Results for: the big guy

Album Retrospective: Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy by The Refreshments
– Perhaps the band contributed to this by titling the album Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy, which is not exactly the title of a work of … with the rest of the song. … But the more you forget to turn off the album after the Sgt.…
Nationalism Is Hard, But Worth It If You Love America
– of putting on the big boy pants and actually fixing anything. … I also put gas in my car without verifying that the guy who drove the OTR tanker to that particular filling station was a US Citizen … Oh well….I guess if I ever pitched an inning in the big leagues you’d just have to call me #Cucklord_Perry**.…
Bernie Sanders the draft dodger
– Draft boards were not big on drafting married men. He divorced in 1966 and suddenly came to the top of the list. … The unpopularity of the Vietnam War increased both the number and the visibility of conscientious objectors. … As a result, Sanders, unlike people who followed the law, is the guy who actually sent some kid off to Vietnam in his place.  …
Bill Nye not really sure how sex works
– A couple of weeks ago, “Bill Nye the Science Guy”, whose claim on being a scientist is as equally tenuous as his claim to being … a “guy,” did a video for the National Abortion Rights Action League. … You wouldn’t have that shot—the famous shot or shots where the sperm are bumping up against the egg.…
Get Ready: Democrats May be About to Accuse Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct
– They’ve got absolutely nothing on the guy so now it’s time to go for broke. … The contents of the letter have been closely guarded by Sen. … But whispers of what it contains have made the rounds across Capitol Hill over the past week. So what’s in the letter?…
The Anti-Property Mindset the Internet Has Helped Foster - and Expand
The Internet is almost undoubtedly the most expansive, impressive creation in the history of a humanity creating things. … One of the biggest – is the assault on all things property.  … Because the less of the fruits of our labor we get to keep – the more of us will make the determination that work isn’t worth it.…
Christine Ford's Testimony Was Long on Emoting and Lacking in Facts and Consistency
– Here are some highlights: Eh the plane thing isn't a big deal. … She has given five different accounts of the number of people at the party. She can’t remember anything about the incident. … other guy is telling the truth.…
Michael Avenatti Should Lose His Law License Over Kavanaugh Claims
The progressives and their trojan horse of a party must off this guy politically so that no judge who might be pro-life will ever accept … The ends always justify the means with these people. … If it shows up to be a big bag of nothing like the other two, then start the procedure to have him disbarred.…
This Ad From Paul Gosar’s Opponent Is The Most Awkward of 2018 So Far
– Thanksgiving dinner is going to be awkward this year for the Gosars. Dr. … “I think my brother has traded a lot of the values we had at our kitchen table,” said another sister, Joan. … I love the guy, but I wouldn’t vote for my dad for dog catcher.…
Kavanaugh: The Order of Reason vs. The Chaos of Emotion, and Life As The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll
The sounds were deafening. A big wad of emotion reached a fever pitch, and people wanted to get arrested. And did. And why? … The same night, Christine goes to someone’s house. Some guy gropes her. … For Christine, mum is the word. Elvis has a big hit with “That’s Alright, Mama.” Nothing from Christine.…
It Looks Like Christine Ford Has a Perjury Problem
– to have been made by a group-sex aficionado, the next big allegations against Kavanaugh are that a) he drank in high school and college … I was scared of the test itself, but was comfortable that I could tell the information, and the test would reveal whatever it was going … In fact, the only time that word is used in the hearing, according to the transcript, is when Kavanaugh talks about coaching a basketball…
Lindsey Graham: If You Don't Like Me Working With Trump "I Don't Give a Sh*T"
the course of the Kavanaugh circus. … “I trust the President,” Graham added. “I like the President. … “If this is the new norm, you better watch out for your nominees,” Graham told Democrats through the media.…
As the Wheels Come off Christine Ford's Story the Media Starts Focusing on Really Important Stuff…ds-story-media-starts-focusing-really-important-stuff-n95605
– I know guys who cut a jacket off a guy with a k-bar, hung in in the acoustic tiles in a bar and dared him to touch it. … Drug and alcohol abuse are the big factors in any background check. … When I went through mine, the big things they were interested in was drug and alcohol usage and finances.…
Yesterday Was a (Figurative) Call to Arms for Conservatives
– house without warning her of the danger and the two never mentioned the incident again. … If the next nominee…and I predict there will be one before the 2020 election (and I further predict the GOP will not lose the US Senate … Before the hearing, we had this kind of bullsh** from people who are supposed to be the Big-Brain-Thinkers on the center-right Kavanaugh…
This Senior FBI Official Traded Access for Sporting Tickets and What Happened to Him Will Infuriate You…raded-access-sporting-tickets-happened-will-infuriate-n96419
– that the official paid for the tickets, and the senior FBI official provided the OIG with no evidence to show that the official had … Because it is a tight, incestuous little community where the guy being investigated may have had enough dirt on the guy making the … All this action did was send a lesson to the FBI that ethics violations are not a big deal.…
The Arizona Senate Debate Was Mostly Predictable Except for One Moment
The big skirmish is over family separations. If you oppose that as an option, then Sinema is your person. … The Democrats were all over Twitter insisting the Sinema won. … One thing I’ve discovered from years of watching debates is that the guy you’re supporting usually wins (though I still have PTSD from…
The Midterms: South Carolina and South Dakota
– However, and perhaps a sign of that national Democratic apparatus, they picked the wrong guy to be “high on.” … The big issue in this coastal South Carolina district is offshore drilling.   … Regardless, the last time there was an open election in the First District, Sanford, despite the baggage he carried into the race,…
Mitch McConnell Slams 15 Judicial Confirmations Through In Less Than Two Hours and Progressives Aren't Happy…confirmations-less-two-hours-progressives-arent-happy-n96236
– “The progressive grass-roots have awoken to the crisis of Trump’s takeover of the courts, and are not going to tolerate this kind of … “In the coming months and years, these same Democrats will issue outraged statements about the rulings issued by the very judges that … The big takeaway from this is that Schumer isn’t acting like he’s measuring the drapes for the Majority Leader’s office.…
Kanye West Makes a Lot More Sense Than 99.9 Percent of Liberals
– He has to be the freshest, the flyest, the flyest planes, the best factories" … I love everyone, but the campaign ‘I’m with her’ just didn’t make me feel — as a guy … it was something about this hat that made me … You know, I love Hillary…but the campaign “I’m with her,” just didn’t make me feel…like a guy that could play catch with his son.”…
Jon Tester Teaches the NRA What It Means To Be Pro-Gun
– tighter as he heard the sounds of the squeals carrying on the wind, the hooves beating upon the ancient earth as if drumming out theThe more likely reason is desperation. … The NRA rating downgrade has the potential to set off that landslide.…
CBS Anchor Resigns After Defending Brett Kavanaugh on Facebook
– All because of Long’s support for that accused sexual assault guy at the center of march(ing) madness in D.C., Brett Kavanaugh. … Since the diatribe’s publishing, he’d been off the air. … I hope to return to the news business in the future.…
Did The Media And The Democrats Hateful Rhetoric Make Cesar Altieri Sayoc Snap?
– Both the spoken and written word can do all these things and they are part of the weave of our society. … at his poking the Democrats. … and check out my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks plus like Bourbon On The Rocks on Facebook and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2…
But I Thought He was Evil? Trump Attacks the Attacks: 'Despicable'
– a suspect in the Democratic big-wigs mail bombs case. … This guy sounds like someone who believes in justice. What the hey? … It’s certainly not gonna boost the red, as noted by Big Don early in the morning: “Republicans are doing so well in early voting,…
Water Cooler 10/25/18 Open Thread; Make America America Again
– We believe because the other guy wins it doesn’t mean anyone else has to lose. We believe we succeed and fail together. … If a judge was appointed from the left or the right it didn’t matter because either side would be in service of the law. … ” would you believe that we could pull off the miracle of landing on the moon despite the dark times we went through in the 60s ?…
Trump's Montana Rally Has the Media in an Uproar
– “Anybody that can do a body-slam,” the president added, “that’s my kind of guy.” … The disturbing part of Trump’s jokes about Gianforte was the effect on the crowd. … The number of attacks on journalists at the rally was zero. The number of attacks on journalists after the rally was also zero.…
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