Results for: House Freedom Caucus

Marco Rubio And The Tea Party Caucus
– Americans have elected us to be responsible caretakers of their hard-earned money and freedom, and the formation of this caucus gives … When Representative Michele Bachmann spearheaded the Tea Party Caucus in the House, I had mixed emotions. … Even with all this, my opinion about the Tea Party Caucus in both the House and Senate has softened.…
The drive to defund ObamaCare: doomed, but useful
House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) is at it again, producing one of those antiquated “budget” documents that seem so … Now, the math of the Senate and White House is clear for anyone to see.   … s not going to get a budget cleansed of ObamaCare barnacles past the Senate; Marco Rubio will not be able to bully the Democrat caucus
Ohio Senate Republicans Rake in Union Cash
– press conference introducing workplace freedom legislation. … and Michigan both implemented workplace freedom in 2012? … Union bosses – who responded to the introduction of workplace freedom bills by likening House Republicans to Nazis – have given more…
BuzzFeed: If you are opposed to anti-Semitism, you must hate Muslims
– As people in unwavering solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and human rights, we were profoundly disappointed … Of course, Mrs Hirsi’s statements were anti-Semitic, and the Democrats leading the House of Representatives clearly saw it as thus. … insisted that any resolution had to condemn all forms of bigotry, so as not to single out only anti-Semitism and the members of the caucus
Republicans Form "Anti-Socialism Caucus" and Leftists Lose It
– The House has approved the creation of the caucus, and Stewart proudly announced the creation of the caucus on Tuesday via Twitter. … “Just received approval from the House for the formation of the Anti-Socialism Caucus,” he tweeted. … Just received approval from the House for the formation of the Anti-Socialism Caucus.…
Watch: Congressman Hits House Democrats Where It Hurts on Sen Tim Scott, Police Reform…ocrats-where-it-hurts-on-sen-tim-scott-police-reform-n243903
– In a new interview with Fox News Thursday, House Freedom Caucus chairman and Arizona Rep. … The Republican caucus offered life in prison as an alternative, but were rebuffed, Biggs said. … During a press conference this morning, Speaker Pelosi promised to bring the bill to a vote in the House next week.…
Five Days Away
– Neither did Obama’s election or re-election or the rise of the tea party or the House Freedom Caucus or the election of Donald Trump … Then, they lost control of the House. Finally, they lost the White House to, again, Donald Trump of all people. … If Republicans keep the Senate AND the White House, then its time to shore up the local communities and work toward regaining the House
Texas Lawmakers Pass the ‘Save Chick-fil-A’ Bill. Will the Governor Sign it? Here's a Clue…save-chick-fil-a-bill-will-governor-sign-heres-clue-n107526
– Julie Johnson and the LGBTQ Caucus earlier this month. … At the time, House Dem Celia Israel had this to say: “It’s been cloaked in religious freedom, but the genesis, the nexus of this … Monday’s House victory was won 79 to 62, nearly perfectly along party lines. And why’s it even needed?…
AOC Takes Aim at Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden in New Interview
– We’ve seen Pelosi desperately trying to hold back the tide against her own caucus on impeachment for months now. … House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Lesley Stahl: “You have these wings– AOC, and her group on one … The entire argument is just dumb and is a clear affront to free speech and freedom of association.…
Justin Amash Resigns From Group He Helped Found, House Freedom Caucus
– Now comes word that Amash has resigned from the group and the board that he helped create, the House Freedom Caucus. … Justin Amash on Monday stepped down from the conservative House Freedom Caucus less than a month after becoming the first Republican … Amash had been rebuked by the Freedom Caucus after he tweeted his opinion back in May that President Trump should be impeached with…
Revolution, or Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Democrats Today
– The House Freedom Caucus was eventually formed to push the Tea Party agenda legislatively.   … Instead, she believes that she can reign in certain members of her Democratic caucus. … AOC defied Pelosi by bringing up impeachment when the Democratic caucus was asked not to do so.  …
Women's Rights? Biden Pushes Elimination of Legal Recognition of Sexes, Designation of Pro-Life as 'Pregnancy' Discrimination…exes-designates-pro-life-as-pregnancy-discrimination-n330093
– the Equality Act in the House of Representatives yesterday, and I urge Congress to swiftly pass this historic legislation. … The House is expected to vote on the legislation next week. … Outrageously, this act exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.…
Liz Cheney Just Got Some Terrible News From Wyoming Republican Party
– Several of Cheney’s colleagues in the House have also castigated her for her vote. … “We ought to have a second vote,” Jordan, the House Freedom Caucus chair, said. “The conference ought to vote on that.” … The chances of that increase significantly if Cheney is removed from her position in the House GOP Caucus leadership team.…
If the House GOP Conference Doesn't Boot Liz Cheney From Leadership They Will Deserve What Happens Next
– GOP Caucus. … A plugged in House Republican — who is NOT part of the Freedom Caucus and doesn’t want to see Liz Cheney step down — predicts that … So the House GOP must act.…
An Outbreak of Hostilities is Coming to The GOP Caucus in the House -- Kevin McCarthy the Likely Loser…caucus-in-the-house-kevin-mccarthy-the-likely-loser-n319247
– The process is now underway whereby the GOP is likely to undergo a significant change originating in the House Republican caucus, and … the Freedom Caucus against him.  … A takeover of the leadership in the House by Jim Jordan and the MAGA/Freedom Caucus will set the stage for a GOP candidacy in 2024…
Rob Portman to not Seek Re-Election in 2022 -- Does This Create and Opportunity for Jim Jordan in the Senate?…create-and-opportunity-for-jim-jordan-in-the-senate-n316434
– Portman’s reputation in the House was as something of a “budget hawk” who favored comprehensive tax reform.  … Jordan came to Congress in 2006 and was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus.  … He’s regarded as one of the most conservative members of the House, one of Pres.…
Liz Cheney Will Probably Survive but It Won't Mean What the Media Will Tell You It Means…t-it-wont-mean-what-the-media-will-tell-you-it-means-n319480
– When the House Freedom Caucus started circulating a petition to demand a vote on stripping Cheney of her leadership position, political … of the top candidates for that position yet have a majority of House members behind them. … in the House — Kevin McCarthy the Likely Loser…
Democrat Strategist Sums Up Party's Post-Election Circular Firing Squad: 'We're Democrats, We're Morons'
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Socialist Barbie, as I like to call her — arrived on the scene in January 2019 after defeating Democrat Caucus … Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and it was game-on against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the … Fast-forward to this month’s election and the beatdown laid on House Democrats by the GOP — which prompted even House Minority Leader…
Freshman GOP Congresswoman Has Only Been in DC a Week and She's Already Kicking Butt and Taking Names…week-and-shes-already-kicking-butt-and-taking-names-n282014
– Speaking about the beatdown delivered to Pelosi’s House Democrats in the election, Greene said: “I think Speaker Pelosi should see … , as evidenced by unexpected GOP House gains. … Freedom Caucus.…
AOC Shows She Can Be a Star When Playing in Failure Theater
– But it is particularly useful if your party controls the White House and you run the risk of winning. … Now, with a Democrat president on the horizon, House Democrats are discovering that they, too, can play Failure Theater. … For her to move toward a position of power in the Democrat caucus, she is required to be seen as powerful.…
BREAKING: US Senate Passes $900B COVID Relief Bill
– In this case, it was Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi avoiding CNN’s Manu Raju’s questions on exactly why a bill to help families … And there were numerous, other angles you would kick yourself if you missed, including some words of wisdom from GOP House FreedomCaucus member, Rep.…
Year-in-Review: The 2020 List of the 10 Worst Governors in the Nation
– garner favorable mention from the Baltimore Sun than he has been in either building a state party (the number of GOP members in the House … of Delegates has decreased from 50 to 42 under Hogan) or enacting policies to increase personal and economic freedom in Maryland. … These kinds of actions are unacceptable.” — CA Senate GOP Caucus (@SenateRepCaucus) September 4, 2020…
House Freedom Caucus Looks to Bounce Pelosi as Speaker Before the Election…ooks-to-bounce-pelosi-as-speaker-before-the-election-n254628
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, July 31, 2020. … (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) The House Freedom Caucus, a group of GOP Congresspersons have attempted to push Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy … The Freedom Caucus, which has played an integral role in the past in the fights for the Speakership, is attempting to tie moderate…
Elon Musk Levels the Jan. 6 Committee in Reaction to Video Footage
– Tucker Carlson revealed on his show last night after he had been given access to the thousands of hours of footage of that day by House … State Freedom Caucus Network Communications director Greg Price made a list of his takeaway as to what was covered.…
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