spectrum-skeptical-of-telecommunications-act-changes-n42221
– Greg Walden’s bill should pass in some form. … So I look very skeptically at the recent push from more than one place to scrap and replace the bill. … It’s part of the “Media Reform” movement, and they have many Democrats in their pockets.…
Judge David Flanagan linked to Scott Walker recall. Twice.
– Quick background, as to why you should care: Judge Flanagan has placed a temporary (although you can count on the Democrats wanting … Normally that wouldn’t be all that big a deal, except that this year the Democrats are openly calling for disrupting the Republican … If they cannot live under their own set of rules, then they should abandon that ruleset and replace it with a viable one.…
Sherrod Brown Compares GOP Governors to Hitler, Stalin
– the dictatorial portion of Sherrod’s rant, and the next day he apologized for stepping in it: “But in speaking about this, I should … No less the Progressive than FDR, patron saint of caring Democrats, knew public unions are an awful idea. … We believe workers should organize and bargain collectively, if they choose. We believe in a minimum wage.…
Tech at Night: Here they go again with the Census. Do not do a comprehensive Communications Act.…e-census-do-not-do-a-comprehensive-communications-act-n47614
– The last couple of times, they wanted to use “statistical sampling” to replace the Constitutionally-mandated direct enumeration in … Innovation, not preferential treatment for big broadcasters, should prevail. … I’m not sure it’s reasonable to say Google should monitor all content on their whole network personally.…
Why This Fight
– The GOP would be better than the Democrats. … The GOP should not just preach small government, but practice it. … We must challenge and replace Republicans. We must fight. We must.…
The National Republican Senatorial Committee Attacks the GOP
– Again, this is why Milton Wolf is running to replace Pat Roberts, who, at 77 years of age, has spent more than half his life in D.C … majority in the Senate rather than to serve as a praetorian guard for entrenched incumbents, it would embrace the opportunity to replace … Republican donors who give to the NRSC expecting them to use their resources attacking Democrats in order to assist Republicans should
The Challengers Under Attack
– They can beat the Democrats in the general election in their states. … But Bevin has failed thus far to present a compelling, positive narrative of himself and why he should be the guy to replace Mitch…
Remarks to Freedom Summit, Manchester NH
– Even 56 percent of Democrats now say big government is the biggest threat to our country. … He should be responding to us! He should be reacting to our ideas. … our ideas are proven. … And we need to replace Common Core with some common sense!  …
The Only Thing You Need to Read Today About the Election
– Demography is only destiny when you party is obsessed with race as the Democrats are. … Your next must read should be this by Charles Krauthammer. … So what should Republicans do? Fight on.…
RSC Spending Plan a Good Start, More is Needed
– Here are some other programs that should be eliminated as we aim for a balanced budget.  … Spending Cuts for FY 2012 (in millions of dollars) Agriculture $15,000 Replace farm subsidies with Farmer Savings Accounts and … Government Ethics 35% 43% National Security 35% 50% Taxes 33% 52% I don’t recall a time when Republicans were leading Democrats
John Conyers fails to make the Ballot in his Michigan District
– The Democrats have no issue with bending the rules a bit in districts where they control things, and if they can get Torricelli on … *=He assumed office on December 13, 1955, after winning a special election to replace his father, John Dingell, Sr., who had passed … Of course, given the Democrats opposition to measures to protect your voting rights like voter ID laws, this shouldn’t be a surprise…
Running against the System
– This has to be about more than just bouncing a couple of particularly smug Democrats out of their seats.   … Partisan revenge without systemic change will bleed off the anger of voters, and replace it with despair.   … Nobody thinks merchants should be able to rip off their customers… so why should they tolerate government ripping off its subjects?…
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