Results for: trump libertarian

With the Republican Ship Sinking, There's Never Been a Better Time to Go 3rd Party
– What’s more, even FiveThirtyEight has predicted that Trump has about a 75% chance of losing. … There’s also this election’s dark horse, Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson. … Ron Paul, a libertarian star, has stated that he can’t endorse Johnson because he’s not really a libertarian. I can’t disagree.…
Even if Gary Johnson Doesn't Reach the Debate Stage, the Libertarians are Still Getting a Victory…reach-debate-stage-libertarians-still-getting-victory-n61481
– This in turn has caused both the ranks, and the bank account of the Libertarian party to swell. … Republican and Democratic nominees, Trump and Clinton. … If the Libertarian party can finish well, it can look forward to a spending boost the next election cycle.…
OPINION: The Libertarian Party Should Play Ball With Coalition Politics
– Former President Donald Trump extended an olive branch to the Libertarian Party (LP) at their convention on Saturday. … Plus, I'm not sure how appealing a Libertarian in a cabinet position is... because what Libertarian hopes to become a bureaucrat? … Kudos for Speaking at the Libertarian Convention…
A plea to Gary Johnson: Please play to win
– I used to be pretty in tune with Libertarian Party politics. … You can be the most successful Libertarian Presidential nominee ever. … You can stump Trump, clobber Clinton, and do your nation a great service.…
Romney Wants to See Gary Johnson On the Debate Stage With Trump and Hillary
– Funding and membership for the Libertarian party has gone up in droves, and with that has come nods from figures such as Glenn Beck … While nothing officially came of it, Romney has spoken once again on the subject in a tweet of the Libertarian candidate, saying that … Seeing as how he and Trump are at odds in a very public way, this tweet at least shows that Romney is casting something of a friendly…
Tomi Lahren and The Blaze Reportedly At Odds About Ownership of her Facebook Following
– On March 20, Lahren tweeted that she has “moderate, conservative, and libertarian views.” “I’m human. … Beck, a former Fox News host, shot back at Lahren: “Wait, libertarian views? … Trump is anything but libertarian,” he wrote, while adding the hashtag #intellectualhonesty.…
If the Libertarian Party Was Libertarian, It Would Win Elections
– I consider myself something of a libertarian and as such, I find the ridiculous state of the Libertarian Party (LP) an absolute tragedy … stage, but suffice it to say, the Libertarian Party...isn't. … Until then, my only choice is to drift toward the party that holds more libertarian values than the Libertarian Party does...the Republican…
The ONE Halfway Decent Candidate on Guns in This Race (And Their Skin Ain't Orange)…candidate-on-guns-2016-presidential-second-amendment-n59843
– But Trump is garbage on the issue too. … Johnson praised a Libertarian Party press release calling for an end to gun-free zones. … It’s not Hillary and it’s not Donald Trump. It’s Gary Johnson. Of the Libertarian Party. What a strange year.…
Libertarian Candidate Johnson's Honest Assessment of His Chances
– Apparently, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is more honest and forthright than either of the candidates for the Big Two. … Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson said it’s “game over” on any chance of winning the White House if he does not make it … Johnson would need to be at a 15 percent threshold to join Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the debate stage.…
Justin Amash Is Who He's Always Been, but There Are a Lot of Critics Who Aren't…always-been-but-there-are-a-lot-of-critics-who-arent-n135865
– Anyone who threw their support behind Trump, people in Congress friendly to Trump, or Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination or … Trump? It’s doubtful. At the moment in Michigan, Mr. Biden holds a solid polling advantage over Mr. Trump. … Trump to Mr. Amash. While it’s true that Amash could siphon votes from Trump, the effect is more than likely negligible.…
As Both Parties Are Losing Voters, Gary Johnson Is Winning Them
– But while they’re leaving the party, they aren’t necessarily going with Trump. … Only 9% of the ex-Sanders vote is going to Trump. … But Johnson and the Libertarian party will.…
An open letter to the Libertarian Party delegates- Nominate Austin Petersen, don't make the same mistakes the GOP has made…nominate-austin-petersen-dont-make-mistakes-gop-made-n59034
– It’s certainly the wrong answer for a libertarian to give, which has even hardcore libertarians questioning just how much of a libertarian … This isn’t libertarian, it’s anti-libertarian, and it’s something the delegates at the convention should strongly consider when choosing … Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Mitt Romney.…
Watercooler 1/7/16 Open Thread: NH polling, Another gov runs, UK talks Trump
Libertarian Field Heats Up: – John McAfee is getting competition in his Libertarian run for the presidency.  … PPP says the “establishment split” of four candidates keeps Trump on top. … So, then if Trump starts to deflate, Rubio gets the votes, right? Um, no.…
DC GOP Vice-Chair Resigns Over Trump Nomination, Plans to Vote for Gary Johnson
– He’s moving to the Libertarian ticket, and voting for Gary Johnson. … The division within the Republican party created by Donald Trump has been a great gift to the Libertarians. … said that he helped put the Libertarian party into the national spotlight.…
Shocking Survey: Economists Trust Gary Johnson More Than Donald Trump
– It would appear that more than just the majority of everyday Americans don’t to put their faith in Trump. … According tot he results, while 55% thought Clinton would be the best suited to handle the economy, Gary Johnson beat out Trump in … From MarketWatch: To be fair to Trump, these economists hold views that he’d find distasteful.…
Gary Johnson On the Verge of Appearing On the Debate Stage
– 12% approval after a steady rise in popularity due to the unprecedented unpopularity of both the Republican and Democrat nominees, Trump … Being only 3 points away, Johnson has never been so close, yet so far from making Libertarian party history. … As I’ve stated before, many people aren’t even aware of the Libertarian party’s existence, and its appearance in the national limelight…
The Press Freak-Out Over Javier Milei Has Begun, and It's Absolutely Moronic…r-javier-milei-has-begun-and-its-absolutely-moronic-n2166579
– Milei is, ideologically speaking, fairly libertarian. Do you know who is the furthest thing from a libertarian on the right? … That would be Donald Trump. … Trump is the opposite of that. Milei wants to reform and curtail the welfare state.…
Bernie Bros Open Up to #FeelTheJohnson
– There’s a large push from the Libertarian camp to expand, and it’s aimed right at the sweet spot of the Sanders camp. … Libertarian candidate @GovGaryJohnson: Bernie supporters, how about taking a look at my ticket? … Some have taken to Twitter to voice their hop onto the Libertarian party candidate’s side.…
Whoops: Some Michigan Ballots Going Overseas Are Missing Mike Pence's Name
– Jeremy “Spike” Cohen is the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential nominee. … On the ballot, the Libertarian Party does not have a listed candidate. … how did you replace Mike Pence with the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential nominees name Michigan?…
It's Not Enough That Trump Lose, His Supporters Must Lose Too
– One Trump and two “I’m Not Trump” candidates. … Running against Donald Trump is all the rage, it seems. And why not? … So pretty much the primary argument being made by reluctant Trump voters is just smoke.…
The Difficulty of Mainstreaming Libertarianism
– Like a lot of disaffected Republicans, I spent some time watching the Libertarian Party’s Presidential debate last night. … size and scope of the Federal government; frankly, the Republican party needed to learn from the Libertarians a long time before Trump … The Trump/Clinton phenomenon has given the Libertarian Party an unprecedented chance at national relevance; especially since it looks…
ANOTHER National Poll Shows Trump is Doomed; Gary Johnson Getting Massive Support…ows-trump-doomed-gary-johnson-getting-massive-support-n59822
– By the way, buried in this poll is a bunch of horrible news for Trump. … Nearly as many people think Trump did something “illegal or improper” with Trump University (45%) as think Clinton did something “illegal … , she is actually leading Trump: Yikes.…
Two Different New Polls: 20% of Americans would Vote Third Party over Trump and Clinton
– Both polls showed that such a hypothetical matchup would be a virtual tie between Trump and Clinton, with the third party candidate … Trump: 33 percent. Clinton: 33 percent. Independent candidate: 20 percent. Not sure: 14 percent. … Trump: 34 percent. Clinton: 31 percent. Independent: 21 percent. Not sure: 14 percent.…
Is Bill Weld Going to Drop Off the Libertarian Ticket and Endorse Hillary Clinton?
– The Libertarian Party is on the cusp of having a major impact on electoral politics and making third parties something worthwhile. … Could Libertarian VP candidate renounce his candidacy? … If Weld did drop out, it benefits both Clinton and Trump, and the two party system as a whole.…
Trump Was Booed Relentlessly at the LNC, Here's Why That's a Good Thing for Him…sly-at-the-lnc-heres-why-thats-a-good-thing-for-him-n2174683
– Donald Trump had a "We're no longer in Kansas" moment on Saturday night. …  Trump began his speech with boos and Trump ends his speech with boosConsistent— Acyn (@Acyn) May 26 …  Yes, Trump was booed over and over, but so what?…
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